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A expressão de busca foi <secondaryty li and ref section and firstg DPI-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR and y 2012 and isb *>.
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1. Identificação
Tipo de ReferênciaCapítulo de Livro (Book Section)
Código do Detentorisadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S
Última Atualização2012: (UTC) marciana
Repositório de
Última Atualização dos Metadados2018: (UTC) administrator
Chave SecundáriaINPE--/
Chave de CitaçãoAlves:2012:PrInNa
TítuloTwo Cultures, Multiple Theoretical Perspectives: The Problem of Integration of Natural and Social Sciences in Earth System Research
Data de Acesso27 jul. 2024
Tipo SecundárioPRE LI
Número de Arquivos1
Tamanho303 KiB
2. Contextualização
AutorAlves, Diógenes S.
AfiliaçãoInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
EditorYoung, Stephen S.
Silvern, Steven E.
Título do LivroInternational Perspectives on Global Environmental Change
Editora (Publisher)InTech
Título da SérieEnvironmental Sciences
Histórico (UTC)2012-02-23 13:18:23 :: marciana -> administrator :: 2012
2012-07-17 22:41:22 :: administrator -> marciana :: 2012
2012-07-24 19:45:51 :: marciana -> administrator :: 2012
2018-06-05 04:12:25 :: administrator -> marciana :: 2012
3. Conteúdo e estrutura
É a matriz ou uma cópia?é a matriz
Estágio do Conteúdoconcluido
Tipo do ConteúdoExternal Contribution
Palavras-ChaveEnvironmental Sciences
ResumoEnvironmental change is increasingly considered a critical topic for researchers across multiple disciplines, as well as policy makers throughout the world. Mounting evidence shows that environments in every part of the globe are undergoing tremendous human-induced change. Population growth, urbanization and the expansion of the global economy are putting increasing pressure on ecosystems around the planet. To understand the causes and consequences of environmental change, the contributors to this book employ spatial and non-spatial data, diverse theoretical perspectives and cutting edge research tools such as GIS, remote sensing and other relevant technologies. International Perspectives on Global Environmental Change brings together research from around the world to explore the complexities of contemporary, and historical environmental change. As an InTech open source publication current and cutting edge research methodologies and research results are quickly published for the academic policy-making communities. Dimensions of environmental change explored in this volume include: Climate change Historical environmental change Biological responses to environmental change Land use and land cover change Policy and management for environmental change.
ÁreaSRE > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção anterior à 2021 > DIDPI > Two Cultures, Multiple...
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InTech-Two_cultures_multiple_theoretical_perspectives_the_problem_of_integration_of_natural_and_social_sciences_in_earth_system_research.txt 23/02/2012 11:17 78.8 KiB 
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7. Controle da descrição
e-Mail (login)marciana

1. Identificação
Tipo de ReferênciaCapítulo de Livro (Book Section)
Código do Detentorisadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S
Repositó   (acesso restrito)
Última Atualização2012: (UTC) lattes
Repositório de
Última Atualização dos Metadados2024: (UTC) lattes
Rótulolattes: 2549014594120288 4 GuimarãesFoDuFrOlCa:2011:StScPr
Chave de CitaçãoGuimarãesFoDuFrOlCa:2012:StScPr
TítuloA study of schistosomiasis prevalence and risk of snail presence spatial distributions using geo-statistical tools
Data de Acesso27 jul. 2024
Tipo SecundárioPRE LI
Número de Arquivos1
Tamanho1489 KiB
2. Contextualização
Autor1 Guimarães, Ricardo José Paula de Souza e
2 Fonseca, Fernanda Rodrigues
3 Dutra, Luciano Vieira
4 Freitas, Corina da Costa
5 Oliveira, Guilherme Corrêa
6 Carvalho, Omar dos Santos
Identificador de Curriculo1
Afiliação1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
2 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
3 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
4 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
5 Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou/FIOCRUZ, Minas Gerais
6 Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou/FIOCRUZ, Minas Gerais
Endereço de e-Mail do Autor1
EditorRokni, M. B.
Endereço de
Título do LivroSchistosomiasis
Editora (Publisher)InTech - Open Access Publisher
CidadeRijeka, Croatia
Histórico (UTC)2011-11-24 11:03:17 :: lattes -> :: 2011
2012-07-16 13:06:02 :: -> administrator :: 2011
2014-10-02 12:17:33 :: administrator -> marciana :: 2011
2016-08-29 11:58:24 :: marciana -> lattes :: 2011
2016-08-29 12:11:00 :: lattes :: 2011 -> 2012
2016-08-30 01:16:55 :: lattes -> administrator :: 2012
2018-06-05 00:01:39 :: administrator -> lattes :: 2012
3. Conteúdo e estrutura
É a matriz ou uma cópia?é a matriz
Estágio do Conteúdoconcluido
Tipo do ConteúdoExternal Contribution
Tipo de Versãopublisher
schistosomaisis. endemic disease
ResumoSchistosomiasis mansoni is an endemic disease, typical of developing countries. In Brazil, schistosomiasis is caused by the etiological agent Schistosoma mansoni, whose intermediate hosts are species of mollusc of the Biomphalaria genus. It is a fact, accepted by almost all the researchers, that S. mansoni was introduced in Brazil by the African slavery trade during the sixteenth century (Almeida Machado, 1982). It was in the northeast of Brazil that the sugar cane found fertile and favourable soil, especially in the coastal plains with their hot and humid climate, where today the states of Pernambuco and Bahia are located. The scarce manpower, obtained from the native Indian, did not meet demand and it was more profitable to import slave labour from Africa. From the mid-sixteenth century (1551-1575) until mid-nineteenth century (1851-1860) about four million slaves arrived in Brazil. This migration started in the main African regions of the west, the east, southwest and Mozambique. Although many regions of Africa supplied slave labour to Brazil, the majority originated from the Congo and Angola. The Portuguese colonization of Angola in the early sixteenth century, enabled the migration of more than two thirds of Africans, from the ports of Luanda, Benguela and Cabinda. During the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, there was a large influx of Africans from the ports of the Bay of Benin (region of Ghana/Nigeria). The Brazilian port of Salvador and Recife received most of the slaves (Klein, 2002), originated from endemic regions of both S. mansoni and S. haematobium infections. However, the absence of an intermediate host for S. haematobium in Brazil was a limiting factor which minimized the later problem in the country (Camargo, 1980). The wetlands used for planting sugar cane almost always follow the rivers banks and streams and the presence of molluscs of the Biomphalaria genus, susceptible to S. mansoni, provided the ideal environmental conditions for the schistosomiasis introduction into the country (Camargo, 1980). The endemic area has remained unchanged for several years, probably due to the shortage at that time of roads and transportation, hampering the population movement (Camargo, 1980). With the entrance of other countries into the sugar trade, sugar production in the northeast of Brazil declined in the early eighteenth century, leading to a decline in demand for slave labour. At that time the gold and diamond rush initiated in the state of Minas Gerais began and thus, with the urgent need of workers for the mines, the first great migratory flow to the gold and diamonds mines brought the slave labour from the northeast to Minas Gerais. It is estimated that one fifth of the population at that time moved to Minas Gerais (Prado Junior, 1986), using the ways of São Francisco (Rey, 1956) as the main access route. It is probable that schistosomiasis also came along with these early migrants. Nowadays, Minas Gerais has 853 municipalities and schistosomiasis is present in 518 of them. According to official data, approximately 12 million people are at risk of disease (SES, 2006).
ÁreaSRE > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção anterior à 2021 > DIDPI > A study of...
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InTech-A_study_of_schistosomiasis_prevalence_and_risk_of_snail_presence_spatial_distributions_using_geo_statistical_tools.pdf 30/01/2012 10:37 1.5 MiB
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5. Fontes relacionadas
Unidades Imediatamente Superiores8JMKD3MGPCW/3EQCCU5
Lista de Itens 11 8
6. Notas
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Campos Vaziosarchivingpolicy archivist callnumber copyholder copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel dissemination doi edition format issn lineage mark mirrorrepository nextedition numberofvolumes orcid parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project rightsholder schedulinginformation secondarydate secondarykey secondarymark serieseditor seriestitle session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarymark tertiarytype translator url volume
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