# ascaller.tcl - # # A few utility procs that manage the evaluation of a command # or a script in the context of a caller, taking care of all # the ugly details of proper return codes, errorcodes, and # a good stack trace in ::errorInfo as appropriate. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RCS: @(#) $Id: ascaller.tcl,v 1.3 2004/01/15 06:36:12 andreas_kupries Exp $ namespace eval ::control { proc CommandAsCaller {cmdVar resultVar {where {}} {codeVar code}} { set x [expr {[string equal "" $where] ? {} : [subst -nobackslashes {\n ($where)}]}] set script [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands { set $codeVar [catch {uplevel 1 $$cmdVar} $resultVar] if {$$codeVar > 1} { return -code $$codeVar $$resultVar } if {$$codeVar == 1} { if {[string equal {"uplevel 1 $$cmdVar"} \ [lindex [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] end]]} { set $codeVar [join \ [lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 \ end-[expr {4+[llength [split $$cmdVar \n]]}]] \n] } else { set $codeVar [join \ [lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 end-1] \n] } return -code error -errorcode [set ::errorCode] \ -errorinfo "$$codeVar$x" $$resultVar } }] return $script } proc BodyAsCaller {bodyVar resultVar codeVar {where {}}} { set x [expr {[string equal "" $where] ? {} : [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands \ {\n ($where[string map {{ ("uplevel"} {}} \ [lindex [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] end]]}]}] set script [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands { set $codeVar [catch {uplevel 1 $$bodyVar} $resultVar] if {$$codeVar == 1} { if {[string equal {"uplevel 1 $$bodyVar"} \ [lindex [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] end]]} { set ::errorInfo [join \ [lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 end-2] \n] } set $codeVar [join \ [lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 end-1] \n] return -code error -errorcode [set ::errorCode] \ -errorinfo "$$codeVar$x" $$resultVar } }] return $script } proc ErrorInfoAsCaller {find replace} { set info $::errorInfo set i [string last "\n (\"$find" $info] if {$i == -1} {return $info} set result [string range $info 0 [incr i 6]] ;# keep "\n (\"" append result $replace ;# $find -> $replace incr i [string length $find] set j [string first ) $info [incr i]] ;# keep rest of parenthetical append result [string range $info $i $j] return $result } }