# -*- tcl -*- # statistics.test -- # Test cases for the ::math::statistics package # # Note: # The tests assume tcltest 2.1, in order to compare # floating-point results # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.4;# statistics,linalg! testsNeedTcltest 2.1 support { useLocal math.tcl math useLocal linalg.tcl math::linearalgebra } testing { useLocal statistics.tcl math::statistics } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set ::data_uniform [list 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0] set ::data_missing [list 1.0 1.0 1.0 {} 1.0 {} {} 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0] set ::data_linear [list 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0] set ::data_empty [list {} {} {}] set ::data_missing2 [list 1.0 2.0 3.0 {} 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0] # # Create and register (in that order!) custom matching procedures # proc matchTolerant { expected actual } { set match 1 foreach a $actual e $expected { if { abs($e-$a)>0.0001*abs($e) && abs($e-$a)>0.0001*abs($a) } { set match 0 break } } return $match } proc matchTolerant2 { expected actual } { set match 1 foreach a $actual e $expected { if { abs($e-$a)>0.025*abs($e) && abs($e-$a)>0.025*abs($a) } { set match 0 break } } return $match } proc matchAlmostZero { expected actual } { set match 1 foreach a $actual { if { abs($a)>1.0e-6 } { set match 0 break } } return $match } customMatch tolerant matchTolerant customMatch tolerant2 matchTolerant2 customMatch almostzero matchAlmostZero # # Test cases # test "BasicStats-1.0" "Basic statistics - uniform data" -match tolerant -body { set all_data [::math::statistics::BasicStats all $::data_uniform] } -result [list 1.0 1.0 1.0 [llength $::data_uniform] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] test "BasicStats-1.1" "Basic statistics - empty data" -match glob -body { catch { set all_data [::math::statistics::BasicStats all $::data_empty] } msg set msg } -result "Too*" # # Result must be the same as for 1.0! Hence ::data_empty and ::data_uniform # test "BasicStats-1.2" "Basic statistics - missing data" -match tolerant -body { set all_data [::math::statistics::BasicStats all $::data_missing] } -result [list 1.0 1.0 1.0 [llength $::data_uniform] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] test "BasicStats-1.3" "Basic statistics - linear data - mean" -match tolerant -body { set value [::math::statistics::mean $::data_linear] } -result 5.5 test "BasicStats-1.4" "Basic statistics - linear data - min" -match tolerant -body { set value [::math::statistics::min $::data_linear] } -result 1.0 test "BasicStats-1.5" "Basic statistics - linear data - max" -match tolerant -body { set value [::math::statistics::max $::data_linear] } -result 10.0 test "BasicStats-1.6" "Basic statistics - linear data - number" -match tolerant -body { set value [::math::statistics::number $::data_linear] } -result 10 test "BasicStats-1.7" "Basic statistics - missing data - number" -match tolerant -body { set value [::math::statistics::number $::data_missing2] } -result 10 test "BasicStats-1.8" "Basic statistics - missing data - stdev" -match almostzero -body { set value1 [::math::statistics::stdev $::data_linear] set value2 [::math::statistics::stdev $::data_missing2] expr {abs($value1-$value2)} } -result 0.001 ;# Zero is impossible test "BasicStats-1.9" "Basic statistics - missing data - var" -match almostzero -body { set value1 [::math::statistics::stdev $::data_linear] set value2 [::math::statistics::var $::data_missing2] expr {$value1*$value1-$value2} } -result 0.001 ;# Zero is impossible test "BasicStats-1.10" "Basic statistics - missing data - pstdev" -match almostzero -body { set value1 [::math::statistics::pstdev $::data_linear] set value2 [::math::statistics::pstdev $::data_missing2] expr {abs($value1-$value2)} } -result 0.001 ;# Zero is impossible test "BasicStats-1.11" "Basic statistics - missing data - pvar" -match almostzero -body { set value1 [::math::statistics::pstdev $::data_linear] set value2 [::math::statistics::pvar $::data_missing2] expr {$value1*$value1-$value2} } -result 0.001 ;# Zero is impossible # # This test was added because the calculation of the standard deviation # could fail with uniform data (the difference of two almost equal # values became a small negative number) # # Further extension: more stable computation if the values are very # close together. Due to this change the variance should be independent # of the mean, however large (up to a point) # test "BasicStats-2.1" "Basic statistics - uniform data caused sqrt domain error" -body { set values [list] set count 0 for { set i 0 } { $i < 20 } { incr i } { lappend values 0.6 set value2 [::math::statistics::mean $values] incr count } set count } -result 20 ;# We can finish the loop test "BasicStats-2.2" "Basic statistics - large almost identical values" -match glob -body { catch { set data [list 100001 100002 100003 100004] set result_large [::math::statistics::BasicStats all $data] set data [list 1 2 3 4] set result_small [::math::statistics::BasicStats all $data] matchTolerant [lrange $result_small 3 end] [lrange $result_large 3 end] } msg set msg } -result 1 # # Histograms # test "Histogram-1.0" "Histogram - uniform data" -match glob -body { set values [::math::statistics::histogram {0 2} $::data_uniform] } -result [list 0 [llength $::data_uniform] 0] test "Histogram-1.1" "Histogram - missing data" -match glob -body { set values [::math::statistics::histogram {0 2} $::data_missing] } -result [list 0 [::math::statistics::number $::data_missing] 0] test "Histogram-1.2" "Histogram - linear data" -match glob -body { set values [::math::statistics::histogram {1.5 4.5 9.5} $::data_linear] } -result {1 3 5 1} test "Histogram-1.3" "Histogram - linear data 2" -match glob -body { set values [::math::statistics::histogram {1.5 2.5 10.5} $::data_linear] } -result {1 1 8 0} # # Quantiles # Bug #1272910: related to rounding 0.5 - use different levels instead # because another bug was fixed, return to the original # levels again # test "Quantiles-1.0" "Quantiles - raw data" -match tolerant -body { set values [::math::statistics::quantiles $::data_linear {0.25 0.55 0.95}] } -result {3.0 6.0 10.0} test "Quantiles-1.1" "Quantiles - histogram" -match tolerant -body { set limits {1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0} set data_hist {0 10 20 10 0} set values [::math::statistics::quantiles $limits $data_hist {0.25 0.5 0.9}] } -result {2.0 2.5 3.6} # # Generate histogram limits # test "Limits-1.0" "Limits - based on mean/stdev" -match tolerant -body { set values [::math::statistics::mean-histogram-limits 1.0 1.0 4] } -result {0.0 0.75 1.25 2.0} test "Limits-1.1" "Limits - based on mean/stdev" -match tolerant -body { set values [::math::statistics::mean-histogram-limits 1.0 1.0 9] } -result {-2.0 -1.0 0.0 0.75 1.0 1.25 2.0 3.0 4.0} test "Limits-1.2" "Limits - based on mean/stdev" -match tolerant -body { set values [::math::statistics::mean-histogram-limits 0.0 1.0 11] } -result {-3.0 -2.4 -1.8 -1.2 -0.6 0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0} test "Limits-2.0" "Limits - based on min/max" -match tolerant -body { set values [::math::statistics::minmax-histogram-limits -2.0 2.0 9] } -result {-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0} test "Limits-2.1" "Limits - based on min/max" -match tolerant -body { set values [::math::statistics::minmax-histogram-limits -2.0 2.0 2] } -result {-2.0 2.0} # # To do: design test cases for the following functions: # - t-test-mean # - estimate-mean-stdev # - autocorr # - crosscorr # - linear-model # - linear-residuals # - pdf-* # - cdf-* # - random-* # - histogram-* # # Crude test cases for Student's t test # test "Students-t-test-1.0" "Student's t - same sample" -match glob -body { set sample [::math::statistics::random-normal 0.0 1.0 40] set mean 0.0 set stdev 1.0 set confidence 0.95 set result [::math::statistics::t-test-mean $sample $mean $stdev $confidence] } -result 1 test "Students-t-test-1.1" "Student's t - different sample" -match glob -body { set sample [::math::statistics::random-normal 0.0 1.0 40] set mean 10.0 set stdev 1.0 set confidence 0.95 set result [::math::statistics::t-test-mean $sample $mean $stdev $confidence] } -result 0 test "Students-t-test-1.2" "Student's t - small sample" -match glob -body { set sample [::math::statistics::random-normal 0.0 1.0 2] set mean 2.0 set stdev 1.0 set confidence 0.90 set result [::math::statistics::t-test-mean $sample $mean $stdev $confidence] } -result 1 # # Test private procedures # test "Cdf-toms322-1.0" "TOMS322 - erf(x)" -match tolerant2 -body { set result {} foreach z {4.417 3.891 3.291 2.576 2.241 1.960 1.645 1.150 0.674 0.319 0.126 0.063 0.0125} { set prob [::math::statistics::Cdf-toms322 1 5000 [expr {$z*$z}]] lappend result [expr {1.0-$prob}] } set result } -result {1.e-5 1.e-4 1.e-3 1.e-2 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.250 0.500 0.750 0.900 0.950 0.990 } test "Cdf-toms322-2.0" "TOMS322 - inverse erf(x)" -match tolerant2 -body { set result {} foreach p {0.5120 0.5948 0.7019 0.7996 0.8997 0.9505 0.9901 0.9980 } { set z [::math::statistics::Inverse-cdf-normal 0.0 1.0 $p] lappend result $z } set result } -result {0.03 0.24 0.53 0.84 1.28 1.65 2.33 2.88 } # # Correlation coefficients # test "Correlation-1.0" "Correlation - linear data" -match tolerant -body { set corr [::math::statistics::corr $::data_linear $::data_linear] } -result 1.0 test "Correlation-1.1" "Correlation - linear/uniform" -match almostzero -body { set corr [::math::statistics::corr $::data_linear $::data_uniform] } -result 0.0 # # Test list procedures # proc matchListElements { expected actual } { if { [llength $expected] != [llength $actual] } { return 0 } else { set match 1 foreach a $actual e $expected { if { $a != $e } { set match 0 break } } } return $match } customMatch matchList matchListElements set ::data_list {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} set ::data_pairs {{1 2} {3 4} {5 6} {7 8} {9 10}} test "Filter-1.0" "True filter" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::filter x $::data_list 1] } -result $::data_list test "Filter-1.1" "False filter" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::filter x $::data_list 0] } -result {} test "Filter-1.2" "Even filter" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::filter x $::data_list {$x%2==0}] } -result {2 4 6 8 10} test "Filter-2.1" "filter with parameter" -match matchList -body { set param 3.0 set data [::math::statistics::filter x $::data_list {$x > $param}] } -result {4 5 6 7 8 9 10} test "Map-1.0" "Identity map" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::map x $::data_list {$x}] } -result $::data_list test "Map-1.1" "Is-even map" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::map x $::data_list {$x%2==0}] } -result {0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} test "Map-1.2" "Double map" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::map x $::data_list {$x*2}] } -result {2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20} test "Map-2.1" "map with parameter" -match matchList -body { set param 3.0 set data [::math::statistics::map x $::data_list {$x + $param}] } -result {4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0} test "Samplescount-1.0" "Single sublist" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::samplescount x [list $::data_list]] } -result {10} test "Samplescount-1.1" "List of singleton sublist" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::samplescount x $::data_list] } -result {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1} test "Samplescount-1.2" "Pairs sublist" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::samplescount x $::data_pairs] } -result {2 2 2 2 2} test "Samplescount-1.3" "Select uneven sublist" -match matchList -body { set data [::math::statistics::samplescount x $::data_pairs {$x%2}] } -result {1 1 1 1 1} test "Samplescount-2.1" "Count with parameter" -match matchList -body { set param 3.0 set data [::math::statistics::samplescount x $::data_pairs {$x>$param}] } -result {0 1 2 2 2} test "Median-1.1" "Median - odd number of data" -body { set data {1.0 3.0 2.0} set median [::math::statistics::median $data] } -result 2.0 test "Median-1.2" "Median - even number of data" -body { set data {1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0} set median [::math::statistics::median $data] } -result 1.5 test "Median-1.3" "Median - missing data" -body { set data {1.0 {} 3.0 2.0 1.0 {}} set median [::math::statistics::median $data] } -result 1.5 test "test-2x2-1.0" "Test 2x2" -match tolerant -body { set data [::math::statistics::test-2x2 170 94 30 6] } -result 5.1136364 test "test-xbar-1.0" "Test xbar procedure" -match exact -body { set data {} for { set i 0 } { $i < 500 } { incr i } { lappend data [expr {rand()}] } set limits [::math::statistics::control-xbar $data] set newdata {1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0} set result [::math::statistics::test-xbar $limits $newdata] } -result {0 2} test "test-Rchart-1.0" "Test Rchart procedure" -match exact -body { set data {} for { set i 0 } { $i < 500 } { incr i } { lappend data [expr {rand()}] } set limits [::math::statistics::control-Rchart $data] set newdata {0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 10.0 0.0 10.0 10.0} set result [::math::statistics::test-Rchart $limits $newdata] } -result {0 2} # # Testing for normal distribution # test "Testnormal-1.0" "Determine normality statistic for birth weight data" -match tolerant -body { ::math::statistics::lillieforsFit {72 112 111 107 119 92 126 80 81 84 115 118 128 128 123 116 125 126 122 126 127 86 142 132 87 123 133 106 103 118 114 94} } -result 0.82827415657 test "Testnormal-1.0" "Test birthweight data for normality - 80%" -match tolerant -body { ::math::statistics::test-normal {72 112 111 107 119 92 126 80 81 84 115 118 128 128 123 116 125 126 122 126 127 86 142 132 87 123 133 106 103 118 114 94} 0.80 } -result 1 test "Testnormal-1.0" "Test birthweight data for normality - 95%" -match tolerant -body { ::math::statistics::test-normal {72 112 111 107 119 92 126 80 81 84 115 118 128 128 123 116 125 126 122 126 127 86 142 132 87 123 133 106 103 118 114 94} 0.95 } -result 0 # # Testing multivariate linear regression # # Provide some data test "Testmultivar-1.0" "Ordinary multivariate regression - three independent variables" \ -match tolerant -body { set data { { -.67 14.18 60.03 -7.5} { 36.97 15.52 34.24 14.61} {-29.57 21.85 83.36 -7.} {-16.9 11.79 51.67 -6.56} { 14.09 16.24 36.97 -12.84} { 31.52 20.93 45.99 -25.4} { 24.05 20.69 50.27 17.27} { 22.23 16.91 45.07 -4.3} { 40.79 20.49 38.92 -.73} {-10.35 17.24 58.77 18.78}} # Call the ols routine set results [::math::statistics::mv-ols $data] # Flatten the result (so that we can use the tolerant comparison method) eval concat [eval concat $results] } -result {0.887239767929 0.830859651893 3.33854942057 -1.58346976987 0.0362328113288 32.571621244 1.03305463908 0.237943867401 0.234143883673 19.4700016828 0.810755783819 5.86634305732 -2.16569743834 -1.00124210139 -0.536696631937 0.609162254594 -15.0697565684 80.2129990564} # # pdf/cdf tests - transformed from the contributions by Eric K. Benedict # Cf. the examples. # test "gamma-distribution-1.0" "Test pdf-gamma" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::pdf-gamma 1.5 2.7 3.0] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-gamma 7.5 0.2 30.0] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-gamma 15.0 1.2 2.0]] } -result {0.00263194027271168 0.0302770403110644 2.62677891379834e-07} test "gamma-distribution-1.1" "Test cdf-gamma" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::cdf-gamma 1.9 0.45 2.5] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-gamma 45.0 2.2 32.7]] } -result {0.340299345090375 0.999731419881902} test "poisson-distribution-1.0" "Test pdf-poisson" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::pdf-poisson 100 130] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-poisson 27.2 37] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-poisson 7.3 11.2]] } -result {0.000575252683815462 0.0134122817590761 0.0530940708960824} test "poisson-distribution-1.1" "Test cdf-poisson" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::cdf-poisson 4 7] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-poisson 80 70] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-poisson 4.9 6.2]] } -result {0.948866384207153 0.14338996716003 0.77665467292263} test "chisquare-distribution-1.0" "Test pdf-chisquare" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::pdf-chisquare 3 1.75] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-chisquare 10 2.9] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-chisquare 4 17.45] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-chisquare 2.5 1.8]] } -result {0.219999360547348 0.0216024880121444 0.000708787557977144 0.218446210041615} test "chisquare-distribution-1.1" "Test cdf-chisquare" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::cdf-chisquare 2 3.5] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-chisquare 5 2.2] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-chisquare 5 100] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-chisquare 3.9 4.2] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-chisquare 1 2.0] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-chisquare 3 -2.0]] } -result {0.826226056549555 0.179164030785504 1.0 0.634682741547709 0.842700792949715 0.0} test "students-t-distribution-1.0" "Test pdf-students-t" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::pdf-students-t 1 0.1] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-students-t 0.5 0.1] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-students-t 4 3.2] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-students-t 3 2.0] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-students-t 3 7.5]] } -result {0.315158303152268 0.265700672177405 0.0156821741652879 0.0675096606638929 0.000942291548015668} test "beta-distribution-1.0" "Test pdf-beta" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::pdf-beta 1.3 2.4 0.2] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-beta 1 1 0.5] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-beta 3.7 0.9 0.0] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-beta 1.8 4.2 1.0] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-beta 320 400 0.4] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-beta 500 1 0.2] \ [::math::statistics::pdf-beta 1000 1000 0.50]] } -result {1.68903180472449 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.18192376783860 0.0 35.6780222917086} test "beta-distribution-1.1" "Test cdf-beta" -match tolerant -body { set x [list \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 2.1 3.0 0.2] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 4.2 17.3 0.5] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 500 375 0.7] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 250 760 0.2] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 43.2 19.7 0.6] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 500 640 0.3] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 400 640 0.3] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 0.1 30 0.1] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 0.01 0.03 0.9] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 2 3 0.9999] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 249.9999 759.99999 0.2] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 1000 1000 0.4] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 1000 1000 0.499] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 1000 1000 0.5] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 1000 1000 0.7] \ [::math::statistics::cdf-beta 2 3 0.6]] } -result {0.16220409275804 0.998630771123192 1.0 0.000125234318666948 0.0728881294218269 2.99872547567313e-23 3.07056696205524e-09 0.998641008671625 0.765865005703006 0.999999999996 0.000125237075575121 8.23161135486914e-20 0.464369443974288 0.5 1.0 0.8208} # End of test cases testsuiteCleanup