#! /bin/sh # -*- tcl -*- \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} # impersonal.tcl - export impersonal mail via the web # # (c) 1999 Marshall T. Rose # Hold harmless the author, and any lawful use is allowed. # package require Tcl 8.3 global options # begin of routines that may be redefined in configFile proc tclLog {message} { global options if {([info exists options(debugP)]) && ($options(debugP) > 0)} { puts stderr $message } if {([string first "DEBUG " $message] == 0) \ || ([catch { set fd [open $options(logFile) \ { WRONLY CREAT APPEND }] }])} { return } regsub -all "\n" $message " " message catch { puts -nonewline $fd \ [format "%s %-8.8s %06d %s\n" \ [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%m/%d %T"] \ personal [expr {[pid]%65535}] $message] } catch { close $fd } } # end of routines that may be redefined in configFile proc firstext {mime} { array set props [mime::getproperty $mime] if {[info exists props(parts)]} { foreach part $props(parts) { if {[string compare [firstext $part] ""]} { return $part } } } else { switch -- $props(content) { text/plain - text/html { return $mime } } } } proc sanitize {text} { regsub -all "&" $text {\&} text regsub -all "<" $text {\<} text return $text } proc cleanup {{message ""} {code 500}} { global errorCode errorInfo set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo if {[string compare $message ""]} { tclLog $message catch { puts stdout "HTTP/1.0 $code Server Error Content-Type: text/html Status: 500 Server Error Service Problem

Service Problem

Reason: [sanitize $message]" if {$code == 505} { puts stdout "
[sanitize $einfo]

" } puts stdout "" } } flush stdout exit 0 } if {[catch { set program impersonal package require mbox 1.0 package require mutl 1.0 package require smtp 1.1 package require Tclx 8.0 # move stdin, close stdin/stderr dup [set null [open /dev/null { RDWR }]] stderr set stdin [dup stdin] dup $null stdin close $null fconfigure $stdin -translation crlf fconfigure stdout -translation crlf # parse arguments and initialize environment set program [file tail [file rootname $argv0]] set configFile .${program}-config.tcl set debugP 0 set userName "" for {set argx 0} {$argx < $argc} {incr argx} { set option [lindex $argv $argx] if {[incr argx] >= $argc} { cleanup "missing argument to $option" } set value [lindex $argv $argx] switch -- $option { -config { set configFile $value } -debug { set options(debugP) [set debugP [smtp::boolean $value]] } -user { set userName $value } default { cleanup "unknown option $option" } } } if {[string compare $userName ""]} { if {[catch { id convert user $userName }]} { cleanup "userName doesn't exist: $userName" } if {([catch { file isdirectory ~$userName } result]) \ || (!$result)} { cleanup "userName doesn't have a home directory: $userName" } umask 0077 cd ~$userName } if {![file exists $configFile]} { cleanup "configFile file doesn't exist: $configFile" } source $configFile set options(debugP) $debugP foreach {k v} [array get options] { if {![string compare $v ""]} { unset options($k) } } foreach k [list dataDirectory foldersFile foldersDirectory] { if {![info exists options($k)]} { cleanup "configFile didn't define $k: $configFile" } } if {![file isdirectory $options(dataDirectory)]} { file mkdir $options(dataDirectory) } # crack the request set request "" set eol "" while {1} { if {[catch { gets $stdin line } result]} { cleanup "lost connection" } if {$result < 0} { break } set gotP 0 foreach c [split $line ""] { if {($c == " ") || ($c == "\t") || [ctype print $c]} { if {!$gotP} { append request $eol set gotP 1 } append request $c } } if {!$gotP} { break } set eol "\n" } set request [string tolower $request] set getP 0 foreach param [split $request "\n"] { if {[string first "get " $param] == 0} { set getP 1 if {[catch { lindex [split $param " "] 1 } page]} { cleanup "server supports only HTTP/1.0" 501 } } } if {!$getP} { cleanup "server supports only GET" 405 } if {[string first /news? $page] != 0} { cleanup "page $page unavailable" 504 } foreach param [split [string range $page 6 end] &] { if {[set x [string first = $param]] <= 0} { cleanup "page $request unavailable" 504 } set key [string range $param 0 [expr {$x-1}]] set arg($key) [string range $param [expr {$x+1}] end] } set expires [mime::parsedatetime -now proper] # /news?index=newsgroups OR /news?index=recent if {![catch { set arg(index) } index]} { switch -- $index { newsgroups { set lastN 0 } recent { set lastN -1 } default { cleanup "page $request unavailable" 504 } } catch { set lastN $arg(lastn) } if {[catch { open $options(foldersFile) { RDONLY } } fd]} { cleanup $fd 505 } set folders "" set suffix [lindex [set prefix [file split \ $options(foldersDirectory)]] \ end] set prefix [eval [list file join] [lreplace $prefix end end]] for {set lineNo 1} {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {incr lineNo} { if {[string first $suffix $line] != 0} { continue } set file [file join $prefix $line] if {[catch { file stat $file stat } result]} { tclLog $result continue } if {![string compare $stat(type) file]} { lappend folders [list [eval [list file join] \ [lrange [file split $line] \ 1 end]] \ $stat(mtime)] } } catch {close $fd } switch -- $index { recent { set folders [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 1 $folders] } default { set folders [lsort -dictionary -increasing -index 0 $folders] } } puts stdout "HTTP/1.0 200 Content-Type: text/html Pragma: no-cache Expires: $expires newsgroups " foreach entry $folders { set folder [lindex $entry 0] set t [fmtclock [set mtime [lindex $entry 1]] "%m/%d %H:%M"] puts stdout "" } puts stdout "
" cleanup } # /news?folder="whatever" if {[catch { set arg(folder) } folder]} { cleanup "page $request unavailable" 504 } foreach p [file split $folder] { if {(![string compare $p ""]) || ([string first . $p] >= 0)} { cleanup "page $request unavailable" 504 } } set file [file join $options(foldersDirectory) $folder] if {([catch { file type $file } type]) \ || ([string compare $type file])} { cleanup "page $request unavailable" 504 } if {[catch { mbox::initialize -file $file } mbox]} { cleanup $mbox 505 } # /news?folder="whatever"&lastN="N" if {![catch { set arg(lastn) } lastN]} { array set props [mbox::getproperty $mbox] if {$lastN < 0} { set diff [expr {-($lastN*86400)}] set last 0 for {set msgNo $props(last)} {$msgNo > 0} {incr msgNo -1} { if {[catch { mbox::getmsgtoken $mbox $msgNo } mime]} { tclLog $mime continue } if {[catch { lindex [mime::getheader $mime Date] 0 } value]} { set value "" } if {![catch { mime::parsedatetime $value rclock } rclock]} { if {$rclock < $diff} { if {$last == 0} { set last $msgNo } set first $msgNo } if {$last == 0} { break } } } if {$last > 0} { set last $props(last) } } elseif {[set first \ [expr {[set last $props(last)]-($lastN+1)}]] <= 0} { set first 1 } puts stdout "HTTP/1.0 200 Content-Type: text/html Pragma: no-cache Expires: $expires $folder" if {$last == 0} { puts stdout "Empty. " cleanup } puts stdout "" for {set msgNo $last} {$msgNo >= $first} {incr msgNo -1} { if {[catch { mbox::getmsgtoken $mbox $msgNo } mime]} { tclLog $mime continue } set date "" catch { set value [lindex [mime::getheader $mime Date] 0] append date [format %02d \ [mime::parsedatetime $value mon]] / \ [format %02d [mime::parsedatetime $value mday]] " " \ [format %02d [mime::parsedatetime $value hour]] : \ [format %02d [mime::parsedatetime $value min]] } if {![string compare $date ""]} { set date "unknown date" } set from "" catch { set from [mutl::firstaddress [mime::getheader $mime From]] catch { unset aprops } array set aprops [lindex [mime::parseaddress $from] 0] set from "$aprops(friendly)" } set subject "" catch { set subject [lindex [mime::getheader $mime Subject] 0] } puts stdout "" } puts stdout "
" cleanup } # /news?folder="whatever"&msgNo="N" if {![catch { set arg(msgno) } msgNo]} { if {[catch { mbox::getmsgtoken $mbox $msgNo } mime]} { cleanup $mime 505 } if {![string compare [set part [firstext $mime]] ""]} { set part $mime } switch -- [set content [mime::getproperty $part content]] { text/plain { regsub -all "\n\n" [mime::getbody $part] "

" body set result "$folder $msgNo $body" } text/html { set result [mime::getbody $part] } default { set result "$folder $msgNo Message is $content. " } } puts stdout "HTTP/1.0 200 Content-Type: text/html $result" cleanup } cleanup "page $request unavailable" 504 } result]} { global errorCode errorInfo set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo if {(![catch { info body tclLog } result2]) \ && ([string compare [string trim $result2] \ {catch {puts stderr $string}}])} { catch { tclLog $result } } if {![string first "POSIX EPIPE" $ecode]} { exit 0 } catch { smtp::sendmessage \ [mime::initialize \ -canonical text/plain \ -param {charset us-ascii} \ -string "$result\n\nerrorCode: $ecode\n\n$einfo"] \ -originator "" \ -header [list From [id user]@[info hostname]] \ -header [list To operator@[info hostname]] \ -header [list Subject "[info hostname] fatal $program"] } cleanup $result } exit 75