[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin docidx_lang_faq n 1.0] [copyright {2007 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Documentation tools}] [titledesc {docidx language faq}] [category {Documentation tools}] [description] [para] [section OVERVIEW] [subsection {What is this document?}] This document is currently mainly a placeholder, to be filled with commonly asked questions about the docidx markup language and companions, and their answers. [para] Please report any questions (and, if possible, answers) we should consider for this document in the category [emph doctools] of the [uri {http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883} {Tcllib SF Trackers}]. [section EXAMPLES] [subsection {Where do I find docidx examples?}] We have no direct examples of documents written using docidx markup. However the doctools processor [syscmd dtplite] does generate keyword indices when processing a set of documents written in doctools markup. The intermediate files use docidx markup and are not deleted when generation completes. These files can therefore serve as examples. [para] [syscmd dtplite] is distributed as part of Tcllib, so to get it you need one of [list_begin enumerated] [enum] A CVS snapshot of Tcllib. How to retrieve such a snapshot and the tools required for this are described at [uri http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=12883] [enum] A Tcllib release archive. They are available at [uri http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12883] [list_end] [section {BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK}] This document, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report any such in the category [emph doctools] of the [uri {http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883} {Tcllib SF Trackers}]. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either the package and/or the documentation. [see_also docidx_lang_intro] [see_also docidx_lang_syntax] [see_also docidx_lang_cmdref] [keywords examples faq markup {semantic markup}] [keywords {docidx markup} {docidx language}] [keywords {docidx syntax} {docidx commands}] [manpage_end]