Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [[clock format [[clock second]] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [[ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [[DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"]] if ![[string equal {} $nOfE]] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList $au } } } set i ]] de [[llength $tecnologistas]]

[[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [[ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [[DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"]] if ![[string equal {} $nOfE]] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList $au } } } set i ]] de [[llength $bolsistasipub]]

[[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [[ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [[DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"]] if ![[string equal {} $nOfE]] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList $au } } } set i ]] de [[llength $bolsistasigpub]]

[[join $nameList