## ## This is the file `docstrip.tcl', ## generated with the SAK utility ## (sak docstrip/regen). ## ## The original source files were: ## ## tcldocstrip.dtx (with options: `pkg') ## ## In other words: ## ************************************** ## * This Source is not the True Source * ## ************************************** ## the true source is the file from which this one was generated. ## package require Tcl 8.4 package provide docstrip 1.2 namespace eval docstrip { namespace export extract sourcefrom } proc docstrip::extract {text terminals args} { array set O { -annotate 0 -metaprefix %% -onerror throw -trimlines 1 } array set O $args foreach t $terminals {set T($t) ""} set stripped "" set block_stack [list] set offlevel 0 set verbatim 0 set lineno 0 foreach line [split $text \n] { incr lineno if {$O(-trimlines)} then { set line [string trimright $line " "] } if {$verbatim} then { if {$line eq $endverbline} then { set verbatim 0 continue } elseif {$offlevel} then { continue } append stripped $line \n if {$O(-annotate)>=1} then {append stripped {V "" ""} \n} } else { switch -glob -- $line %%* { if {!$offlevel} then { append stripped $O(-metaprefix)\ [string range $line 2 end] \n if {$O(-annotate)>=1} then { append stripped [list M %% $O(-metaprefix)] \n } } } %<<* { set endverbline "%[string range $line 3 end]" set verbatim 1 continue } %<* { if {![ regexp -- {^%<([*/+-]?)([^>]*)>(.*)$} $line ""\ modifier expression line ]} then { extract,error BADGUARD\ "Malformed guard \"\n$line\n\"" "Malformed guard on line $lineno" continue } regsub -all -- {\\|\{|\}|\$|\[|\]| |;} $expression\ {\\&} E regsub -all -- {,} $E {|} E regsub -all -- {[^()|&!]+} $E {[info exists T(&)]} E if {[catch {expr $E} val]} then { extract,error EXPRERR\ "Error in expression <$expression> ignored"\ "docstrip: $val" set val -1 } switch -exact -- $modifier * { lappend block_stack $expression if {$offlevel || !$val} then {incr offlevel} continue } / { if {![llength $block_stack]} then { extract,error SPURIOUS\ "Spurious end block ignored"\ "Spurious end block " } else { if {[string compare $expression\ [lindex $block_stack end]]} then { extract,error MISMATCH\ "Found instead of\ " } if {$offlevel} then {incr offlevel -1} set block_stack [lreplace $block_stack end end] } continue } - { if {$offlevel || $val} then {continue} append stripped $line \n if {$O(-annotate)>=1} then { append stripped [list - %<-${expression}> ""] \n } } default { if {$offlevel || !$val} then {continue} append stripped $line \n if {$O(-annotate)>=1} then { append stripped\ [list + %<${modifier}${expression}> ""] \n } } } %* {continue}\ {\\endinput} { break } default { if {$offlevel} then {continue} append stripped $line \n if {$O(-annotate)>=1} then {append stripped {. "" ""} \n} } } if {$O(-annotate)>=2} then {append stripped $lineno \n} if {$O(-annotate)>=3} then {append stripped $block_stack \n} } return $stripped } proc docstrip::extract,error {situation message {errmessage ""}} { upvar 1 O(-onerror) onerror lineno lineno switch -- [string tolower $onerror] "puts" { puts stderr "docstrip: $message on line $lineno." } "ignore" {} default { if {$errmessage ne ""} then { error $errmessage "" [list DOCSTRIP $situation $lineno] } else { error $message "" [list DOCSTRIP $situation $lineno] } } } proc docstrip::sourcefrom {name terminals args} { set F [open $name r] if {[llength $args]} then { eval [linsert $args 0 fconfigure $F] } set text [read $F] close $F set oldscr [info script] info script $name set code [catch { uplevel 1 [extract $text $terminals -metaprefix #] } res] info script $oldscr if {$code == 1} then { error $res $::errorInfo $::errorCode } else { return $res } } ## ## ## End of file `docstrip.tcl'.