RCS: @(#) $Id: README.releasemgr,v 1.2 2009/07/10 16:33:31 andreas_kupries Exp $ Welcome to the tcllib, the Tcl Standard Library. ================================================ Introduction ------------ This README is intended to be a guide to the tools available to a Release manager working on the creation of a release of Tcllib. Audience -------- The intended audience is the release manager of Tcllib, his deputies, and anybody else interested in the task. Basics ------ < Flesh this out > sak.tcl < Tasks, and how to perform them > Uploading and releasing files to SourceForge -------------------------------------------- The main form to upload files is https://frs.sourceforge.net/webupload This is WebDAV. The place to manage the releases the files are for is https://sourceforge.net/project/admin/editpackages.php?group_id=12883