This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) (format=pdflatex 2006.5.19) 7 DEC 2012 23:43 entering extended mode **/mnt/dados1/URLibBibDigital/col/ relatorio.tex (/mnt/dados1/URLibBibDigital/col/ elatorio.tex LaTeX2e <2003/12/01> Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, b ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, e stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, norsk, polis h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, swedish, tur kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded. 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{\numberline{1.3}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\~ao das teses e disserta\c {c}\~oes por anos de publica\c c\~ao (dados importados automaticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {thesisPublicat ionYearBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {thesisPublicationYearBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.3} {0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 84: figure.1.3 pdftex: define anchor at line 84: figure.1.3 pdftex: define anchor at line 89: section.1.4 pdftex: bookmark at 89: {1.4} {\numberline{1.4}Distribui\c c\~ao das teses e di sserta\c {c}\~oes por anos de defesa} {section.1.4}{1}{toc} File: thesisVivaPublicationYearBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 96--97 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 97: {1.4} {\numberline{1.4}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\~ao das teses e disserta\c {c}\~oes por anos de defesa (dados importados automatic amente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {thesisVivaPublicationYe arBar.jpg}{jpg} \href 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section.1.7 pdftex: bookmark at 129: {1.7} {\numberline{1.7}Distribui\c c\~ao dos n\'umeros de acessos \`a Mem\'oria Cient\IeC {\'\i }fica por anos} {section.1.7}{1}{toc} File: accessYearBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) pdftex: bookmark at 139: {1.7} {\numberline{1.7}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\~a o dos n\'umeros de acessos \`a Mem\'oria Cient\IeC {\'\i }fica por anos (dados importados automaticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {acc essYearBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {accessYearBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.7}{0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 139: figure.1.7 pdftex: define anchor at line 139: figure.1.7 pdftex: define anchor at line 144: section.1.8 pdftex: bookmark at 144: {1.8} {\numberline{1.8}Distribui\c c\~ao dos registros por tipos para os anos de 2010 a 2012} {section.1.8}{1}{toc} File: referenceTypeOfTheLastThreeYearsBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 151--152 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 152: {1.8} {\numberline{1.8}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\~a o dos registros e textos completos por tipos - anos de 2010 a 2012 (dados impor tados automaticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {referenc eTypeOfTheLastThreeYearsBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {referenceTypeOfTheLastThreeYearsBa r.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.8}{0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 152: figure.1.8 pdftex: define anchor at line 152: figure.1.8 Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] pdftex: define anchor at line 154: page.3 [3 <./thesisVivaPublicationYearBar.pdf>] pdftex: define anchor at line 157: section.1.9 pdftex: bookmark at 157: {1.9} {\numberline{1.9}Distribui\c c\~ao dos registros inseridos em 2010-2012 por anos de publica\c c\~ao} {section.1.9}{1}{toc} File: publicationYearDuringTheLastThreeYearsBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 164--165 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 165: {1.9} {\numberline{1.9}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\~a o dos registros e textos completos inseridos em 2009-2011 por anos de publica\c c\~ao (dados importados automaticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquiv os: \href {publicationYearDuringTheLastThreeYearsBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {publicati onYearDuringTheLastThreeYearsBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.9}{0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 165: figure.1.9 pdftex: define anchor at line 165: figure.1.9 pdftex: define anchor at line 170: section.1.10 pdftex: bookmark at 170: {1.10} {\numberline{1.10}Distribui\c c\~ao dos n\'umer os de acessos \`a Mem\'oria Cient\IeC {\'\i }fica nos tr\^es \'ultimos anos} {s ection.1.10}{1}{toc} File: accessYearOfTheLastThreeYearsBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) pdftex: bookmark at 178: {1.10} {\numberline{1.10}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\ ~ao dos n\'umeros de acessos \`a Mem\'oria Cient\IeC {\'\i }fica nos tr\^es \'u ltimos anos (dados importados automaticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- a rquivos: \href {accessYearOfTheLastThreeYearsBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {accessYearOfT heLastThreeYearsBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.10}{0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 178: figure.1.10 pdftex: define anchor at line 178: figure.1.10 pdftex: define anchor at line 183: section.1.11 pdftex: bookmark at 183: {1.11} {\numberline{1.11}Distribui\c c\~ao de artigos em revista por anos de publica\c c\~ao} {section.1.11}{1}{toc} File: journalPublicationYearBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 190--191 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 191: {1.11} {\numberline{1.11}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\ ~ao de artigos em revista por anos de publica\c c\~ao (dados importados automat icamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {journalPublicationYea rBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {journalPublicationYearBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.11}{0}{ lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 191: figure.1.11 pdftex: define anchor at line 191: figure.1.11 Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] pdftex: define anchor at line 193: page.4 [4 <./referenceTypeBar.pdf>] pdftex: define anchor at line 196: section.1.12 pdftex: bookmark at 196: {1.12} {\numberline{1.12}Distribui\c c\~ao de artigos em evento por anos de publica\c c\~ao} {section.1.12}{1}{toc} File: conferencePublicationYearBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 203--204 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 204: {1.12} {\numberline{1.12}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\ ~ao de artigos em evento por anos de publica\c c\~ao (dados importados automati camente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {conferencePublicationY earBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {conferencePublicationYearBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.12 }{0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 204: figure.1.12 pdftex: define anchor at line 204: figure.1.12 pdftex: define anchor at line 209: section.1.13 pdftex: bookmark at 209: {1.13} {\numberline{1.13}Distribui\c c\~ao de cap\IeC {\'\i }tulos de livro por anos de publica\c c\~ao} {section.1.13}{1}{toc} File: bookSectionPublicationYearBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 216--217 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 217: {1.13} {\numberline{1.13}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\ ~ao de cap\IeC {\'\i }tulos de livro por anos de publica\c c\~ao (dados importa dos automaticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {bookSectio nPublicationYearBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {bookSectionPublicationYearBar.png}{png}).} } {figure.1.13}{0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 217: figure.1.13 pdftex: define anchor at line 217: figure.1.13 pdftex: define anchor at line 222: section.1.14 pdftex: bookmark at 222: {1.14} {\numberline{1.14}Distribui\c c\~ao de PUD, NTC , MAN e RPQ por anos de publica\c c\~ao} {section.1.14}{1}{toc} File: reportPublicationYearBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 229--230 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 230: {1.14} {\numberline{1.14}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\ ~ao de PUD, NTC, MAN e RPQ por anos de publica\c c\~ao (dados importados automa ticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {reportPublicationYea rBar.jpg}{jpg} \href {reportPublicationYearBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.14}{0}{l of} pdftex: define anchor at line 230: figure.1.14 pdftex: define anchor at line 230: figure.1.14 pdftex: define anchor at line 235: section.1.15 pdftex: bookmark at 235: {1.15} {\numberline{1.15}Distribui\c c\~ao dos ePrints por anos de inser\c c\~ao} {section.1.15}{1}{toc} File: ePrintIngestYearBar.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Overfull \hbox (59.75052pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 242--243 [][] [] pdftex: bookmark at 243: {1.15} {\numberline{1.15}{\ignorespaces Distribui\c c\ ~ao de ePrints por anos de inser\c c\~ao (dados importados automaticamente pelo UR{\itshape Lib}Service -- arquivos: \href {ePrintIngestYearBar.jpg}{jpg} \hre f {ePrintIngestYearBar.png}{png}).}} {figure.1.15}{0}{lof} pdftex: define anchor at line 243: 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