Tabela com os indicadores Físicos e Operacionais IPUB e IGPUB
Ano de 2003
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Unidade Divisão Periódicos c/ ISSN e indexados no SCI Periódicos c/ ISSN e não indexados no SCI Livros c/ ISBN Livros s/ ISBN Capítulos de livros c/ ISBN Capítulos de livros s/ ISBN Eventos c/ ISSN Eventos s/ ISSN Teses e dissertações indexadas no SCD Relatórios indexadas no SCD
    I N I N I N   I N   I N I N    
CEA DAE [[set ceadae1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dae and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadae2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dae and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadae3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dae and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadae4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dae and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadae5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dae and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadae5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dae and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadae5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dae and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadae6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dae and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadae6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dae and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadae6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dae and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadae7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dae and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceadae8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dae and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceadae9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dae and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ceadae10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dae and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ceadae12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dae and y 2003}]]]]
  DAS [[set ceadas1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg das and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadas2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg das and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadas3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg das and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadas4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg das and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadas5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg das and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadas5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg das and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadas5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg das and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadas6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg das and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadas6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg das and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadas6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg das and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadas7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg das and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceadas8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg das and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceadas9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg das and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ceadas10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg das and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ceadas12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg das and y 2003}]]]]
  DGE [[set ceadge1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dge and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadge2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dge and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadge3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dge and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadge4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dge and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceadge5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dge and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadge5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dge and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadge5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dge and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadge6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dge and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadge6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dge and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadge6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dge and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceadge7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dge and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceadge8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dge and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceadge9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dge and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ceadge10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dge and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ceadge12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dge and y 2003}]]]]
  SLB [[set ceaslb1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceaslb2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceaslb3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceaslb4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceaslb5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg slb and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceaslb5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg slb and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceaslb5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg slb and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceaslb6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg slb and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceaslb6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg slb and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceaslb6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg slb and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceaslb7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceaslb8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceaslb9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ceaslb10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg slb and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ceaslb12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg slb and y 2003}]]]]
  SPG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [[set ceaspg11 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref thesis and ar cea and firstg spg and y 2003}]]]] -
CEP ATDCTE [[set cepatdcte1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepatdcte2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepatdcte3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepatdcte4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepatdcte5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg atdcte and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepatdcte5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg atdcte and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepatdcte5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg atdcte and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepatdcte6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg atdcte and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepatdcte6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg atdcte and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepatdcte6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg atdcte and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepatdcte7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cepatdcte8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cepatdcte9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cepatdcte10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg atdcte and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cepatdcte12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg atdcte and y 2003}]]]]
  PAN [[set ceppan1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg pan and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceppan2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg pan and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceppan3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg pan and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceppan4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg pan and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceppan5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg pan and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceppan5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg pan and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceppan5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg pan and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceppan6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg pan and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceppan6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg pan and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceppan6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg pan and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceppan7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg pan and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceppan8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg pan and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceppan9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg pan and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ceppan10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg pan and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ceppan12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg pan and y 2003}]]]]
  CRN [[set cepcrn1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepcrn2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepcrn3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepcrn4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cepcrn5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg crn and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepcrn5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg crn and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepcrn5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg crn and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepcrn6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg crn and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepcrn6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg crn and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepcrn6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg crn and y 2003}]]]] [[set cepcrn7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cepcrn8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cepcrn9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cepcrn10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg crn and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cepcrn12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg crn and y 2003}]]]]
  RSU [[set ceprsu1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceprsu2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceprsu3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceprsu4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceprsu5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg rsu and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceprsu5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg rsu and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceprsu5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg rsu and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceprsu6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg rsu and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceprsu6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg rsu and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceprsu6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg rsu and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceprsu7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceprsu8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceprsu9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ceprsu10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg rsu and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ceprsu12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg rsu and y 2003}]]]]
CES LCP [[set ceslcp1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lcp and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceslcp2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lcp and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceslcp3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lcp and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceslcp4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lcp and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ceslcp5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg lcp and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceslcp5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg lcp and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceslcp5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg lcp and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceslcp6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg lcp and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceslcp6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg lcp and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceslcp6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg lcp and y 2003}]]]] [[set ceslcp7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lcp and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceslcp8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lcp and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ceslcp9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lcp and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ceslcp10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lcp and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ceslcp12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg lcp and y 2003}]]]]
CPT CG [[set cptcg1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg cg and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcg2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg cg and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcg3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg cg and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcg4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg cg and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcg5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg cg and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcg5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg cg and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcg5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg cg and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcg6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg cg and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcg6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg cg and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcg6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg cg and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcg7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg cg and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptcg8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg cg and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptcg9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg cg and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptcg10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg cg and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptcg12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg cg and y 2003}]]]]
  DOP [[set cptdop1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dop and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdop2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dop and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdop3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dop and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdop4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dop and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdop5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dop and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdop5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dop and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdop5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dop and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdop6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dop and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdop6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dop and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdop6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dop and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdop7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dop and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdop8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dop and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdop9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dop and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptdop10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dop and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptdop12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dop and y 2003}]]]]
  CPT [[set cptcpt1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg cpt and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcpt2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg cpt and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcpt3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg cpt and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcpt4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg cpt and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptcpt5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg cpt and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcpt5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg cpt and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcpt5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg cpt and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcpt6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg cpt and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcpt6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg cpt and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcpt6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg cpt and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptcpt7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg cpt and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptcpt8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg cpt and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptcpt9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg cpt and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptcpt10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg cpt and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptcpt12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg cpt and y 2003}]]]]
  LMO [[set cptlmo1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lmo and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlmo2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lmo and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlmo3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lmo and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlmo4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lmo and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlmo5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg lmo and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlmo5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg lmo and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlmo5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg lmo and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlmo6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg lmo and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlmo6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg lmo and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlmo6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg lmo and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlmo7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lmo and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptlmo8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lmo and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptlmo9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lmo and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptlmo10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lmo and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptlmo12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg lmo and y 2003}]]]]
  DMA [[set cptdma1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdma2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdma3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdma4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdma5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dma and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdma5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dma and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdma5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dma and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdma6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dma and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdma6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dma and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdma6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dma and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdma7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdma8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdma9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptdma10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dma and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptdma12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dma and y 2003}]]]]
  DMD [[set cptdmd1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdmd2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdmd3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdmd4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdmd5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dmd and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdmd5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dmd and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdmd5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dmd and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdmd6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dmd and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdmd6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dmd and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdmd6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dmd and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdmd7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdmd8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdmd9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptdmd10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dmd and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptdmd12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dmd and y 2003}]]]]
  DSA [[set cptdsa1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdsa2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdsa3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdsa4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptdsa5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dsa and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdsa5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dsa and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdsa5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dsa and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdsa6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dsa and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdsa6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dsa and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdsa6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dsa and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptdsa7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdsa8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptdsa9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptdsa10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dsa and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptdsa12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dsa and y 2003}]]]]
  LBA [[set cptlba1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlba2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlba3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlba4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cptlba5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg lba and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlba5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg lba and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlba5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg lba and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlba6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg lba and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlba6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg lba and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlba6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg lba and y 2003}]]]] [[set cptlba7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptlba8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cptlba9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cptlba10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg lba and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cptlba12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg lba and y 2003}]]]]
  SPG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [[set cptspg11 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref thesis and ar met and firstg spg and y 2003}]]]] -
CRC CRC [[set crccrc1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg crc and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set crccrc2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg crc and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set crccrc3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg crc and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set crccrc4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg crc and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set crccrc5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg crc and y 2003}]]]] [[set crccrc5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg crc and y 2003}]]]] [[set crccrc5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg crc and y 2003}]]]] [[set crccrc6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg crc and y 2003}]]]] [[set crccrc6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg crc and y 2003}]]]] [[set crccrc6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg crc and y 2003}]]]] [[set crccrc7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg crc and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set crccrc8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg crc and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set crccrc9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg crc and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set crccrc10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg crc and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set crccrc12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg crc and y 2003}]]]]
CRI CRAAM [[set cricraam1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cricraam2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cricraam3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cricraam4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set cricraam5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg craam and y 2003}]]]] [[set cricraam5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg craam and y 2003}]]]] [[set cricraam5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg craam and y 2003}]]]] [[set cricraam6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg craam and y 2003}]]]] [[set cricraam6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg craam and y 2003}]]]] [[set cricraam6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg craam and y 2003}]]]] [[set cricraam7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cricraam8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set cricraam9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set cricraam10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg craam and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set cricraam12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg craam and y 2003}]]]]
CTE LAC [[set ctelac1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lac and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelac2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lac and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelac3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lac and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelac4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lac and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelac5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg lac and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelac5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg lac and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelac5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg lac and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelac6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg lac and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelac6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg lac and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelac6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg lac and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelac7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lac and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ctelac8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lac and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ctelac9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lac and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ctelac10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lac and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ctelac12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg lac and y 2003}]]]]
  LAP [[set ctelap1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lap and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelap2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lap and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelap3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lap and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelap4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lap and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelap5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg lap and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelap5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg lap and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelap5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg lap and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelap6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg lap and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelap6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg lap and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelap6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg lap and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelap7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lap and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ctelap8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lap and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ctelap9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lap and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ctelap10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lap and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ctelap12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg lap and y 2003}]]]]
  LAS [[set ctelas1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg las and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelas2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg las and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelas3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg las and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelas4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg las and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set ctelas5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg las and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelas5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg las and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelas5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg las and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelas6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg las and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelas6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg las and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelas6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg las and y 2003}]]]] [[set ctelas7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg las and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ctelas8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg las and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set ctelas9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg las and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set ctelas10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg las and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set ctelas12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg las and y 2003}]]]]
  SPG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [[set ctespg11 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref thesis and ar comp and firstg spg and y 2003}]]]] -
DIR - [[set dirdir1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set dirdir2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set dirdir3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set dirdir4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set dirdir5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dir and y 2003}]]]] [[set dirdir5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dir and y 2003}]]]] [[set dirdir5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dir and y 2003}]]]] [[set dirdir6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dir and y 2003}]]]] [[set dirdir6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dir and y 2003}]]]] [[set dirdir6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dir and y 2003}]]]] [[set dirdir7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set dirdir8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set dirdir9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set dirdir10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dir and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set dirdir12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dir and y 2003}]]]]
ETE DEA [[set etedea1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dea and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedea2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dea and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedea3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dea and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedea4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dea and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedea5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dea and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedea5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dea and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedea5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dea and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedea6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dea and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedea6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dea and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedea6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dea and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedea7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dea and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etedea8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dea and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etedea9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dea and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set etedea10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dea and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set etedea12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dea and y 2003}]]]]
  DMC [[set etedmc1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dmc and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedmc2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dmc and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedmc3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dmc and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedmc4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dmc and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedmc5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dmc and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedmc5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dmc and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedmc5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dmc and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedmc6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dmc and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedmc6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dmc and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedmc6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dmc and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedmc7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dmc and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etedmc8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dmc and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etedmc9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dmc and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set etedmc10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dmc and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set etedmc12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dmc and y 2003}]]]]
  STA [[set etesta1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesta2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesta3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesta4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesta5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg sta and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesta5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg sta and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesta5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg sta and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesta6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg sta and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesta6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg sta and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesta6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg sta and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesta7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etesta8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etesta9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set etesta10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sta and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set etesta12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg sta and y 2003}]]]]
  DSS [[set etedss1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dss and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedss2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dss and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedss3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dss and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedss4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dss and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etedss5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dss and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedss5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dss and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedss5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dss and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedss6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dss and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedss6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dss and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedss6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dss and y 2003}]]]] [[set etedss7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dss and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etedss8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dss and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etedss9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dss and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set etedss10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dss and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set etedss12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dss and y 2003}]]]]
  CBE [[set etecbe1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etecbe2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etecbe3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etecbe4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etecbe5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg cbe and y 2003}]]]] [[set etecbe5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg cbe and y 2003}]]]] [[set etecbe5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg cbe and y 2003}]]]] [[set etecbe6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg cbe and y 2003}]]]] [[set etecbe6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg cbe and y 2003}]]]] [[set etecbe6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg cbe and y 2003}]]]] [[set etecbe7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etecbe8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etecbe9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set etecbe10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg cbe and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set etecbe12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg cbe and y 2003}]]]]
  EEI [[set eteeei1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set eteeei2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set eteeei3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set eteeei4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set eteeei5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg eei and y 2003}]]]] [[set eteeei5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg eei and y 2003}]]]] [[set eteeei5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg eei and y 2003}]]]] [[set eteeei6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg eei and y 2003}]]]] [[set eteeei6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg eei and y 2003}]]]] [[set eteeei6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg eei and y 2003}]]]] [[set eteeei7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set eteeei8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set eteeei9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set eteeei10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg eei and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set eteeei12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg eei and y 2003}]]]]
  SCE [[set etesce1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesce2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesce3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesce4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set etesce5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg sce and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesce5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg sce and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesce5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg sce and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesce6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg sce and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesce6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg sce and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesce6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg sce and y 2003}]]]] [[set etesce7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etesce8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set etesce9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set etesce10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg sce and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set etesce12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg sce and y 2003}]]]]
  SPG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [[set etespg11 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref thesis and (ar etes or ar comb) and firstg spg and y 2003}]]]] -
LIT LIT [[set litlit1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lit and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set litlit2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lit and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set litlit3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg lit and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set litlit4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg lit and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set litlit5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg lit and y 2003}]]]] [[set litlit5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg lit and y 2003}]]]] [[set litlit5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg lit and y 2003}]]]] [[set litlit6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg lit and y 2003}]]]] [[set litlit6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg lit and y 2003}]]]] [[set litlit6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg lit and y 2003}]]]] [[set litlit7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lit and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set litlit8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lit and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set litlit9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg lit and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set litlit10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg lit and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set litlit12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg lit and y 2003}]]]]
OBT DPI [[set obtdpi1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dpi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdpi2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dpi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdpi3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dpi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdpi4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dpi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdpi5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dpi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdpi5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dpi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdpi5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dpi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdpi6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dpi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdpi6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dpi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdpi6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dpi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdpi7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dpi and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtdpi8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dpi and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtdpi9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dpi and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set obtdpi10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dpi and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set obtdpi12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dpi and y 2003}]]]]
  DSR [[set obtdsr1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dsr and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdsr2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dsr and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdsr3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pi and firstg dsr and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdsr4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty pn and firstg dsr and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdsr5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dsr and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdsr5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dsr and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdsr5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dsr and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdsr6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dsr and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdsr6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dsr and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdsr6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dsr and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdsr7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dsr and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtdsr8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dsr and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtdsr9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ci and firstg dsr and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set obtdsr10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty cn and firstg dsr and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set obtdsr12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dsr and y 2003}]]]]
  DGI [[set obtdgi1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdgi2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdgi3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdgi4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtdgi5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg dgi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdgi5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg dgi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdgi5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg dgi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdgi6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg dgi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdgi6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg dgi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdgi6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg dgi and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtdgi7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtdgi8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtdgi9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set obtdgi10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg dgi and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set obtdgi12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg dgi and y 2003}]]]]
  AMZ [[set obtamz1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtamz2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtamz3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty pi and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtamz4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty pn and y 2003 and not (dissemination websci or dissemination portalcapes)}]]]] [[set obtamz5a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and not ref section and firstg amz and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtamz5b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and not ref section and firstg amz and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtamz5c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref book and not isb * and not ref section and firstg amz and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtamz6a [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty li and isb * and ref section and firstg amz and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtamz6b [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {secondaryty ln or ref book and isb * and ref section and firstg amz and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtamz6c [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref section and not isb * and firstg amz and y 2003}]]]] [[set obtamz7 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtamz8 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and isb *}]]]] [[set obtamz9 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty ci and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] [[set obtamz10 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {firstg amz and secondaryty cn and y 2003 and not isb *}]]]] - [[set obtamz12 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref report and firstg amz and y 2003}]]]]
  SPG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [[set obtspg11 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref thesis and ar sre and firstg spg and y 2003}]]]] -
Sub-total [[set col1 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba1]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc1]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap1]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas1]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea1]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir1]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc1]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta1]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss1]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe1]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei1]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce1]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit1]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi1]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr1]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi1]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz1]]]]]] [[set col2 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba2]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc2]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap2]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas2]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea2]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir2]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc2]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta2]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss2]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe2]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei2]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce2]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit2]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi2]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr2]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi2]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz2]]]]]] [[set col3 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba3]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc3]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap3]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas3]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea3]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir3]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc3]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta3]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss3]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe3]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei3]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce3]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit3]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi3]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr3]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi3]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz3]]]]]] [[set col4 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba4]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc4]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap4]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas4]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea4]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir4]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc4]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta4]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss4]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe4]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei4]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce4]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit4]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi4]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr4]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi4]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz4]]]]]] [[set col5a [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi5a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz5a]]]]]] [[set col5b [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi5b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz5b]]]]]] [[set col5c [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi5c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz5c]]]]]] [[set col6a [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi6a]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz6a]]]]]] [[set col6b [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi6b]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz6b]]]]]] [[set col6c [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi6c]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz6c]]]]]] [[set col7 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba7]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc7]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap7]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas7]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea7]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir7]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc7]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta7]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss7]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe7]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei7]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce7]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit7]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi7]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr7]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi7]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz7]]]]]] [[set col8 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba8]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc8]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap8]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas8]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea8]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir8]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc8]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta8]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss8]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe8]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei8]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce8]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit8]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi8]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr8]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi8]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz8]]]]]] [[set col9 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba9]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc9]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap9]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas9]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea9]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir9]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc9]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta9]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss9]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe9]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei9]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce9]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit9]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi9]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr9]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi9]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz9]]]]]] [[set col10 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba10]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc10]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap10]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas10]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea10]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir10]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc10]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta10]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss10]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe10]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei10]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce10]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit10]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi10]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr10]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi10]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz10]]]]]] [[set col11 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceaspg11]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptspg11]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctespg11]] + [[ExtractNumber $etespg11]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtspg11]]]]]] [[set col12 [[expr [[ExtractNumber $ceadae12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadas12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceadge12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceaslb12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepatdcte12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceppan12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cepcrn12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceprsu12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ceslcp12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcg12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdop12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptcpt12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlmo12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdma12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdmd12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptdsa12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cptlba12]] + [[ExtractNumber $crccrc12]] + [[ExtractNumber $cricraam12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelac12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelap12]] + [[ExtractNumber $ctelas12]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedea12]] + [[ExtractNumber $dirdir12]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedmc12]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesta12]] + [[ExtractNumber $etedss12]] + [[ExtractNumber $etecbe12]] + [[ExtractNumber $eteeei12]] + [[ExtractNumber $etesce12]] + [[ExtractNumber $litlit12]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdpi12]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdsr12]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtdgi12]] + [[ExtractNumber $obtamz12]]]]]]
Total [[expr $col1 + $col2]] [[expr $col3 + $col4]] [[expr $col5a + $col5b]] $col5c [[expr $col6a + $col6b]] $col6c [[expr $col7 + $col8]] [[expr $col9 + $col10]] $col11 $col12
Total-geral [[expr $col1 + $col2 + $col3 + $col4 + $col5a + $col5b + $col5c + $col6a + $col6b + $col6c + $col7 + $col8 + $col9 + $col10 + $col11 + $col12]]