# Main body of code. puts -nonewline "Loading [info script] ..." # $cn connect irc.freenode.net 6667 $cn registerevent 001 "$cn join $channel" # Register a default action for commands from the server. $cn registerevent defaultcmd { puts "[action] [msg]" } # Register a default action for numeric events from the server. $cn registerevent defaultnumeric { puts "[action] XXX [target] XXX [msg]" } # Register a default action for events. $cn registerevent defaultevent { puts "[action] XXX [who] XXX [target] XXX [msg]" } # Register a default action for PRIVMSG (either public or to a # channel). $cn registerevent PRIVMSG { puts "[who] says to [target] [msg]" } # If you uncomment this, you can change this file and reload it # without shutting down the network connection. if {0} { $cn registerevent PRIVMSG { puts "[who] says to [target] [msg]" if { [msg] == "RELOAD" && [target] == $::ircclient::nick } { if [catch { ::irc::reload } err] { puts "Error: $err" } set ::ircclient::RELOAD 1 } } } $cn registerevent KICK { puts "[who] KICKed [target 1] from [target] : [msg]" } puts " done"