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Instructions for Filling out Names |
Write the full name (without abbreviation) in the following order:
last (family) name, given names.
Garcia, Paulo de Almeida
Smith, Joe
Cervantes, Maria
The complement of the last name which indicates family link (like
Junior, Senior, Neto, Bisneto, Sobrinho) must be written before the comma.
Carvalho Júnior, Osmar Abílio de
Palmer Jr, John
Composite last name must be written before the comma.
Machado e Silva, Antonio José Ferreira
Gutierres-Cortez, Pablo
Only the initial letters of the names must be in capital, as shown in the above examples.
If the above recommendations are not observed, then URLibService will
try to apply then. For example, if you write the name:
then URLibService will change it into:
Garcia, Paulo de Almeida
If the name is of an organization, then add a trailing comma.
Example: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais,
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