[manpage_begin textutil::string n 0.7] [moddesc {Text and string utilities, macro processing}] [titledesc {Procedures to manipulate texts and strings.}] [category {Text processing}] [require Tcl 8.2] [require textutil::string [opt 0.7]] [description] The package [package textutil::string] provides miscellaneous string manipulation commands. [para] The complete set of procedures is described below. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::textutil::string::chop] [arg string]] A convenience command. Removes the last character of [arg string] and returns the shortened string. [call [cmd ::textutil::string::tail] [arg string]] A convenience command. Removes the first character of [arg string] and returns the shortened string. [call [cmd ::textutil::string::cap] [arg string]] Capitalizes the first character of [arg string] and returns the modified string. [call [cmd ::textutil::string::uncap] [arg string]] The complementary operation to [cmd ::textutil::string::cap]. Forces the first character of [arg string] to lower case and returns the modified string. [call [cmd ::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefixList] [arg list]] [call [cmd ::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefix] [opt [arg string]...]] Computes the longest common prefix for either the [arg string]s given to the command, or the strings specified in the single [arg list], and returns it as the result of the command. [para] If no strings were specified the result is the empty string. If only one string was specified, the string itself is returned, as it is its own longest common prefix. [list_end] [section {BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK}] This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category [emph textutil] of the [uri {http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883} {Tcllib SF Trackers}]. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation. [see_also regexp(n) split(n) string(n)] [keywords string capitalize formatting prefix uncapitalize] [keywords chop {common prefix}] [manpage_end]