Relação dos registros faltando na Tabela dos Indicadores Físicos e Operacionais IPUB e IGPUB
Ano de 2021
Última atualização: [[clock format [[clock second]] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]]

Esta relação foi gerada automaticamente pelo URLibService


1. Area MET
2. Area SRE
4. Outras areas

[[DisplaySearch {vis shown and y 2021 and ar met and not ref misc and not ref Program and not ref Film and not ref Patent and not {ref source and nex * and repos *2021*} and not {course * or firstg *INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR and {{secondaryty pi or secondaryty pn and issn *} or secondaryty li or secondaryty ln or {secondaryty man and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty ntc and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty pud and not isb * and not ref section} or secondaryty ci or secondaryty cn or ref report or ref thesis or {ref source and not nex * and repos *2021*} or {ref audiovisual and not par *}}}} no no brief {Número de registros faltando na area MET: ($numberOfEntries)
} {} 0 {} $siteList]]
[[DisplaySearch {vis shown and y 2021 and ar sre and not conferencen Short Course and not conferencen SBSR 19 and not conferencen GEOINFO 20 and not ref misc and not ref Program and not ref Film and not ref Patent and not {ref source and nex * and repos *2021*} and not {course * or firstg *INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR and {{secondaryty pi or secondaryty pn and issn *} or secondaryty li or secondaryty ln or {secondaryty man and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty ntc and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty pud and not isb * and not ref section} or secondaryty ci or secondaryty cn or ref report or ref thesis or {ref source and not nex * and repos *2021*} or {ref audiovisual and not par *}}}} no no brief {Número de registros faltando na area SRE: ($numberOfEntries)
} {} 0 {} $siteList]]
[[DisplaySearch {vis shown and y 2021 and {ar COMP or ar FISMAT or ar FISPLASMA or ar COMB} and not conferencen wete 10 and not conferencen Days and not ref misc and not ref Program and not ref Film and not ref Patent and not {ref source and nex * and repos *2021*} and not {course * or firstg *INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR and {{secondaryty pi or secondaryty pn and issn *} or secondaryty li or secondaryty ln or {secondaryty man and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty ntc and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty pud and not isb * and not ref section} or secondaryty ci or secondaryty cn or ref report or ref thesis or {ref source and not nex * and repos *2021*} or {ref audiovisual and not par *}}}} no no brief {Número de registros faltando nas areas COMP, FISMAT, FISPLASMA e COMB: ($numberOfEntries)
} {} 0 {} $siteList]]
[[DisplaySearch {vis shown and y 2021 and not ref Image and not conferencen LADC 7 and not firstau CCSDS and not conferencen wete 10 and not ref newspaper and not ar met and not ar sre and not ar COMP and not ar FISMAT and not ar FISPLASMA and not ar COMB and not ref misc and not ref Program and not ref Archival and not ref Film and not ref Patent and not {ref source and nex * and repos *2021*} and not {course * or firstg *INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR and {{secondaryty pi or secondaryty pn and issn *} or secondaryty li or secondaryty ln or {secondaryty man and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty ntc and not isb * and not ref section} or {secondaryty pud and not isb * and not ref section} or secondaryty ci or secondaryty cn or ref report or ref thesis or {ref source and not nex * and repos *2021*} or {ref audiovisual and not par *}}}} no no brief {Número de registros faltando nas outras areas: ($numberOfEntries)
} {} 0 {} $siteList]]