Relação dos registros faltando na Tabela dos Indicadores Físicos e Operacionais IPUB e IGPUB
Ano de 2008
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[[DisplaySearch {y 2008 and ar met and not ref misc and not {course met or firstg cbe or firstg dae or firstg das or firstg dge or firstg pan or firstg slb or firstg crn or firstg rsu or firstg spg or firstg cpa or firstg cpt-cpt* or firstg dma or firstg dmd or firstg dop or firstg dsa or firstg spu or firstg sss or firstg crc or firstg lac or firstg lap or firstg las or firstg lcp or firstg cpm or firstg crs or firstg dea or firstg dmc or firstg dse or firstg dss or firstg scc or firstg sce or firstg sci or firstg sfm or firstg sgp or firstg cg-cg* or firstg sid or firstg std or firstg sti or firstg lit or firstg acb or firstg dpi or firstg dsr or firstg dgi or firstg amz and {secondaryty pi or secondaryty pn or secondaryty li or secondaryty ln or {secondaryty man and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty ntc and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty pud and not isb * and not ref section} or secondaryty ci or secondary cn or ref report or ref thesis or {ref source and not nex * and repos *2008*} or {ref audiovisual and not par *}}}} no no brief {Número de registros faltando na area MET: ($numberOfEntries)
} {} 0 {} $siteList]]

[[DisplaySearch {y 2008 and ar sre and not ref misc and not conferencen geopantanal and not conferencen geoinfo and not conferencen sbsr 13 and not conferencen ismm 8 and not {course ser or firstg cbe or firstg dae or firstg das or firstg dge or firstg pan or firstg slb or firstg crn or firstg rsu or firstg spg or firstg cpa or firstg cpt-cpt* or firstg dma or firstg dmd or firstg dop or firstg dsa or firstg spu or firstg sss or firstg crc or firstg lac or firstg lap or firstg las or firstg lcp or firstg cpm or firstg crs or firstg dea or firstg dmc or firstg dse or firstg dss or firstg scc or firstg sce or firstg sci or firstg sfm or firstg sgp or firstg cg-cg* or firstg sid or firstg std or firstg sti or firstg lit or firstg acb or firstg dpi or firstg dsr or firstg dgi or firstg amz and {secondaryty pi or secondaryty pn or secondaryty li or secondaryty ln or {secondaryty man and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty ntc and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty pud and not isb * and not ref section} or secondaryty ci or secondary cn or ref report or ref thesis or {ref source and not nex * and repos *2008*} or {ref audiovisual and not par *}}}} no no brief {Número de registros faltando na area SRE: ($numberOfEntries)
} {} 0 {} $siteList]]

[[DisplaySearch {y 2008 and not conferencen ce 2008 and not conferencen ismm 8 and not ref newspaper and not ar met and not ar sre and not ref misc and not {course ast or course ges or course met or course cap or course cmc or course cms or course pcp or course ser or firstg cbe or firstg dae or firstg das or firstg dge or firstg pan or firstg slb or firstg crn or firstg rsu or firstg spg or firstg cpa or firstg cpt-cpt* or firstg dma or firstg dmd or firstg dop or firstg dsa or firstg spu or firstg sss or firstg crc or firstg lac or firstg lap or firstg las or firstg lcp or firstg cpm or firstg crs or firstg dea or firstg dmc or firstg dse or firstg dss or firstg scc or firstg sce or firstg sci or firstg sfm or firstg sgp or firstg cg-cg* or firstg sid or firstg std or firstg sti or firstg lit or firstg acb or firstg dpi or firstg dsr or firstg dgi or firstg amz and {secondaryty pi or secondaryty pn or secondaryty li or secondaryty ln or {secondaryty man and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty ntc and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty pud and not isb * and not ref section} or secondaryty ci or secondary cn or ref report or ref thesis or {ref source and not nex * and repos *2008*} or {ref audiovisual and not par *}}}} no no brief {Número de registros faltando nas outras areas: ($numberOfEntries)
} {} 0 {} $siteList]]