Administrator page for unifying field values
defined in the $mirrorRep mirror
at site $localSite

Last update: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

Field name: $mappingDomainName
Field value range: $fieldValueRange
Search domain: $searchDomain
Secondary Search: $secondarySearch
Mirror: $mirrorRep

The search expression was: $searchExpression

Check the radio button of the correct line (optional).
Check the dark grey box of the lines to be corrected.

Number of items: [ set outputTable [DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $targetValue $sortedFieldName $outputFormat $mirrorRep $referenceType $year x] regexp -all {} $outputTable ]


The search was done looking up in $numberOfActiveSites out of $numberOfSites site(s).
