# graphops.tcl -- # # Operations on and algorithms for graph data structures. # # Copyright (c) 2008 Alejandro Paz , algorithm implementation # Copyright (c) 2008 Andreas Kupries, integration with Tcllib's struct::graph # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: graphops.tcl,v 1.19 2009/09/24 19:30:10 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require Tcl 8.5 package require struct::disjointset ; # Used by kruskal package require struct::prioqueue ; # Used by kruskal, prim package require struct::queue ; # Used by isBipartite?, connectedComponent(Of) package require struct::stack ; # Used by tarjan package require struct::graph ; # isBridge, isCutVertex package require struct::tree ; # Used by BFS # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## namespace eval ::struct::graph::op {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command constructs an adjacency matrix representation of the # graph argument. # Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjacency_matrix # # Note: The reference defines the matrix in such a way that some of # the limitations of the code here are not present. I.e. the # definition at wikipedia deals properly with arc directionality # and parallelism. # # TODO: Rework the code so that the result is in line with the reference. # Add features to handle weights as well. proc ::struct::graph::op::toAdjacencyMatrix {g} { set nodeList [lsort -dict [$g nodes]] # Note the lsort. This is used to impose some order on the matrix, # for comparability of results. Otherwise different versions of # Tcl and struct::graph (critcl) may generate different, yet # equivalent matrices, dependent on things like the order a hash # search is done, or nodes have been added to the graph, or ... # Fill an array for index tracking later. Note how we start from # index 1. This allows us avoid multiple expr+1 later on when # iterating over the nodes and converting the names to matrix # indices. See (*). set i 1 foreach n $nodeList { set nodeDict($n) $i incr i } set matrix {} lappend matrix [linsert $nodeList 0 {}] # Setting up a template row with all of it's elements set to zero. set baseRow 0 foreach n $nodeList { lappend baseRow 0 } foreach node $nodeList { # The first element in every row is the name of its # corresponding node. Using lreplace to overwrite the initial # data in the template we get a copy apart from the template, # which we can then modify further. set currentRow [lreplace $baseRow 0 0 $node] # Iterate over the neighbours, also known as 'adjacent' # rows. The exact set of neighbours depends on the mode. foreach neighbour [$g nodes -adj $node] { # Set value for neighbour on this node list set at $nodeDict($neighbour) # (*) Here we avoid +1 due to starting from index 1 in the # initialization of nodeDict. set currentRow [lreplace $currentRow $at $at 1] } lappend matrix $currentRow } # The resulting matrix is a list of lists, size (n+1)^2 where n = # number of nodes. First row and column (index 0) are node # names. The other entries are boolean flags. True when an arc is # present, False otherwise. The matrix represents an # un-directional form of the graph with parallel arcs collapsed. return $matrix } #Adjacency List #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Procedure creates for graph G, it's representation as Adjacency List. # #In comparison to Adjacency Matrix it doesn't force using array with quite big #size - V^2, where V is a number of vertices ( instead, memory we need is about O(E) ). #It's especially important when concerning rare graphs ( graphs with amount of vertices #far bigger than amount of edges ). In practise, it turns out that generally, #Adjacency List is more effective. Moreover, going through the set of edges take #less time ( O(E) instead of O(E^2) ) and adding new edges is rapid. #On the other hand, checking if particular edge exists in graph G takes longer #( checking if edge {v1,v2} belongs to E(G) in proportion to min{deg(v1,v2)} ). #Deleting an edge is also longer - in proportion to max{ deg(v1), deg(v2) }. # #Input: # graph G ( directed or undirected ). Default is undirected. # #Output: # Adjacency List for graph G, represented by dictionary containing lists of adjacent nodes #for each node in G (key). # #Options: # -weights - adds to returning dictionary arc weights for each connection between nodes, so #each node returned by list as adjacent has additional parameter - weight of arc between him and #current node. # -directed - sets graph G to be interpreted as directed graph. # #Reference: #http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjacency_list # proc ::struct::graph::op::toAdjacencyList {G args} { set arcTraversal "undirected" set weightsOn 0 #options for procedure foreach option $args { switch -exact -- $option { -directed { set arcTraversal "directed" } -weights { #checking if all edges have their weights set VerifyWeightsAreOk $G set weightsOn 1 } default { return -code error "Bad option \"$option\". Expected -directed or -weights" } } } set V [lsort -dict [$G nodes]] #mainloop switch -exact -- $arcTraversal { undirected { #setting up the Adjacency List with nodes foreach v [lsort -dict [$G nodes]] { dict set AdjacencyList $v {} } #appending the edges adjacent to nodes foreach e [$G arcs] { set v [$G arc source $e] set u [$G arc target $e] if { !$weightsOn } { dict lappend AdjacencyList $v $u dict lappend AdjacencyList $u $v } else { dict lappend AdjacencyList $v [list $u [$G arc getweight $e]] dict lappend AdjacencyList $u [list $v [$G arc getweight $e]] } } #deleting duplicated edges foreach x [dict keys $AdjacencyList] { dict set AdjacencyList $x [lsort -unique [dict get $AdjacencyList $x]] } } directed { foreach v $V { set E [$G arcs -out $v] set adjNodes {} foreach e $E { if { !$weightsOn } { lappend adjNodes [$G arc target $e] } else { lappend adjNodes [list [$G arc target $e] [$G arc getweight $e]] } } dict set AdjacencyList $v $adjNodes } } default { return -code error "Error while executing procedure" } } return $AdjacencyList } #Bellman's Ford Algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Searching for shortest paths between chosen node and #all other nodes in graph G. Based on relaxation method. In comparison to Dijkstra #it doesn't assume that all weights on edges are positive. However, this generality #costs us time complexity - O(V*E), where V is number of vertices and E is number #of edges. # #Input: #Directed graph G, weighted on edges and not containing #any cycles with negative sum of weights ( the presence of such cycles means #there is no shortest path, since the total weight becomes lower each time the #cycle is traversed ). Possible negative weights on edges. # #Output: #dictionary d[u] - distances from start node to each other node in graph G. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellman-Ford_algorithm # proc ::struct::graph::op::BellmanFord { G startnode } { #checking if all edges have their weights set VerifyWeightsAreOk $G #checking if the startnode exists in given graph G if {![$G node exists $startnode]} { return -code error "node \"$startnode\" does not exist in graph \"$G\"" } #sets of nodes and edges for graph G set V [$G nodes] set E [$G arcs] #initialization foreach i $V { dict set distances $i Inf } dict set distances $startnode 0 #main loop (relaxation) for { set i 1 } { $i <= ([dict size $distances]-1) } { incr i } { foreach j $E { set u [$G arc source $j] ;# start node of edge j set v [$G arc target $j] ;# end node of edge j if { [ dict get $distances $v ] > [ dict get $distances $u ] + [ $G arc getweight $j ]} { dict set distances $v [ expr {[dict get $distances $u] + [$G arc getweight $j]} ] } } } #checking if there exists cycle with negative sum of weights foreach i $E { set u [$G arc source $i] ;# start node of edge i set v [$G arc target $i] ;# end node of edge i if { [dict get $distances $v] > [ dict get $distances $u ] + [$G arc getweight $i] } { return -code error "Error. Given graph \"$G\" contains cycle with negative sum of weights." } } return $distances } #Johnson's Algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Searching paths between all pairs of vertices in graph. For rare graphs #asymptotically quicker than Floyd-Warshall's algorithm. Johnson's algorithm #uses Bellman-Ford's and Dijkstra procedures. # #Input: #Directed graph G, weighted on edges and not containing #any cycles with negative sum of weights ( the presence of such cycles means #there is no shortest path, since the total weight becomes lower each time the #cycle is traversed ). Possible negative weights on edges. #Possible options: # -filter ( returns only existing distances, cuts all Inf values for # non-existing connections between pairs of nodes ) # #Output: # Dictionary containing distances between all pairs of vertices # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_algorithm # proc ::struct::graph::op::Johnsons { G args } { #options for procedure set displaymode 0 foreach option $args { switch -exact -- $option { -filter { set displaymode 1 } default { return -code error "Bad option \"$option\". Expected -filter" } } } #checking if all edges have their weights set VerifyWeightsAreOk $G #Transformation of graph G - adding one more node connected with #each existing node with an edge, which weight is 0 set V [$G nodes] set s [$G node insert] foreach i $V { if { $i ne $s } { $G arc insert $s $i } } $G arc setunweighted #set potential values with Bellman-Ford's set h [BellmanFord $G $s] #transformed graph no needed longer - deleting added node and edges $G node delete $s #setting new weights for edges in graph G foreach i [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $i] set v [$G arc target $i] lappend weights [$G arc getweight $i] $G arc setweight $i [ expr { [$G arc getweight $i] + [dict get $h $u] - [dict get $h $v] } ] } #finding distances between all pair of nodes with Dijkstra started from each node foreach i [$G nodes] { set dijkstra [dijkstra $G $i -arcmode directed -outputformat distances] foreach j [$G nodes] { if { $i ne $j } { if { $displaymode eq 1 } { if { [dict get $dijkstra $j] ne "Inf" } { dict set values [list $i $j] [ expr {[ dict get $dijkstra $j] - [dict get $h $i] + [dict get $h $j]} ] } } else { dict set values [list $i $j] [ expr {[ dict get $dijkstra $j] - [dict get $h $i] + [dict get $h $j]} ] } } } } #setting back edge weights for graph G set k 0 foreach i [$G arcs] { $G arc setweight $i [ lindex $weights $k ] incr k } return $values } #Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Searching shortest paths between all pairs of edges in weighted graphs. #Time complexity: O(V^3) - where V is number of vertices. #Memory complexity: O(V^2) #Input: directed weighted graph G #Output: dictionary containing shortest distances to each node from each node # #Algorithm finds solutions dynamically. It compares all possible paths through the graph #between each pair of vertices. Graph shouldn't possess any cycle with negative #sum of weights ( the presence of such cycles means there is no shortest path, #since the total weight becomes lower each time the cycle is traversed ). #On the other hand algorithm can be used to find those cycles - if any shortest distance #found by algorithm for any nodes v and u (when v is the same node as u) is negative, #that node surely belong to at least one negative cycle. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd-Warshall_algorithm # proc ::struct::graph::op::FloydWarshall { G } { VerifyWeightsAreOk $G foreach v1 [$G nodes] { foreach v2 [$G nodes] { dict set values [list $v1 $v2] Inf } dict set values [list $v1 $v1] 0 } foreach e [$G arcs] { set v1 [$G arc source $e] set v2 [$G arc target $e] dict set values [list $v1 $v2] [$G arc getweight $e] } foreach u [$G nodes] { foreach v1 [$G nodes] { foreach v2 [$G nodes] { set x [dict get $values [list $v1 $u]] set y [dict get $values [list $u $v2]] set d [ expr {$x + $y}] if { [dict get $values [list $v1 $v2]] > $d } { dict set values [list $v1 $v2] $d } } } } #finding negative cycles foreach v [$G nodes] { if { [dict get $values [list $v $v]] < 0 } { return -code error "Error. Given graph \"$G\" contains cycle with negative sum of weights." } } return $values } #Metric Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) - 2 approximation algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Travelling salesman problem is a very popular problem in graph theory, where #we are trying to find minimal Hamilton cycle in weighted complete graph. In other words: #given a list of cities (nodes) and their pairwise distances (edges), the task is to find #a shortest possible tour that visits each city exactly once. #TSP problem is NP-Complete, so there is no efficient algorithm to solve it. Greedy methods #are getting extremely slow, with the increase in the set of nodes. # #For this algorithm we consider a case when for given graph G, the triangle inequality is #satisfied. So for example, for any three nodes A, B and C the distance between A and C must #be at most the distance from A to B plus the distance from B to C. What's important #most of the considered cases in TSP problem will satisfy this condition. # #Input: undirected, weighted graph G #Output: approximated solution of minimum Hamilton Cycle - closed path visiting all nodes, #each exactly one time. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem # proc ::struct::graph::op::MetricTravellingSalesman { G } { #checking if graph is connected if { ![isConnected? $G] } { return -code error "Error. Given graph \"$G\" is not a connected graph." } #checking if all weights are set VerifyWeightsAreOk $G # Extend graph to make it complete. # NOTE: The graph is modified in place. createCompleteGraph $G originalEdges #create minimum spanning tree for graph G set T [prim $G] #TGraph - spanning tree of graph G #filling TGraph with edges and nodes set TGraph [createTGraph $G $T 0] #finding Hamilton cycle set result [findHamiltonCycle $TGraph $originalEdges $G] $TGraph destroy # Note: Fleury, which is the algorithm used to find our the cycle # (inside of isEulerian?) is inherently directionless, i.e. it # doesn't care about arc direction. This does not matter if our # input is a symmetric graph, i.e. u->v and v->u have the same # weight for all nodes u, v in G, u != v. But for an asymmetric # graph as our input we really have to check the two possible # directions of the returned tour for the one with the smaller # weight. See test case MetricTravellingSalesman-1.1 for an # exmaple. set w {} foreach a [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $a] set v [$G arc target $a] set uv [list $u $v] # uv = <$G arc nodes $arc> dict set w $uv [$G arc getweight $a] } foreach k [dict keys $w] { lassign $k u v set vu [list $v $u] if {[dict exists $w $vu]} continue dict set w $vu [dict get $w $k] } set reversed [lreverse $result] if {[TourWeight $w $result] > [TourWeight $w $reversed]} { return $reversed } return $result } proc ::struct::graph::op::TourWeight {w tour} { set total 0 foreach \ u [lrange $tour 0 end-1] \ v [lrange $tour 1 end] { set uv [list $u $v] set total [expr { $total + [dict get $w $uv] }] } return $total } #Christofides Algorithm - for Metric Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Travelling salesman problem is a very popular problem in graph theory, where #we are trying to find minimal Hamilton cycle in weighted complete graph. In other words: #given a list of cities (nodes) and their pairwise distances (edges), the task is to find #a shortest possible tour that visits each city exactly once. #TSP problem is NP-Complete, so there is no efficient algorithm to solve it. Greedy methods #are getting extremely slow, with the increase in the set of nodes. # #For this algorithm we consider a case when for given graph G, the triangle inequality is #satisfied. So for example, for any three nodes A, B and C the distance between A and C must #be at most the distance from A to B plus the distance from B to C. What's important #most of the considered cases in TSP problem will satisfy this condition. # #Christofides is a 3/2 approximation algorithm. For a graph given at input, it returns #found Hamilton cycle (list of nodes). # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christofides_algorithm # proc ::struct::graph::op::Christofides { G } { #checking if graph is connected if { ![isConnected? $G] } { return -code error "Error. Given graph \"$G\" is not a connected graph." } #checking if all weights are set VerifyWeightsAreOk $G createCompleteGraph $G originalEdges #create minimum spanning tree for graph G set T [prim $G] #setting graph algorithm is working on - spanning tree of graph G set TGraph [createTGraph $G $T 1] set oddTGraph [struct::graph] foreach v [$TGraph nodes] { if { [$TGraph node degree $v] % 2 == 1 } { $oddTGraph node insert $v } } #create complete graph foreach v [$oddTGraph nodes] { foreach u [$oddTGraph nodes] { if { ($u ne $v) && ![$oddTGraph arc exists [list $u $v]] } { $oddTGraph arc insert $v $u [list $v $u] $oddTGraph arc setweight [list $v $u] [distance $G $v $u] } } } #### # MAX MATCHING HERE!!! #### set M [GreedyMaxMatching $oddTGraph] foreach e [$oddTGraph arcs] { if { ![struct::set contains $M $e] } { $oddTGraph arc delete $e } } #operation: M + T foreach e [$oddTGraph arcs] { set u [$oddTGraph arc source $e] set v [$oddTGraph arc target $e] set uv [list $u $v] # Check if the arc in max-matching is parallel or not, to make # sure that we always insert an anti-parallel arc. if {[$TGraph arc exists $uv]} { set vu [list $v $u] $TGraph arc insert $v $u $vu $TGraph arc setweight $vu [$oddTGraph arc getweight $e] } else { $TGraph arc insert $u $v $uv $TGraph arc setweight $uv [$oddTGraph arc getweight $e] } } #finding Hamilton Cycle set result [findHamiltonCycle $TGraph $originalEdges $G] $oddTGraph destroy $TGraph destroy return $result } #Greedy Max Matching procedure, which finds maximal ( not maximum ) matching #for given graph G. It adds edges to solution, beginning from edges with the #lowest cost. proc ::struct::graph::op::GreedyMaxMatching {G} { set maxMatch {} foreach e [sortEdges $G] { set v [$G arc source $e] set u [$G arc target $e] set neighbours [$G arcs -adj $v $u] set noAdjacentArcs 1 lremove neighbours $e foreach a $neighbours { if { $a in $maxMatch } { set noAdjacentArcs 0 break } } if { $noAdjacentArcs } { lappend maxMatch $e } } return $maxMatch } #Subprocedure which for given graph G, returns the set of edges #sorted with their costs. proc ::struct::graph::op::sortEdges {G} { set weights [$G arc weights] # NOTE: Look at possible rewrite, simplification. set sortedEdges {} foreach val [lsort [dict values $weights]] { foreach x [dict keys $weights] { if { [dict get $weights $x] == $val } { set weights [dict remove $weights $x] lappend sortedEdges $x ;#[list $val $x] } } } return $sortedEdges } #Subprocedure, which for given graph G, returns the dictionary #containing edges sorted by weights (sortMode -> weights) or #nodes sorted by degree (sortMode -> degrees). proc ::struct::graph::op::sortGraph {G sortMode} { switch -exact -- $sortMode { weights { set weights [$G arc weights] foreach val [lsort [dict values $weights]] { foreach x [dict keys $weights] { if { [dict get $weights $x] == $val } { set weights [dict remove $weights $x] dict set sortedVals $x $val } } } } degrees { foreach v [$G nodes] { dict set degrees $v [$G node degree $v] } foreach x [lsort -integer -decreasing [dict values $degrees]] { foreach y [dict keys $degrees] { if { [dict get $degrees $y] == $x } { set degrees [dict remove $degrees $y] dict set sortedVals $y $x } } } } default { return -code error "Unknown sort mode \"$sortMode\", expected weights, or degrees" } } return $sortedVals } #Finds Hamilton cycle in given graph G #Procedure used by Metric TSP Algorithms: #Christofides and Metric TSP 2-approximation algorithm proc ::struct::graph::op::findHamiltonCycle {G originalEdges originalGraph} { isEulerian? $G tourvar tourstart # Note: The start node is not necessarily the source node of the # first arc in the tour. The Fleury in isEulerian? may have walked # the arcs against! their direction. See also the note in our # caller (MetricTravellingSalesman). # Instead of reconstructing the start node by intersecting the # node-set for first and last arc, we are taking the easy and get # it directly from isEulerian?, as that command knows which node # it had chosen for this. lappend result $tourstart lappend tourvar [lindex $tourvar 0] set v $tourstart foreach i $tourvar { set u [$G node opposite $v $i] if { $u ni $result } { set va [lindex $result end] set vb $u if { ([list $va $vb] in $originalEdges) || ([list $vb $va] in $originalEdges) } { lappend result $u } else { set path [dict get [dijkstra $G $va] $vb] #reversing the path set path [lreverse $path] #cutting the start element set path [lrange $path 1 end] #adding the path and the target element lappend result {*}$path lappend result $vb } } set v $u } set path [dict get [dijkstra $originalGraph [lindex $result 0]] [lindex $result end]] set path [lreverse $path] set path [lrange $path 1 end] if { [llength $path] } { lappend result {*}$path } lappend result $tourstart return $result } #Subprocedure for TSP problems. # #Creating graph from sets of given nodes and edges. #In option doubledArcs we decide, if we want edges to be #duplicated or not: #0 - duplicated (Metric TSP 2-approximation algorithm) #1 - single (Christofides Algorithm) # #Note that it assumes that graph's edges are properly weighted. That #condition is checked before in procedures that use createTGraph, but for #other uses it should be taken into consideration. # proc ::struct::graph::op::createTGraph {G Edges doubledArcs} { #checking if given set of edges is proper (all edges are in graph G) foreach e $Edges { if { ![$G arc exists $e] } { return -code error "Edge \"$e\" doesn't exist in graph \"$G\". Set the proper set of edges." } } set TGraph [struct::graph] #fill TGraph with nodes foreach v [$G nodes] { $TGraph node insert } #fill TGraph with arcs foreach e $Edges { set v [$G arc source $e] set u [$G arc target $e] if { ![$TGraph arc exists [list $u $v]] } { $TGraph arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $TGraph arc setweight [list $u $v] [$G arc getweight $e] } if { !$doubledArcs } { if { ![$TGraph arc exists [list $v $u]] } { $TGraph arc insert $v $u [list $v $u] $TGraph arc setweight [list $v $u] [$G arc getweight $e] } } } return $TGraph } #Subprocedure for some algorithms, e.g. TSP algorithms. # #It returns graph filled with arcs missing to say that graph is complete. #Also it sets variable originalEdges with edges, which existed in given #graph G at beginning, before extending the set of edges. # proc ::struct::graph::op::createCompleteGraph {G originalEdges} { upvar $originalEdges st set st {} foreach e [$G arcs] { set v [$G arc source $e] set u [$G arc target $e] lappend st [list $v $u] } foreach v [$G nodes] { foreach u [$G nodes] { if { ($u != $v) && ([list $v $u] ni $st) && ([list $u $v] ni $st) && ![$G arc exists [list $u $v]] } { $G arc insert $v $u [list $v $u] $G arc setweight [list $v $u] Inf } } } return $G } #Maximum Cut - 2 approximation algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Maximum cut problem is a problem finding a cut not smaller than any other cut. In #other words, we divide set of nodes for graph G into such 2 sets of nodes U and V, #that the amount of edges connecting U and V is as high as possible. # #Algorithm is a 2-approximation, so for ALG ( solution returned by Algorithm) and #OPT ( optimal solution), such inequality is true: OPT <= 2 * ALG. # #Input: #Graph G #U - variable storing first set of nodes (cut) given by solution #V - variable storing second set of nodes (cut) given by solution # #Output: #Algorithm returns number of edges between found two sets of nodes. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxcut # proc ::struct::graph::op::MaxCut {G U V} { upvar $U _U upvar $V _V set _U {} set _V {} set counter 0 foreach {u v} [lsort -dict [$G nodes]] { lappend _U $u if {$v eq ""} continue lappend _V $v } set val 1 set ALG [countEdges $G $_U $_V] while {$val>0} { set val [cut $G _U _V $ALG] if { $val > $ALG } { set ALG $val } } return $ALG } #procedure replaces nodes between sets and checks if that change is profitable proc ::struct::graph::op::cut {G Uvar Vvar param} { upvar $Uvar U upvar $Vvar V set _V {} set _U {} set value 0 set maxValue $param set _U $U set _V $V foreach v [$G nodes] { if { $v ni $_U } { lappend _U $v lremove _V $v set value [countEdges $G $_U $_V] } else { lappend _V $v lremove _U $v set value [countEdges $G $_U $_V] } if { $value > $maxValue } { set U $_U set V $_V set maxValue $value } else { set _V $V set _U $U } } set value $maxValue if { $value > $param } { return $value } else { return 0 } } #Removing element from the list - auxiliary procedure proc ::struct::graph::op::lremove {listVariable value} { upvar 1 $listVariable var set idx [lsearch -exact $var $value] set var [lreplace $var $idx $idx] } #procedure counts edges that link two sets of nodes proc ::struct::graph::op::countEdges {G U V} { set value 0 foreach u $U { foreach e [$G arcs -out $u] { set v [$G arc target $e] if {$v ni $V} continue incr value } } foreach v $V { foreach e [$G arcs -out $v] { set u [$G arc target $e] if {$u ni $U} continue incr value } } return $value } #K-Center Problem - 2 approximation algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Input: #Undirected complete graph G, which satisfies triangle inequality. #k - positive integer # #Definition: #For any set S ( which is subset of V ) and node v, let the connect(v,S) be the #cost of cheapest edge connecting v with any node in S. The goal is to find #such S, that |S| = k and max_v{connect(v,S)} is possibly small. # #In other words, we can use it i.e. for finding best locations in the city ( nodes #of input graph ) for placing k buildings, such that those buildings will be as close #as possible to all other locations in town. # #Output: #set of nodes - k center for graph G # proc ::struct::graph::op::UnweightedKCenter {G k} { #checking if all weights for edges in graph G are set well VerifyWeightsAreOk $G #checking if proper value of k is given at input if { $k <= 0 } { return -code error "The \"k\" value must be an positive integer." } set j [ expr {$k+1} ] #variable for holding the graph G(i) in each iteration set Gi [struct::graph] #two squared graph G set GiSQ [struct::graph] #sorted set of edges for graph G set arcs [sortEdges $G] #initializing both graph variables foreach v [$G nodes] { $Gi node insert $v $GiSQ node insert $v } #index i for each iteration #we seek for final solution, as long as the max independent #set Mi (found in particular iterations), such that |Mi| <= k, is found. for {set index 0} {$j > $k} {incr index} { #source node of an edge we add in current iteration set u [$G arc source [lindex $arcs $index]] #target node of an edge we add in current iteration set v [$G arc target [lindex $arcs $index]] #adding edge Ei to graph G(i) $Gi arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] #extending G(i-1)**2 to G(i)**2 using G(i) set GiSQ [extendTwoSquaredGraph $GiSQ $Gi $u $v] #finding maximal independent set for G(i)**2 set Mi [GreedyMaxIndependentSet $GiSQ] #number of nodes in maximal independent set that was found set j [llength $Mi] } $Gi destroy $GiSQ destroy return $Mi } #Weighted K-Center - 3 approximation algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #The variation of unweighted k-center problem. Besides the fact graph is edge-weighted, #there are also weights on vertices of input graph G. We've got also restriction #W. The goal is to choose such set of nodes S ( which is a subset of V ), that it's #total weight is not greater than W and also function: max_v { min_u { cost(u,v) }} #has the smallest possible worth ( v is a node in V and u is a node in S ). # #Note: #For more information about K-Center problem check Unweighted K-Center algorithm #description. proc ::struct::graph::op::WeightedKCenter {G nodeWeights W} { #checking if all weights for edges in graph G are set well VerifyWeightsAreOk $G #checking if proper value of k is given at input if { $W <= 0 } { return -code error "The \"W\" value must be an positive integer." } #initilization set j [ expr {$W+1} ] #graphs G(i) and G(i)**2 set Gi [struct::graph] set GiSQ [struct::graph] #the set of arcs for graph G sorted with their weights (increasing) set arcs [sortEdges $G] #initialization of graphs G(i) and G(i)**2 foreach v [$G nodes] { $Gi node insert $v $GiSQ node insert $v } #the main loop - iteration over all G(i)'s and G(i)**2's, #extended with each iteration till the solution is found foreach arc $arcs { #initilization of the set of nodes, which are cheapest neighbours #for particular nodes in maximal independent set set Si {} set u [$G arc source $arc] set v [$G arc target $arc] #extending graph G(i) $Gi arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] #extending graph G(i)**2 from G(i-1)**2 using G(i) set GiSQ [extendTwoSquaredGraph $GiSQ $Gi $u $v] #finding maximal independent set (Mi) for graph G(i)**2 found in the #previous step. Mi is found using greedy algorithm that also considers #weights on vertices. set Mi [GreedyWeightedMaxIndependentSet $GiSQ $nodeWeights] #for each node u in Maximal Independent set found in previous step, #we search for its cheapest ( considering costs at vertices ) neighbour. #Note that node u is considered as it is a neighbour for itself. foreach u $Mi { set minWeightOfSi Inf #the neighbours of u set neighbours [$Gi nodes -adj $u] set smallestNeighbour 0 #u is a neighbour for itself lappend neighbours $u #finding neighbour with minimal cost foreach w [lsort -index 1 $nodeWeights] { lassign $w node weight if {[struct::set contains $neighbours $node]} { set minWeightOfSi $weight set smallestNeighbour $node break } } lappend Si [list $smallestNeighbour $minWeightOfSi] } set totalSiWeight 0 set possibleSolution {} foreach s $Si { #counting the total weight of the set of nodes - Si set totalSiWeight [ expr { $totalSiWeight + [lindex $s 1] } ] #it's final solution, if weight found in previous step is #not greater than W lappend possibleSolution [lindex $s 0] } #checking if final solution is found if { $totalSiWeight <= $W } { $Gi destroy $GiSQ destroy return $possibleSolution } } $Gi destroy $GiSQ destroy #no solution found - error returned return -code error "No k-center found for restriction W = $W" } #Maximal Independent Set - 2 approximation greedy algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #A maximal independent set is an independent set such that adding any other node #to the set forces the set to contain an edge. # #Note: #Don't confuse it with maximum independent set, which is a largest independent set #for a given graph G. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximal_independent_set proc ::struct::graph::op::GreedyMaxIndependentSet {G} { set result {} set nodes [$G nodes] foreach v $nodes { if { [struct::set contains $nodes $v] } { lappend result $v foreach neighbour [$G nodes -adj $v] { struct::set exclude nodes $neighbour } } } return $result } #Weighted Maximal Independent Set - 2 approximation greedy algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Weighted variation of Maximal Independent Set. It takes as an input argument #not only graph G but also set of weights for all vertices in graph G. # #Note: #Read also Maximal Independent Set description for more info. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximal_independent_set proc ::struct::graph::op::GreedyWeightedMaxIndependentSet {G nodeWeights} { set result {} set nodes {} foreach v [lsort -index 1 $nodeWeights] { lappend nodes [lindex $v 0] } foreach v $nodes { if { [struct::set contains $nodes $v] } { lappend result $v set neighbours [$G nodes -adj $v] foreach neighbour [$G nodes -adj $v] { struct::set exclude nodes $neighbour } } } return $result } #subprocedure creating from graph G two squared graph #G^2 - graph in which edge between nodes u and v exists, #if and only if, when distance (in edges, not weights) #between those nodes is not greater than 2 and u != v. proc ::struct::graph::op::createSquaredGraph {G} { set H [struct::graph] foreach v [$G nodes] { $H node insert $v } foreach v [$G nodes] { foreach u [$G nodes -adj $v] { if { ($v != $u) && ![$H arc exists [list $v $u]] && ![$H arc exists [list $u $v]] } { $H arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] } foreach z [$G nodes -adj $u] { if { ($v != $z) && ![$H arc exists [list $v $z]] && ![$H arc exists [list $z $v]] } { $H arc insert $v $z [list $v $z] } } } } return $H } #subprocedure for Metric K-Center problem # #Input: #previousGsq - graph G(i-1)**2 #currentGi - graph G(i) #u and v - source and target of an edge added in this iteration # #Output: #Graph G(i)**2 used by next steps of K-Center algorithm proc ::struct::graph::op::extendTwoSquaredGraph {previousGsq currentGi u v} { #adding new edge if { ![$previousGsq arc exists [list $v $u]] && ![$previousGsq arc exists [list $u $v]]} { $previousGsq arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] } #adding new edges to solution graph: #here edges, where source is a $u node and targets are neighbours of node $u except for $v foreach x [$currentGi nodes -adj $u] { if { ( $x != $v) && ![$previousGsq arc exists [list $v $x]] && ![$previousGsq arc exists [list $x $v]] } { $previousGsq arc insert $v $x [list $v $x] } } #here edges, where source is a $v node and targets are neighbours of node $v except for $u foreach x [$currentGi nodes -adj $v] { if { ( $x != $u ) && ![$previousGsq arc exists [list $u $x]] && ![$previousGsq arc exists [list $x $u]] } { $previousGsq arc insert $u $x [list $u $x] } } return $previousGsq } #Vertices Cover - 2 approximation algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Vertices cover is a set o vertices such that each edge of the graph is incident to #at least one vertex of the set. This 2-approximation algorithm searches for minimum #vertices cover, which is a classical optimization problem in computer science and #is a typical example of an NP-hard optimization problem that has an approximation #algorithm. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertex_cover_problem # proc ::struct::graph::op::VerticesCover {G} { #variable containing final solution set vc {} #variable containing sorted (with degree) set of arcs for graph G set arcs {} #setting the dictionary with degrees for each node foreach v [$G nodes] { dict set degrees $v [$G node degree $v] } #creating a list containing the sum of degrees for source and #target nodes for each edge in graph G foreach e [$G arcs] { set v [$G arc source $e] set u [$G arc target $e] lappend values [list [expr {[dict get $degrees $v]+[dict get $degrees $u]}] $e] } #sorting the list of source and target degrees set values [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 0 $values] #setting the set of edges in a right sequence foreach e $values { lappend arcs [lindex $e 1] } #for each node in graph G, we add it to the final solution and #erase all arcs adjacent to it, so they cannot be #added to solution in next iterations foreach e $arcs { if { [struct::set contains $arcs $e] } { set v [$G arc source $e] set u [$G arc target $e] lappend vc $v $u foreach n [$G arcs -adj $v $u] { struct::set exclude arcs $n } } } return $vc } #Ford's Fulkerson algorithm - computing maximum flow in a flow network #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #The general idea of algorithm is finding augumenting paths in graph G, as long #as they exist, and for each path updating the edge's weights along that path, #with maximum possible throughput. The final (maximum) flow is found #when there is no other augumenting path from source to sink. # #Input: #graph G - weighted and directed graph. Weights at edges are considered as #maximum throughputs that can be carried by that link (edge). #s - the node that is a source for graph G #t - the node that is a sink for graph G # #Output: #Procedure returns the dictionary contaning throughputs for all edges. For #each key ( the edge between nodes u and v in the for of list u v ) there is #a value that is a throughput for that key. Edges where throughput values #are equal to 0 are not returned ( it is like there was no link in the flow network #between nodes connected by such edge). # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford-Fulkerson_algorithm proc ::struct::graph::op::FordFulkerson {G s t} { #checking if nodes s and t are in graph G if { !([$G node exists $s] && [$G node exists $t]) } { return -code error "Nodes \"$s\" and \"$t\" should be contained in graph's G set of nodes" } #checking if all attributes for input network are set well ( costs and throughputs ) foreach e [$G arcs] { if { ![$G arc keyexists $e throughput] } { return -code error "The input network doesn't have all attributes set correctly... Please, check again attributes: \"throughput\" for input graph." } } #initilization foreach e [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $e] set v [$G arc target $e] dict set f [list $u $v] 0 dict set f [list $v $u] 0 } #setting the residual graph for the first iteration set residualG [createResidualGraph $G $f] #deleting the arcs that are 0-weighted foreach e [$residualG arcs] { if { [$residualG arc set $e throughput] == 0 } { $residualG arc delete $e } } #the main loop - works till the path between source and the sink can be found while {1} { set paths [ShortestsPathsByBFS $residualG $s paths] if { ($paths == {}) || (![dict exists $paths $t]) } break set path [dict get $paths $t] #setting the path from source to sink #adding sink to path lappend path $t #finding the throughput of path p - the smallest value of c(f) among #edges that are contained in the path set maxThroughput Inf foreach u [lrange $path 0 end-1] v [lrange $path 1 end] { set pathEdgeFlow [$residualG arc set [list $u $v] throughput] if { $maxThroughput > $pathEdgeFlow } { set maxThroughput $pathEdgeFlow } } #increase of throughput using the path p, with value equal to maxThroughput foreach u [lrange $path 0 end-1] v [lrange $path 1 end] { #if maximum throughput that was found for the path p (maxThroughput) is bigger than current throughput #at the edge not contained in the path p (for current pair of nodes u and v), then we add to the edge #which is contained into path p the maxThroughput value decreased by the value of throughput at #the second edge (not contained in path). That second edge's throughtput value is set to 0. set f_uv [dict get $f [list $u $v]] set f_vu [dict get $f [list $v $u]] if { $maxThroughput >= $f_vu } { dict set f [list $u $v] [ expr { $f_uv + $maxThroughput - $f_vu } ] dict set f [list $v $u] 0 } else { #if maxThroughput is not greater than current throughput at the edge not contained in path p (here - v->u), #we add a difference between those values to edge contained in the path p (here u->v) and substract that #difference from edge not contained in the path p. set difference [ expr { $f_vu - $maxThroughput } ] dict set f [list $u $v] [ expr { $f_uv + $difference } ] dict set f [list $v $u] $maxThroughput } } #when the current throughput for the graph is updated, we generate new residual graph #for new values of throughput $residualG destroy set residualG [createResidualGraph $G $f] foreach e [$residualG arcs] { if { [$residualG arc set $e throughput] == 0 } { $residualG arc delete $e } } } $residualG destroy #removing 0-weighted edges from solution foreach e [dict keys $f] { if { [dict get $f $e] == 0 } { set f [dict remove $f $e] } } return $f } #subprocedure for FordFulkerson's algorithm, which creates #for input graph G and given throughput f residual graph #for further operations to find maximum flow in flow network proc ::struct::graph::op::createResidualGraph {G f} { #initialization set residualG [struct::graph] foreach v [$G nodes] { $residualG node insert $v } foreach e [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $e] set v [$G arc target $e] dict set GF [list $u $v] [$G arc set $e throughput] } foreach e [dict keys $GF] { lassign $e u v set c_uv [dict get $GF $e] set flow_uv [dict get $f $e] set flow_vu [dict get $f [list $v $u]] if { ![$residualG arc exists $e] } { $residualG arc insert $u $v $e } if { ![$residualG arc exists [list $v $u]] } { $residualG arc insert $v $u [list $v $u] } #new value of c_f(u,v) for residual Graph is a max flow value for this edge #minus current flow on that edge if { ![$residualG arc keyexists $e throughput] } { if { [dict exists $GF [list $v $u]] } { $residualG arc set [list $u $v] throughput [ expr { $c_uv - $flow_uv + $flow_vu } ] } else { $residualG arc set $e throughput [ expr { $c_uv - $flow_uv } ] } } if { [dict exists $GF [list $v $u]] } { #when double arcs in graph G (u->v , v->u) #so, x/y i w/z y-x+w set c_vu [dict get $GF [list $v $u]] if { ![$residualG arc keyexists [list $v $u] throughput] } { $residualG arc set [list $v $u] throughput [ expr { $c_vu - $flow_vu + $flow_uv} ] } } else { $residualG arc set [list $v $u] throughput $flow_uv } } #setting all weights at edges to 1 for proper usage of shortest paths finding procedures $residualG arc setunweighted 1 return $residualG } #Subprocedure for Busacker Gowen algorithm # #Input: #graph G - flow network. Graph G has two attributes for each edge: #cost and throughput. Each arc must have it's attribute value assigned. #dictionary f - some flow for network G. Keys represent edges and values #are flows at those edges #path - set of nodes for which we transform the network # #Subprocedure checks 6 vital conditions and for them updates the network #(let values with * be updates values for network). So, let edge (u,v) be #the non-zero flow for network G, c(u,v) throughput of edge (u,v) and #d(u,v) non-negative cost of edge (u,v): #1. c*(v,u) = f(u,v) --- adding apparent arc #2. d*(v,u) = -d(u,v) #3. c*(u,v) = c(u,v) - f(u,v) --- if f(v,u) = 0 and c(u,v) > f(u,v) #4. d*(u,v) = d(u,v) --- if f(v,u) = 0 and c(u,v) > f(u,v) #5. c*(u,v) = 0 --- if f(v,u) = 0 and c(u,v) = f(u,v) #6. d*(u,v) = Inf --- if f(v,u) = 0 and c(u,v) = f(u,v) proc ::struct::graph::op::createAugmentingNetwork {G f path} { set Gf [struct::graph] #setting the Gf graph foreach v [$G nodes] { $Gf node insert $v } foreach e [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $e] set v [$G arc target $e] $Gf arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $Gf arc set [list $u $v] throughput [$G arc set $e throughput] $Gf arc set [list $u $v] cost [$G arc set $e cost] } #we set new values for each edge contained in the path from input foreach u [lrange $path 0 end-1] v [lrange $path 1 end] { set f_uv [dict get $f [list $u $v]] set f_vu [dict get $f [list $v $u]] set c_uv [$G arc get [list $u $v] throughput] set d_uv [$G arc get [list $u $v] cost] #adding apparent arcs if { ![$Gf arc exists [list $v $u]] } { $Gf arc insert $v $u [list $v $u] #1. $Gf arc set [list $v $u] throughput $f_uv #2. $Gf arc set [list $v $u] cost [ expr { -1 * $d_uv } ] } else { #1. $Gf arc set [list $v $u] throughput $f_uv #2. $Gf arc set [list $v $u] cost [ expr { -1 * $d_uv } ] $Gf arc set [list $u $v] cost Inf $Gf arc set [list $u $v] throughput 0 } if { ($f_vu == 0 ) && ( $c_uv > $f_uv ) } { #3. $Gf arc set [list $u $v] throughput [ expr { $c_uv - $f_uv } ] #4. $Gf arc set [list $u $v] cost $d_uv } if { ($f_vu == 0 ) && ( $c_uv == $f_uv) } { #5. $Gf arc set [list $u $v] throughput 0 #6. $Gf arc set [list $u $v] cost Inf } } return $Gf } #Busacker Gowen's algorithm - computing minimum cost maximum flow in a flow network #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #The goal is to find a flow, whose max value can be d, from source node to #sink node in given flow network. That network except throughputs at edges has #also defined a non-negative cost on each edge - cost of using that edge when #directing flow with that edge ( it can illustrate e.g. fuel usage, time or #any other measure dependent on usages ). # #Input: #graph G - flow network, weights at edges are costs of using particular edge #desiredFlow - max value of the flow for that network #dictionary c - throughputs for all edges #node s - the source node for graph G #node t - the sink node for graph G # #Output: #f - dictionary containing values of used throughputs for each edge ( key ) #found by algorithm. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_cost_flow_problem # proc ::struct::graph::op::BusackerGowen {G desiredFlow s t} { #checking if nodes s and t are in graph G if { !([$G node exists $s] && [$G node exists $t]) } { return -code error "Nodes \"$s\" and \"$t\" should be contained in graph's G set of nodes" } if { $desiredFlow <= 0 } { return -code error "The \"desiredFlow\" value must be an positive integer." } #checking if all attributes for input network are set well ( costs and throughputs ) foreach e [$G arcs] { if { !([$G arc keyexists $e throughput] && [$G arc keyexists $e cost]) } { return -code error "The input network doesn't have all attributes set correctly... Please, check again attributes: \"throughput\" and \"cost\" for input graph." } } set Gf [struct::graph] #initialization of Augmenting Network foreach v [$G nodes] { $Gf node insert $v } foreach e [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $e] set v [$G arc target $e] $Gf arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $Gf arc set [list $u $v] throughput [$G arc set $e throughput] $Gf arc set [list $u $v] cost [$G arc set $e cost] } #initialization of f foreach e [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $e] set v [$G arc target $e] dict set f [list $u $v] 0 dict set f [list $v $u] 0 } set currentFlow 0 #main loop - it ends when we reach desired flow value or there is no path in Gf #leading from source node s to sink t while { $currentFlow < $desiredFlow } { #preparing correct values for pathfinding foreach edge [$Gf arcs] { $Gf arc setweight $edge [$Gf arc get $edge cost] } #setting the path 'p' from 's' to 't' set paths [ShortestsPathsByBFS $Gf $s paths] #if there are no more paths, the search has ended if { ($paths == {}) || (![dict exists $paths $t]) } break set path [dict get $paths $t] lappend path $t #counting max throughput that is availiable to send #using path 'p' set maxThroughput Inf foreach u [lrange $path 0 end-1] v [lrange $path 1 end] { set uv_throughput [$Gf arc set [list $u $v] throughput] if { $maxThroughput > $uv_throughput } { set maxThroughput $uv_throughput } } #if max throughput that was found will cause exceeding the desired #flow, send as much as it's possible if { ( $currentFlow + $maxThroughput ) <= $desiredFlow } { set fAdd $maxThroughput set currentFlow [ expr { $currentFlow + $fAdd } ] } else { set fAdd [ expr { $desiredFlow - $currentFlow } ] set currentFlow $desiredFlow } #update the throuputs on edges foreach v [lrange $path 0 end-1] u [lrange $path 1 end] { if { [dict get $f [list $u $v]] >= $fAdd } { dict set f [list $u $v] [ expr { [dict get $f [list $u $v]] - $fAdd } ] } if { ( [dict get $f [list $u $v]] < $fAdd ) && ( [dict get $f [list $u $v]] > 0 ) } { dict set f [list $v $u] [ expr { $fAdd - [dict get $f [list $u $v]] } ] dict set f [list $u $v] 0 } if { [dict get $f [list $u $v]] == 0 } { dict set f [list $v $u] [ expr { [dict get $f [list $v $u]] + $fAdd } ] } } #create new Augemnting Network set Gfnew [createAugmentingNetwork $Gf $f $path] $Gf destroy set Gf $Gfnew } set f [dict filter $f script {flow flowvalue} {expr {$flowvalue != 0}}] $Gf destroy return $f } # proc ::struct::graph::op::ShortestsPathsByBFS {G s outputFormat} { switch -exact -- $outputFormat { distances { set outputMode distances } paths { set outputMode paths } default { return -code error "Unknown output format \"$outputFormat\", expected distances, or paths." } } set queue [list $s] set result {} #initialization of marked nodes, distances and predecessors foreach v [$G nodes] { dict set marked $v 0 dict set distances $v Inf dict set pred $v -1 } #the s node is initially marked and has 0 distance to itself dict set marked $s 1 dict set distances $s 0 #the main loop while { [llength $queue] != 0 } { #removing top element from the queue set v [lindex $queue 0] lremove queue $v #for each arc that begins in v foreach arc [$G arcs -out $v] { set u [$G arc target $arc] set newlabel [ expr { [dict get $distances $v] + [$G arc getweight $arc] } ] if { $newlabel < [dict get $distances $u] } { dict set distances $u $newlabel dict set pred $u $v #case when current node wasn't placed in a queue yet - #we set u at the end of the queue if { [dict get $marked $u] == 0 } { lappend queue $u dict set marked $u 1 } else { #case when current node u was in queue before but it is not in it now - #we set u at the beginning of the queue if { [lsearch $queue $u] < 0 } { set queue [linsert $queue 0 $u] } } } } } #if the outputformat is paths, we travel back to find shorests paths #to return sets of nodes for each node, which are their paths between #s and particular node dict set paths nopaths 1 if { $outputMode eq "paths" } { foreach node [$G nodes] { set path {} set lastNode $node while { $lastNode != -1 } { set currentNode [dict get $pred $lastNode] if { $currentNode != -1 } { lappend path $currentNode } set lastNode $currentNode } set path [lreverse $path] if { [llength $path] != 0 } { dict set paths $node $path dict unset paths nopaths } } if { ![dict exists $paths nopaths] } { return $paths } else { return {} } #returning dictionary containing distance from start node to each other node (key) } else { return $distances } } # proc ::struct::graph::op::BFS {G s outputFormat} { set queue [list $s] switch -exact -- $outputFormat { graph { set outputMode graph } tree { set outputMode tree } default { return -code error "Unknown output format \"$outputFormat\", expected graph, or tree." } } if { $outputMode eq "graph" } { #graph initializing set BFSGraph [struct::graph] foreach v [$G nodes] { $BFSGraph node insert $v } } else { #tree initializing set BFSTree [struct::tree] $BFSTree set root name $s $BFSTree rename root $s } #initilization of marked nodes foreach v [$G nodes] { dict set marked $v 0 } #start node is marked from the beginning dict set marked $s 1 #the main loop while { [llength $queue] != 0 } { #removing top element from the queue set v [lindex $queue 0] lremove queue $v foreach x [$G nodes -adj $v] { if { ![dict get $marked $x] } { dict set marked $x 1 lappend queue $x if { $outputMode eq "graph" } { $BFSGraph arc insert $v $x [list $v $x] } else { $BFSTree insert $v end $x } } } } if { $outputMode eq "graph" } { return $BFSGraph } else { return $BFSTree } } #Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree - MDST #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #The goal is to find for input graph G, the spanning tree that #has the minimum diameter worth. # #General idea of algorithm is to run BFS over all vertices in graph #G. If the diameter "d" of the tree is odd, then we are sure that tree #given by BFS is minimum (considering diameter value). When, diameter "d" #is even, then optimal tree can have minimum diameter equal to "d" or #"d-1". # #In that case, what algorithm does is rebuilding the tree given by BFS, by #adding a vertice between root node and root's child node (nodes), such that #subtree created with child node as root node is the greatest one (has the #greatests height). In the next step for such rebuilded tree, we run again BFS #with new node as root node. If the height of the tree didn't changed, we have found #a better solution. proc ::struct::graph::op::MinimumDiameterSpanningTree {G} { set min_diameter Inf set best_Tree [struct::graph] foreach v [$G nodes] { #BFS Tree set T [BFS $G $v tree] #BFS Graph set TGraph [BFS $G $v graph] #Setting all arcs to 1 for diameter procedure $TGraph arc setunweighted 1 #setting values for current Tree set diam [diameter $TGraph] set subtreeHeight [ expr { $diam / 2 - 1} ] ############################################## #case when diameter found for tree found by BFS is even: #it's possible to decrease the diameter by one. if { ( $diam % 2 ) == 0 } { #for each child u that current root node v has, we search #for the greatest subtree(subtrees) with the root in child u. # foreach u [$TGraph nodes -adj $v] { set u_depth 1 ;#[$T depth $u] set d_depth 0 set descendants [$T descendants $u] foreach d $descendants { if { $d_depth < [$T depth $d] } { set d_depth [$T depth $d] } } #depth of the current subtree set depth [ expr { $d_depth - $u_depth } ] #proceed if found subtree is the greatest one if { $depth >= $subtreeHeight } { #temporary Graph for holding potential better values set tempGraph [struct::graph] foreach node [$TGraph nodes] { $tempGraph node insert $node } #zmienic nazwy zmiennych zeby sie nie mylily foreach arc [$TGraph arcs] { set _u [$TGraph arc source $arc] set _v [$TGraph arc target $arc] $tempGraph arc insert $_u $_v [list $_u $_v] } if { [$tempGraph arc exists [list $u $v]] } { $tempGraph arc delete [list $u $v] } else { $tempGraph arc delete [list $v $u] } #for nodes u and v, we add a node between them #to again start BFS with root in new node to check #if it's possible to decrease the diameter in solution set node [$tempGraph node insert] $tempGraph arc insert $node $v [list $node $v] $tempGraph arc insert $node $u [list $node $u] set newtempGraph [BFS $tempGraph $node graph] $tempGraph destroy set tempGraph $newtempGraph $tempGraph node delete $node $tempGraph arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $tempGraph arc setunweighted 1 set tempDiam [diameter $tempGraph] #if better tree is found (that any that were already found) #replace it if { $min_diameter > $tempDiam } { set $min_diameter [diameter $tempGraph ] $best_Tree destroy set best_Tree $tempGraph } else { $tempGraph destroy } } } } ################################################################ set currentTreeDiameter $diam if { $min_diameter > $currentTreeDiameter } { set min_diameter $currentTreeDiameter $best_Tree destroy set best_Tree $TGraph } else { $TGraph destroy } $T destroy } return $best_Tree } #Minimum Degree Spanning Tree #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #In graph theory, minimum degree spanning tree (or degree-constrained spanning tree) #is a spanning tree where the maximum vertex degree is as small as possible (or is #limited to a certain constant k). The minimum degree spanning tree problem is to #determine whether a particular graph has such a spanning tree for a particular k. # #Algorithm for input undirected graph G finds its spanning tree with the smallest #possible degree. Algorithm is a 2-approximation, so it doesn't assure that optimal #solution will be found. # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree-constrained_spanning_tree proc ::struct::graph::op::MinimumDegreeSpanningTree {G} { #initialization of spanning tree for G set MST [struct::graph] foreach v [$G nodes] { $MST node insert $v } #forcing all arcs to be 1-weighted foreach e [$G arcs] { $G arc setweight $e 1 } foreach e [kruskal $G] { set u [$G arc source $e] set v [$G arc target $e] $MST arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] } #main loop foreach e [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $e] set v [$G arc target $e] #if nodes u and v are neighbours, proceed to next iteration if { ![$MST arc exists [list $u $v]] && ![$MST arc exists [list $v $u]] } { $MST arc setunweighted 1 #setting the path between nodes u and v in Spanning Tree MST set path [dict get [dijkstra $MST $u] $v] lappend path $v #search for the node in the path, such that its degree is greater than degree of any of nodes #u or v increased by one foreach node $path { if { [$MST node degree $node] > ([Max [$MST node degree $u] [$MST node degree $v]] + 1) } { #if such node is found add the arc between nodes u and v $MST arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] #then to hold MST being a spanning tree, delete any arc that is in the path #that is adjacent to found node foreach n [$MST nodes -adj $node] { if { $n in $path } { if { [$MST arc exists [list $node $n]] } { $MST arc delete [list $node $n] } else { $MST arc delete [list $n $node] } break } } # Node found, stop processing the path break } } } } return $MST } #Dinic algorithm for finding maximum flow in flow network #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinic's_algorithm # proc ::struct::graph::op::MaximumFlowByDinic {G s t blockingFlowAlg} { if { !($blockingFlowAlg eq "dinic" || $blockingFlowAlg eq "mkm") } { return -code error "Uncorrect name of blocking flow algorithm. Choose \"mkm\" for Malhotra, Kumar and Maheshwari algorithm and \"dinic\" for Dinic algorithm." } foreach arc [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $arc] set v [$G arc target $arc] dict set f [list $u $v] 0 dict set f [list $v $u] 0 } while {1} { set residualG [createResidualGraph $G $f] if { $blockingFlowAlg == "mkm" } { set blockingFlow [BlockingFlowByMKM $residualG $s $t] } else { set blockingFlow [BlockingFlowByDinic $residualG $s $t] } $residualG destroy if { $blockingFlow == {} } break foreach key [dict keys $blockingFlow] { dict set f $key [ expr { [dict get $f $key] + [dict get $blockingFlow $key] } ] } } set f [dict filter $f script {flow flowvalue} {expr {$flowvalue != 0}}] return $f } #Dinic algorithm for finding blocking flow #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Algorithm for given network G with source s and sink t, finds a blocking #flow, which can be used to obtain a maximum flow for that network G. # #Some steps that algorithm takes: #1. constructing the level graph from network G #2. until there are edges in level graph: # 3. find the path between s and t nodes in level graph # 4. for each edge in path update current throughputs at those edges and... # 5. ...deleting nodes from which there are no residual edges #6. return the dictionary containing the blocking flow proc ::struct::graph::op::BlockingFlowByDinic {G s t} { #initializing blocking flow dictionary foreach edge [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $edge] set v [$G arc target $edge] dict set b [list $u $v] 0 } #1. set LevelGraph [createLevelGraph $G $s] #2. the main loop while { [llength [$LevelGraph arcs]] > 0 } { if { ![$LevelGraph node exists $s] || ![$LevelGraph node exists $t] } break #3. set paths [ShortestsPathsByBFS $LevelGraph $s paths] if { $paths == {} } break if { ![dict exists $paths $t] } break set path [dict get $paths $t] lappend path $t #setting the max throughput to go with the path found one step before set maxThroughput Inf foreach u [lrange $path 0 end-1] v [lrange $path 1 end] { set uv_throughput [$LevelGraph arc get [list $u $v] throughput] if { $maxThroughput > $uv_throughput } { set maxThroughput $uv_throughput } } #4. updating throughputs and blocking flow foreach u [lrange $path 0 end-1] v [lrange $path 1 end] { set uv_throughput [$LevelGraph arc get [list $u $v] throughput] #decreasing the throughputs contained in the path by max flow value $LevelGraph arc set [list $u $v] throughput [ expr { $uv_throughput - $maxThroughput } ] #updating blocking flows dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { [dict get $b [list $u $v]] + $maxThroughput } ] #dict set b [list $v $u] [ expr { -1 * [dict get $b [list $u $v]] } ] #5. deleting the arcs, whose throughput is completely used if { [$LevelGraph arc get [list $u $v] throughput] == 0 } { $LevelGraph arc delete [list $u $v] } #deleting the node, if it hasn't any outgoing arcs if { ($u != $s) && ( ![llength [$LevelGraph nodes -out $u]] || ![llength [$LevelGraph nodes -in $u]] ) } { $LevelGraph node delete $u } } } set b [dict filter $b script {flow flowvalue} {expr {$flowvalue != 0}}] $LevelGraph destroy #6. return $b } #Malhotra, Kumar and Maheshwari Algorithm for finding blocking flow #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Algorithm for given network G with source s and sink t, finds a blocking #flow, which can be used to obtain a maximum flow for that network G. # #For given node v, Let c(v) be the min{ a, b }, where a is the sum of all incoming #throughputs and b is the sum of all outcoming throughputs from the node v. # #Some steps that algorithm takes: #1. constructing the level graph from network G #2. until there are edges in level graph: # 3. finding the node with the minimum c(v) # 4. sending c(v) units of throughput by incoming arcs of v # 5. sending c(v) units of throughput by outcoming arcs of v # 6. 4 and 5 steps can cause excess or deficiency of throughputs at nodes, so we # send exceeds forward choosing arcs greedily and... # 7. ...the same with deficiencies but we send those backward. # 8. delete the v node from level graph # 9. upgrade the c values for all nodes # #10. if no other edges left in level graph, return b - found blocking flow # proc ::struct::graph::op::BlockingFlowByMKM {G s t} { #initializing blocking flow dictionary foreach edge [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $edge] set v [$G arc target $edge] dict set b [list $u $v] 0 } #1. setting the level graph set LevelGraph [createLevelGraph $G $s] #setting the in/out throughputs for each node set c [countThroughputsAtNodes $LevelGraph $s $t] #2. the main loop while { [llength [$LevelGraph nodes]] > 2 } { #if there is no path between s and t nodes, end the procedure and #return current blocking flow set distances [ShortestsPathsByBFS $LevelGraph $s distances] if { [dict get $distances $t] == "Inf" } { $LevelGraph destroy set b [dict filter $b script {flow flowvalue} {expr {$flowvalue != 0}}] return $b } #3. finding the node with minimum value of c(v) set min_cv Inf dict for {node cv} $c { if { $min_cv > $cv } { set min_cv $cv set minCv_node $node } } #4. sending c(v) by all incoming arcs of node with minimum c(v) set _min_cv $min_cv foreach arc [$LevelGraph arcs -in $minCv_node] { set t_arc [$LevelGraph arc get $arc throughput] set u [$LevelGraph arc source $arc] set v [$LevelGraph arc target $arc] set b_uv [dict get $b [list $u $v]] if { $t_arc >= $min_cv } { $LevelGraph arc set $arc throughput [ expr { $t_arc - $min_cv } ] dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { $b_uv + $min_cv } ] break } else { set difference [ expr { $min_cv - $t_arc } ] set min_cv $difference dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { $b_uv + $difference } ] $LevelGraph arc set $arc throughput 0 } } #5. sending c(v) by all outcoming arcs of node with minimum c(v) foreach arc [$LevelGraph arcs -out $minCv_node] { set t_arc [$LevelGraph arc get $arc throughput] set u [$LevelGraph arc source $arc] set v [$LevelGraph arc target $arc] set b_uv [dict get $b [list $u $v]] if { $t_arc >= $min_cv } { $LevelGraph arc set $arc throughput [ expr { $t_arc - $_min_cv } ] dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { $b_uv + $_min_cv } ] break } else { set difference [ expr { $_min_cv - $t_arc } ] set _min_cv $difference dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { $b_uv + $difference } ] $LevelGraph arc set $arc throughput 0 } } #find exceeds and if any, send them forward or backwards set distances [ShortestsPathsByBFS $LevelGraph $s distances] #6. for {set i [ expr {[dict get $distances $minCv_node] + 1}] } { $i < [llength [$G nodes]] } { incr i } { foreach w [$LevelGraph nodes] { if { [dict get $distances $w] == $i } { set excess [findExcess $LevelGraph $w $b] if { $excess > 0 } { set b [sendForward $LevelGraph $w $b $excess] } } } } #7. for { set i [ expr { [dict get $distances $minCv_node] - 1} ] } { $i > 0 } { incr i -1 } { foreach w [$LevelGraph nodes] { if { [dict get $distances $w] == $i } { set excess [findExcess $LevelGraph $w $b] if { $excess < 0 } { set b [sendBack $LevelGraph $w $b [ expr { (-1) * $excess } ]] } } } } #8. delete current node from the network $LevelGraph node delete $minCv_node #9. correctingg the in/out throughputs for each node after #deleting one of the nodes in network set c [countThroughputsAtNodes $LevelGraph $s $t] #if node has no availiable outcoming or incoming throughput #delete that node from the graph dict for {key val} $c { if { $val == 0 } { $LevelGraph node delete $key dict unset c $key } } } set b [dict filter $b script {flow flowvalue} {expr {$flowvalue != 0}}] $LevelGraph destroy #10. return $b } #Subprocedure for algorithms that find blocking-flows. #It's creating a level graph from the residual network. proc ::struct::graph::op::createLevelGraph {Gf s} { set LevelGraph [struct::graph] $Gf arc setunweighted 1 #deleting arcs with 0 throughputs for proper pathfinding foreach arc [$Gf arcs] { if { [$Gf arc get $arc throughput] == 0 } { $Gf arc delete $arc } } set distances [ShortestsPathsByBFS $Gf $s distances] foreach v [$Gf nodes] { $LevelGraph node insert $v $LevelGraph node set $v distance [dict get $distances $v] } foreach e [$Gf arcs] { set u [$Gf arc source $e] set v [$Gf arc target $e] if { ([$LevelGraph node get $u distance] + 1) == [$LevelGraph node get $v distance]} { $LevelGraph arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $LevelGraph arc set [list $u $v] throughput [$Gf arc get $e throughput] } } $LevelGraph arc setunweighted 1 return $LevelGraph } #Subprocedure for blocking flow finding by MKM algorithm # #It computes for graph G and each of his nodes the throughput value - #for node v: from the sum of availiable throughputs from incoming arcs and #the sum of availiable throughputs from outcoming arcs chooses lesser and sets #as the throughput of the node. # #Throughputs of nodes are returned in the dictionary. # proc ::struct::graph::op::countThroughputsAtNodes {G s t} { set c {} foreach v [$G nodes] { if { ($v eq $t) || ($v eq $s) } continue set outcoming [$G arcs -out $v] set incoming [$G arcs -in $v] set outsum 0 set insum 0 foreach o $outcoming i $incoming { if { [llength $o] > 0 } { set outsum [ expr { $outsum + [$G arc get $o throughput] } ] } if { [llength $i] > 0 } { set insum [ expr { $insum + [$G arc get $i throughput] } ] } set value [Min $outsum $insum] } dict set c $v $value } return $c } #Subprocedure for blocking-flow finding algorithm by MKM # #If for a given input node, outcoming flow is bigger than incoming, then that deficiency #has to be send back by that subprocedure. proc ::struct::graph::op::sendBack {G node b value} { foreach arc [$G arcs -in $node] { set u [$G arc source $arc] set v [$G arc target $arc] if { $value > [$G arc get $arc throughput] } { set value [ expr { $value - [$G arc get $arc throughput] } ] dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { [dict get $b [list $u $v]] + [$G arc get $arc throughput] } ] $G arc set $arc throughput 0 } else { $G arc set $arc throughput [ expr { [$G arc get $arc throughput] - $value } ] dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { [dict get $b [list $u $v]] + $value } ] set value 0 break } } return $b } #Subprocedure for blocking-flow finding algorithm by MKM # #If for a given input node, incoming flow is bigger than outcoming, then that exceed #has to be send forward by that sub procedure. proc ::struct::graph::op::sendForward {G node b value} { foreach arc [$G arcs -out $node] { set u [$G arc source $arc] set v [$G arc target $arc] if { $value > [$G arc get $arc throughput] } { set value [ expr { $value - [$G arc get $arc throughput] } ] dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { [dict get $b [list $u $v]] + [$G arc get $arc throughput] } ] $G arc set $arc throughput 0 } else { $G arc set $arc throughput [ expr { [$G arc get $arc throughput] - $value } ] dict set b [list $u $v] [ expr { [dict get $b [list $u $v]] + $value } ] set value 0 break } } return $b } #Subprocedure for blocking-flow finding algorithm by MKM # #It checks for graph G if node given at input has a exceed #or deficiency of throughput. # #For exceed the positive value of exceed is returned, for deficiency #procedure returns negative value. If the incoming throughput #is the same as outcoming, procedure returns 0. # proc ::struct::graph::op::findExcess {G node b} { set incoming 0 set outcoming 0 foreach key [dict keys $b] { lassign $key u v if { $u eq $node } { set outcoming [ expr { $outcoming + [dict get $b $key] } ] } if { $v eq $node } { set incoming [ expr { $incoming + [dict get $b $key] } ] } } return [ expr { $incoming - $outcoming } ] } #Travelling Salesman Problem - Heuristic of local searching #2 - approximation Algorithm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # proc ::struct::graph::op::TSPLocalSearching {G C} { foreach arc $C { if { ![$G arc exists $arc] } { return -code error "Given cycle has arcs not included in graph G." } } #initialization set CGraph [struct::graph] set GCopy [struct::graph] set w 0 foreach node [$G nodes] { $CGraph node insert $node $GCopy node insert $node } foreach arc [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $arc] set v [$G arc target $arc] $GCopy arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $GCopy arc set [list $u $v] weight [$G arc get $arc weight] } foreach arc $C { set u [$G arc source $arc] set v [$G arc target $arc] set arcWeight [$G arc get $arc weight] $CGraph arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $CGraph arc set [list $u $v] weight $arcWeight set w [ expr { $w + $arcWeight } ] } set reductionDone 1 while { $reductionDone } { set queue {} set reductionDone 0 #double foreach loop goes through all pairs of arcs foreach i [$CGraph arcs] { #source and target nodes of first arc set iu [$CGraph arc source $i] set iv [$CGraph arc target $i] #second arc foreach j [$CGraph arcs] { #if pair of arcs already was considered, continue with next pair of arcs if { [list $j $i] ni $queue } { #add current arc to queue to mark that it was used lappend queue [list $i $j] set ju [$CGraph arc source $j] set jv [$CGraph arc target $j] #we consider only arcs that are not adjacent if { !($iu eq $ju) && !($iu eq $jv) && !($iv eq $ju) && !($iv eq $jv) } { #set the current cycle set CPrim [copyGraph $CGraph] #transform the current cycle: #1. $CPrim arc delete $i $CPrim arc delete $j set param 0 #adding new edges instead of erased ones if { !([$CPrim arc exists [list $iu $ju]] || [$CPrim arc exists [list $iv $jv]] || [$CPrim arc exists [list $ju $iu]] || [$CPrim arc exists [list $jv $iv]] ) } { $CPrim arc insert $iu $ju [list $iu $ju] $CPrim arc insert $iv $jv [list $iv $jv] if { [$GCopy arc exists [list $iu $ju]] } { $CPrim arc set [list $iu $ju] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $iu $ju] weight] } else { $CPrim arc set [list $iu $ju] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $ju $iu] weight] } if { [$GCopy arc exists [list $iv $jv]] } { $CPrim arc set [list $iv $jv] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $iv $jv] weight] } else { $CPrim arc set [list $iv $jv] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $jv $iv] weight] } } else { set param 1 } $CPrim arc setunweighted 1 #check if it's still a cycle or if any arcs were added instead those erased if { !([struct::graph::op::distance $CPrim $iu $ju] > 0 ) || $param } { #deleting new edges if they were added before in current iteration if { !$param } { $CPrim arc delete [list $iu $ju] } if { !$param } { $CPrim arc delete [list $iv $jv] } #adding new ones that will assure the graph is still a cycle $CPrim arc insert $iu $jv [list $iu $jv] $CPrim arc insert $iv $ju [list $iv $ju] if { [$GCopy arc exists [list $iu $jv]] } { $CPrim arc set [list $iu $jv] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $iu $jv] weight] } else { $CPrim arc set [list $iu $jv] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $jv $iu] weight] } if { [$GCopy arc exists [list $iv $ju]] } { $CPrim arc set [list $iv $ju] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $iv $ju] weight] } else { $CPrim arc set [list $iv $ju] weight [$GCopy arc get [list $ju $iv] weight] } } #count current value of cycle set cycleWeight [countCycleWeight $CPrim] #if we found cycle with lesser sum of weights, we set is as a result and #marked that reduction was successful if { $w > $cycleWeight } { set w $cycleWeight set reductionDone 1 set C [$CPrim arcs] } $CPrim destroy } } } } #setting the new current cycle if the reduction was successful if { $reductionDone } { foreach arc [$CGraph arcs] { $CGraph arc delete $arc } for {set i 0} { $i < [llength $C] } { incr i } { lset C $i [lsort [lindex $C $i]] } foreach arc [$GCopy arcs] { if { [lsort $arc] in $C } { set u [$GCopy arc source $arc] set v [$GCopy arc target $arc] $CGraph arc insert $u $v [list $u $v] $CGraph arc set $arc weight [$GCopy arc get $arc weight] } } } } $GCopy destroy $CGraph destroy return $C } proc ::struct::graph::op::copyGraph {G} { set newGraph [struct::graph] foreach node [$G nodes] { $newGraph node insert $node } foreach arc [$G arcs] { set u [$G arc source $arc] set v [$G arc target $arc] $newGraph arc insert $u $v $arc $newGraph arc set $arc weight [$G arc get $arc weight] } return $newGraph } proc ::struct::graph::op::countCycleWeight {G} { set result 0 foreach arc [$G arcs] { set result [ expr { $result + [$G arc get $arc weight] } ] } return $result } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command finds a minimum spanning tree/forest (MST) of the graph # argument, using the algorithm developed by Joseph Kruskal. The # result is a set (as list) containing the names of the arcs in the # MST. The set of nodes of the MST is implied by set of arcs, and thus # not given explicitly. The algorithm does not consider arc # directions. Note that unconnected nodes are left out of the result. # Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal%27s_algorithm proc ::struct::graph::op::kruskal {g} { # Check graph argument for proper configuration. VerifyWeightsAreOk $g # Transient helper data structures. A priority queue for the arcs # under consideration, using their weights as priority, and a # disjoint-set to keep track of the forest of partial minimum # spanning trees we are working with. set consider [::struct::prioqueue -dictionary consider] set forest [::struct::disjointset forest] # Start with all nodes in the graph each in their partition. foreach n [$g nodes] { $forest add-partition $n } # Then fill the queue with all arcs, using their weight to # prioritize. The weight is the cost of the arc. The lesser the # better. foreach {arc weight} [$g arc weights] { $consider put $arc $weight } # And now we can construct the tree. This is done greedily. In # each round we add the arc with the smallest weight to the # minimum spanning tree, except if doing so would violate the tree # condition. set result {} while {[$consider size]} { set minarc [$consider get] set origin [$g arc source $minarc] set destin [$g arc target $minarc] # Ignore the arc if both ends are in the same partition. Using # it would add a cycle to the result, i.e. it would not be a # tree anymore. if {[$forest equal $origin $destin]} continue # Take the arc for the result, and merge the trees both ends # are in into a single tree. lappend result $minarc $forest merge $origin $destin } # We are done. Get rid of the transient helper structures and # return our result. $forest destroy $consider destroy return $result } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command finds a minimum spanning tree/forest (MST) of the graph # argument, using the algorithm developed by Prim. The result is a # set (as list) containing the names of the arcs in the MST. The set # of nodes of the MST is implied by set of arcs, and thus not given # explicitly. The algorithm does not consider arc directions. # Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prim%27s_algorithm proc ::struct::graph::op::prim {g} { VerifyWeightsAreOk $g # Fill an array with all nodes, to track which nodes have been # visited at least once. When the inner loop runs out of nodes and # we still have some left over we restart using one of the # leftover as new starting point. In this manner we get the MST of # the whole graph minus unconnected nodes, instead of only the MST # for the component the initial starting node is in. array set unvisited {} foreach n [$g nodes] { set unvisited($n) . } # Transient helper data structure. A priority queue for the nodes # and arcs under consideration for inclusion into the MST. Each # element of the queue is a list containing node name, a flag bit, # and arc name, in this order. The associated priority is the # weight of the arc. The flag bit is set for the initial queue # entry only, containing a fake (empty) arc, to trigger special # handling. set consider [::struct::prioqueue -dictionary consider] # More data structures, the result arrays. array set weightmap {} ; # maps nodes to min arc weight seen so # far. This is the threshold other arcs # on this node will have to beat to be # added to the MST. array set arcmap {} ; # maps arcs to nothing, these are the # arcs in the MST. while {[array size unvisited]} { # Choose a 'random' node as the starting point for the inner # loop, prim's algorithm, and put it on the queue for # consideration. Then we iterate until we have considered all # nodes in the its component. set startnode [lindex [array names unvisited] 0] $consider put [list $startnode 1 {}] 0 while {[$consider size] > 0} { # Pull the next minimum weight to look for. This is the # priority of the next item we can get from the queue. And the # associated node/decision/arc data. set arcweight [$consider peekpriority 1] foreach {v arcundefined arc} [$consider get] break #8.5: lassign [$consider get] v arcundefined arc # Two cases to consider: The node v is already part of the # MST, or not. If yes we check if the new arcweight is better # than what we have stored already, and update accordingly. if {[info exists weightmap($v)]} { set currentweight $weightmap($v) if {$arcweight < $currentweight} { # The new weight is better, update to use it as # the new threshold. Note that this fill not touch # any other arcs found for this node, as these are # still minimal. set weightmap($v) $arcweight set arcmap($arc) . } } else { # Node not yet present. Save weight and arc. The # latter if and only the arc is actually defined. For # the first, initial queue entry, it is not. Then we # add all the arcs adjacent to the current node to the # queue to consider them in the next rounds. set weightmap($v) $arcweight if {!$arcundefined} { set arcmap($arc) . } foreach adjacentarc [$g arcs -adj $v] { set weight [$g arc getweight $adjacentarc] set neighbour [$g node opposite $v $adjacentarc] $consider put [list $neighbour 0 $adjacentarc] $weight } } # Mark the node as visited, belonging to the current # component. Future iterations will ignore it. unset -nocomplain unvisited($v) } } # We are done. Get rid of the transient helper structure and # return our result. $consider destroy return [array names arcmap] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command checks whether the graph argument is bi-partite or not, # and returns the result as a boolean value, true for a bi-partite # graph, and false otherwise. A variable can be provided to store the # bi-partition into. # # Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipartite_graph proc ::struct::graph::op::isBipartite? {g {bipartitionvar {}}} { # Handle the special cases of empty graphs, or one without arcs # quickly. Both are bi-partite. if {$bipartitionvar ne ""} { upvar 1 $bipartitionvar bipartitions } if {![llength [$g nodes]]} { set bipartitions {{} {}} return 1 } elseif {![llength [$g arcs]]} { if {$bipartitionvar ne ""} { set bipartitions [list [$g nodes] {}] } return 1 } # Transient helper data structure, a queue of the nodes waiting # for processing. set pending [struct::queue pending] set nodes [$g nodes] # Another structure, a map from node names to their 'color', # indicating which of the two partitions a node belngs to. All # nodes start out as undefined (0). Traversing the arcs we # set and flip them as needed (1,2). array set color {} foreach node $nodes { set color($node) 0 } # Iterating over all nodes we use their connections to traverse # the components and assign colors. We abort when encountering # paradox, as that means that the graph is not bi-partite. foreach node $nodes { # Ignore nodes already in the second partition. if {$color($node)} continue # Flip the color, then travel the component and check for # conflicts with the neighbours. set color($node) 1 $pending put $node while {[$pending size]} { set current [$pending get] foreach neighbour [$g nodes -adj $current] { if {!$color($neighbour)} { # Exchange the color between current and previous # nodes, and remember the neighbour for further # processing. set color($neighbour) [expr {3 - $color($current)}] $pending put $neighbour } elseif {$color($neighbour) == $color($current)} { # Color conflict between adjacent nodes, should be # different. This graph is not bi-partite. Kill # the data structure and abort. $pending destroy return 0 } } } } # The graph is bi-partite. Kill the transient data structure, and # move the partitions into the provided variable, if there is any. $pending destroy if {$bipartitionvar ne ""} { # Build bipartition, then set the data into the variable # passed as argument to this command. set X {} set Y {} foreach {node partition} [array get color] { if {$partition == 1} { lappend X $node } else { lappend Y $node } } set bipartitions [list $X $Y] } return 1 } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command computes a maximal matching, if it exists, for the # graph argument G and its bi-partition as specified through the node # sets X and Y. As is implied, this method requires that the graph is # bi-partite. Use the command 'isBipartite?' to check for this # property, and to obtain the bi-partition. if 0 { proc ::struct::graph::op::maxMatching {g X Y} { return -code error "not implemented yet" }} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command computes the strongly connected components (SCCs) of # the graph argument G. The result is a list of node-sets, each set # containing the nodes of one SCC of G. In any SCC there is a directed # path between any two nodes U, V from U to V. If all SCCs contain # only a single node the graph is acyclic. proc ::struct::graph::op::tarjan {g} { set all [$g nodes] # Quick bailout for simple special cases, i.e. graphs without # nodes or arcs. if {![llength $all]} { # No nodes => no SCCs return {} } elseif {![llength [$g arcs]]} { # Have nodes, but no arcs => each node is its own SCC. set r {} ; foreach a $all { lappend r [list $a] } return $r } # Transient data structures. Stack of nodes to consider, the # result, and various state arrays. TarjanSub upvar's all them # into its scope. set pending [::struct::stack pending] set result {} array set index {} array set lowlink {} array set instack {} # Invoke the main search system while we have unvisited # nodes. TarjanSub will remove all visited nodes from 'all', # ensuring termination. while {[llength $all]} { TarjanSub [lindex $all 0] 0 } # Release the transient structures and return result. $pending destroy return $result } proc ::struct::graph::op::TarjanSub {start counter} { # Import the tracer state from our caller. upvar 1 g g index index lowlink lowlink instack instack result result pending pending all all struct::set subtract all $start set component {} set index($start) $counter set lowlink($start) $counter incr counter $pending push $start set instack($start) 1 foreach outarc [$g arcs -out $start] { set neighbour [$g arc target $outarc] if {![info exists index($neighbour)]} { # depth-first-search of reachable nodes from the neighbour # node. Original from the chosen startnode. TarjanSub $neighbour $counter set lowlink($start) [Min $lowlink($start) $lowlink($neighbour)] } elseif {[info exists instack($neighbour)]} { set lowlink($start) [Min $lowlink($start) $lowlink($neighbour)] } } # Check if the 'start' node on this recursion level is the root # node of a SCC, and collect the component if yes. if {$lowlink($start) == $index($start)} { while {1} { set v [$pending pop] unset instack($v) lappend component $v if {$v eq $start} break } lappend result $component } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command computes the connected components (CCs) of the graph # argument G. The result is a list of node-sets, each set containing # the nodes of one CC of G. In any CC there is UN-directed path # between any two nodes U, V. proc ::struct::graph::op::connectedComponents {g} { set all [$g nodes] # Quick bailout for simple special cases, i.e. graphs without # nodes or arcs. if {![llength $all]} { # No nodes => no CCs return {} } elseif {![llength [$g arcs]]} { # Have nodes, but no arcs => each node is its own CC. set r {} ; foreach a $all { lappend r [list $a] } return $r } # Invoke the main search system while we have unvisited # nodes. set result {} while {[llength $all]} { set component [ComponentOf $g [lindex $all 0]] lappend result $component # all = all - component struct::set subtract all $component } return $result } # A derivative command which computes the connected component (CC) of # the graph argument G containing the node N. The result is a node-set # containing the nodes of the CC of N in G. proc ::struct::graph::op::connectedComponentOf {g n} { # Quick bailout for simple special cases if {![$g node exists $n]} { return -code error "node \"$n\" does not exist in graph \"$g\"" } elseif {![llength [$g arcs -adj $n]]} { # The chosen node has no neighbours, so is its own CC. return [list $n] } # Invoke the main search system for the chosen node. return [ComponentOf $g $n] } # Internal helper for finding connected components. proc ::struct::graph::op::ComponentOf {g start} { set pending [::struct::queue pending] $pending put $start array set visited {} set visited($start) . while {[$pending size]} { set current [$pending get 1] foreach neighbour [$g nodes -adj $current] { if {[info exists visited($neighbour)]} continue $pending put $neighbour set visited($neighbour) 1 } } $pending destroy return [array names visited] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command determines if the specified arc A in the graph G is a # bridge, i.e. if its removal will split the connected component its # end nodes belong to, into two. The result is a boolean value. Uses # the 'ComponentOf' helper command. proc ::struct::graph::op::isBridge? {g arc} { if {![$g arc exists $arc]} { return -code error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$g\"" } # Note: We could avoid the need for a copy of the graph if we were # willing to modify G (*). As we are not willing using a copy is # the easiest way to allow us a trivial modification. For the # future consider the creation of a graph class which represents # virtual graphs over a source, generated by deleting nodes and/or # arcs. without actually modifying the source. # # (Ad *): Create a new unnamed helper node X. Move the arc # destination to X. Recompute the component and ignore # X. Then move the arc target back to its original node # and remove X again. set src [$g arc source $arc] set compBefore [ComponentOf $g $src] if {[llength $compBefore] == 1} { # Special case, the arc is a loop on an otherwise unconnected # node. The component will not split, this is not a bridge. return 0 } set copy [struct::graph BridgeCopy = $g] $copy arc delete $arc set compAfter [ComponentOf $copy $src] $copy destroy return [expr {[llength $compBefore] != [llength $compAfter]}] } # This command determines if the specified node N in the graph G is a # cut vertex, i.e. if its removal will split the connected component # it belongs to into two. The result is a boolean value. Uses the # 'ComponentOf' helper command. proc ::struct::graph::op::isCutVertex? {g n} { if {![$g node exists $n]} { return -code error "node \"$n\" does not exist in graph \"$g\"" } # Note: We could avoid the need for a copy of the graph if we were # willing to modify G (*). As we are not willing using a copy is # the easiest way to allow us a trivial modification. For the # future consider the creation of a graph class which represents # virtual graphs over a source, generated by deleting nodes and/or # arcs. without actually modifying the source. # # (Ad *): Create two new unnamed helper nodes X and Y. Move the # icoming and outgoing arcs to these helpers. Recompute # the component and ignore the helpers. Then move the arcs # back to their original nodes and remove the helpers # again. set compBefore [ComponentOf $g $n] if {[llength $compBefore] == 1} { # Special case. The node is unconnected. Its removal will # cause no changes. Therefore not a cutvertex. return 0 } # We remove the node from the original component, so that we can # select a new start node without fear of hitting on the # cut-vertex candidate. Also makes the comparison later easier # (straight ==). struct::set subtract compBefore $n set copy [struct::graph CutVertexCopy = $g] $copy node delete $n set compAfter [ComponentOf $copy [lindex $compBefore 0]] $copy destroy return [expr {[llength $compBefore] != [llength $compAfter]}] } # This command determines if the graph G is connected. proc ::struct::graph::op::isConnected? {g} { return [expr { [llength [connectedComponents $g]] == 1 }] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command determines if the specified graph G has an eulerian # cycle (aka euler tour, <=> g is eulerian) or not. If yes, it can # return the cycle through the named variable, as a list of arcs # traversed. # # Note that for a graph to be eulerian all nodes have to have an even # degree, and the graph has to be connected. And if more than two # nodes have an odd degree the graph is not even semi-eulerian (cannot # even have an euler path). proc ::struct::graph::op::isEulerian? {g {eulervar {}} {tourstart {}}} { set nodes [$g nodes] if {![llength $nodes] || ![llength [$g arcs]]} { # Quick bailout for special cases. No nodes, or no arcs imply # that no euler cycle is present. return 0 } # Check the condition regarding even degree nodes, then # connected-ness. foreach n $nodes { if {([$g node degree $n] % 2) == 0} continue # Odd degree node found, not eulerian. return 0 } if {![isConnected? $g]} { return 0 } # At this point the graph is connected, with all nodes of even # degree. As per Carl Hierholzer the graph has to have an euler # tour. If the user doesn't request it we do not waste the time to # actually compute one. if {$tourstart ne ""} { upvar 1 $tourstart start } # We start the tour at an arbitrary node. set start [lindex $nodes 0] if {$eulervar eq ""} { return 1 } upvar 1 $eulervar tour Fleury $g $start tour return 1 } # This command determines if the specified graph G has an eulerian # path (<=> g is semi-eulerian) or not. If yes, it can return the # path through the named variable, as a list of arcs traversed. # # (*) Aka euler tour. # # Note that for a graph to be semi-eulerian at most two nodes are # allowed to have an odd degree, all others have to be of even degree, # and the graph has to be connected. proc ::struct::graph::op::isSemiEulerian? {g {eulervar {}}} { set nodes [$g nodes] if {![llength $nodes] || ![llength [$g arcs]]} { # Quick bailout for special cases. No nodes, or no arcs imply # that no euler path is present. return 0 } # Check the condition regarding oddd/even degree nodes, then # connected-ness. set odd 0 foreach n $nodes { if {([$g node degree $n] % 2) == 0} continue incr odd set lastodd $n } if {($odd > 2) || ![isConnected? $g]} { return 0 } # At this point the graph is connected, with the node degrees # supporting existence of an euler path. If the user doesn't # request it we do not waste the time to actually compute one. if {$eulervar eq ""} { return 1 } upvar 1 $eulervar path # We start at either an odd-degree node, or any node, if there are # no odd-degree ones. In the last case we are actually # constructing an euler tour, i.e. a closed path. if {$odd} { set start $lastodd } else { set start [lindex $nodes 0] } Fleury $g $start path return 1 } proc ::struct::graph::op::Fleury {g start eulervar} { upvar 1 $eulervar path # We start at the chosen node. set copy [struct::graph FleuryCopy = $g] set path {} # Edges are chosen per Fleury's algorithm. That is easy, # especially as we already have a command to determine whether an # arc is a bridge or not. set arcs [$copy arcs] while {![struct::set empty $arcs]} { set adjacent [$copy arcs -adj $start] if {[llength $adjacent] == 1} { # No choice in what arc to traverse. set arc [lindex $adjacent 0] } else { # Choose first non-bridge arcs. The euler conditions force # that at least two such are present. set has 0 foreach arc $adjacent { if {[isBridge? $copy $arc]} { continue } set has 1 break } if {!$has} { $copy destroy return -code error {Internal error} } } set start [$copy node opposite $start $arc] $copy arc delete $arc struct::set exclude arcs $arc lappend path $arc } $copy destroy return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # This command uses dijkstra's algorithm to find all shortest paths in # the graph G starting at node N. The operation can be configured to # traverse arcs directed and undirected, and the format of the result. proc ::struct::graph::op::dijkstra {g node args} { # Default traversal is undirected. # Default output format is tree. set arcTraversal undirected set resultFormat tree # Process options to override the defaults, if any. foreach {option param} $args { switch -exact -- $option { -arcmode { switch -exact -- $param { directed - undirected { set arcTraversal $param } default { return -code error "Bad value for -arcmode, expected one of \"directed\" or \"undirected\"" } } } -outputformat { switch -exact -- $param { tree - distances { set resultFormat $param } default { return -code error "Bad value for -outputformat, expected one of \"distances\" or \"tree\"" } } } default { return -code error "Bad option \"$option\", expected one of \"-arcmode\" or \"-outputformat\"" } } } # We expect that all arcs of g are given a weight. VerifyWeightsAreOk $g # And the start node has to belong to the graph too, of course. if {![$g node exists $node]} { return -code error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$g\"" } # TODO: Quick bailout for special cases (no arcs). # Transient and other data structures for the core algorithm. set pending [::struct::prioqueue -dictionary DijkstraQueue] array set distance {} ; # array: node -> distance to 'n' array set previous {} ; # array: node -> parent in shortest path to 'n'. array set visited {} ; # array: node -> bool, true when node processed # Initialize the data structures. foreach n [$g nodes] { set distance($n) Inf set previous($n) undefined set visited($n) 0 } # Compute the distances ... $pending put $node 0 set distance($node) 0 set previous($node) none while {[$pending size]} { set current [$pending get] set visited($current) 1 # Traversal to neighbours according to the chosen mode. if {$arcTraversal eq "undirected"} { set arcNeighbours [$g arcs -adj $current] } else { set arcNeighbours [$g arcs -out $current] } # Compute distances, record newly discovered nodes, minimize # distances for nodes reachable through multiple paths. foreach arcNeighbour $arcNeighbours { set cost [$g arc getweight $arcNeighbour] set neighbour [$g node opposite $current $arcNeighbour] set delta [expr {$distance($current) + $cost}] if { ($distance($neighbour) eq "Inf") || ($delta < $distance($neighbour)) } { # First path, or better path to the node folund, # update our records. set distance($neighbour) $delta set previous($neighbour) $current if {!$visited($neighbour)} { $pending put $neighbour $delta } } } } $pending destroy # Now generate the result based on the chosen format. if {$resultFormat eq "distances"} { return [array get distance] } else { array set listofprevious {} foreach n [$g nodes] { set current $n while {1} { if {$current eq "undefined"} break if {$current eq $node} { lappend listofprevious($n) $current break } if {$current ne $n} { lappend listofprevious($n) $current } set current $previous($current) } } return [array get listofprevious] } } # This convenience command is a wrapper around dijkstra's algorithm to # find the (un)directed distance between two nodes in the graph G. proc ::struct::graph::op::distance {g origin destination args} { if {![$g node exists $origin]} { return -code error "node \"$origin\" does not exist in graph \"$g\"" } if {![$g node exists $destination]} { return -code error "node \"$destination\" does not exist in graph \"$g\"" } set arcTraversal undirected # Process options to override the defaults, if any. foreach {option param} $args { switch -exact -- $option { -arcmode { switch -exact -- $param { directed - undirected { set arcTraversal $param } default { return -code error "Bad value for -arcmode, expected one of \"directed\" or \"undirected\"" } } } default { return -code error "Bad option \"$option\", expected \"-arcmode\"" } } } # Quick bailout for special case: the distance from a node to # itself is zero if {$origin eq $destination} { return 0 } # Compute all distances, then pick and return the one we are # interested in. array set distance [dijkstra $g $origin -outputformat distances -arcmode $arcTraversal] return $distance($destination) } # This convenience command is a wrapper around dijkstra's algorithm to # find the (un)directed eccentricity of the node N in the graph G. The # eccentricity is the maximal distance to any other node in the graph. proc ::struct::graph::op::eccentricity {g node args} { if {![$g node exists $node]} { return -code error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$g\"" } set arcTraversal undirected # Process options to override the defaults, if any. foreach {option param} $args { switch -exact -- $option { -arcmode { switch -exact -- $param { directed - undirected { set arcTraversal $param } default { return -code error "Bad value for -arcmode, expected one of \"directed\" or \"undirected\"" } } } default { return -code error "Bad option \"$option\", expected \"-arcmode\"" } } } # Compute all distances, then pick out the max set ecc 0 foreach {n distance} [dijkstra $g $node -outputformat distances -arcmode $arcTraversal] { if {$distance eq "Inf"} { return Inf } if {$distance > $ecc} { set ecc $distance } } return $ecc } # This convenience command is a wrapper around eccentricity to find # the (un)directed radius of the graph G. The radius is the minimal # eccentricity over all nodes in the graph. proc ::struct::graph::op::radius {g args} { return [lindex [RD $g $args] 0] } # This convenience command is a wrapper around eccentricity to find # the (un)directed diameter of the graph G. The diameter is the # maximal eccentricity over all nodes in the graph. proc ::struct::graph::op::diameter {g args} { return [lindex [RD $g $args] 1] } proc ::struct::graph::op::RD {g options} { set arcTraversal undirected # Process options to override the defaults, if any. foreach {option param} $options { switch -exact -- $option { -arcmode { switch -exact -- $param { directed - undirected { set arcTraversal $param } default { return -code error "Bad value for -arcmode, expected one of \"directed\" or \"undirected\"" } } } default { return -code error "Bad option \"$option\", expected \"-arcmode\"" } } } set radius Inf set diameter 0 foreach n [$g nodes] { set e [eccentricity $g $n -arcmode $arcTraversal] #puts "$n ==> ($e)" if {($e eq "Inf") || ($e > $diameter)} { set diameter $e } if {($radius eq "Inf") || ($e < $radius)} { set radius $e } } return [list $radius $diameter] } # ## place holder for operations to come # # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal helpers proc ::struct::graph::op::Min {first second} { if {$first > $second} { return $second } else { return $first } } proc ::struct::graph::op::Max {first second} { if {$first < $second} { return $second } else { return $first } } # This method verifies that every arc on the graph has a weight # assigned to it. This is required for some algorithms. proc ::struct::graph::op::VerifyWeightsAreOk {g} { if {![llength [$g arc getunweighted]]} return return -code error "Operation invalid for graph with unweighted arcs." } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready namespace eval ::struct::graph::op { #namespace export ... } package provide struct::graph::op 0.11.3