# mutl.tcl - messaging utilities # # (c) 1999 Marshall T. Rose # Hold harmless the author, and any lawful use is allowed. # package provide mutl 1.0 namespace eval mutl { namespace export exclfile tmpfile \ firstaddress gathertext getheader } proc mutl::exclfile {fileN {stayP 0}} { global errorCode errorInfo for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { if {![catch { set xd [open $fileN { RDWR CREAT EXCL }] } result]} { if {(![set code [catch { puts $xd [expr {[pid]%65535}] flush $xd } result]]) \ && (!$stayP)} { if {![set code [catch { close $xd } result]]} { set xd "" } } if {$code} { set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo catch { close $xd } file delete -- $fileN return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } return $xd } set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo if {(([llength $ecode] != 3) \ || ([string compare [lindex $ecode 0] POSIX]) \ || ([string compare [lindex $ecode 1] EEXIST]))} { return -code 1 -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } after 1000 } error "unable to exclusively open $fileN" } proc mutl::tmpfile {prefix {tmpD ""}} { global env global errorCode errorInfo if {(![string compare $tmpD ""]) && ([catch { set tmpD $env(TMP) }])} { set tmpD /tmp } set file [file join $tmpD $prefix] append file [expr {[pid]%65535}] for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { if {![set code [catch { set fd [open $file$i \ { WRONLY CREAT EXCL }] } \ result]]} { return [list file $file$i fd $fd] } set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo if {(([llength $ecode] != 3) \ || ([string compare [lindex $ecode 0] POSIX]) \ || ([string compare [lindex $ecode 1] EEXIST]))} { return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } } error "unable to create temporary file" } proc mutl::firstaddress {values} { foreach value $values { foreach addr [mime::parseaddress $value] { catch { unset aprops } array set aprops $addr if {[string compare $aprops(proper) ""]} { return $aprops(proper) } } } } proc mutl::gathertext {token} { array set props [mime::getproperty $token] set text "" if {[info exists props(parts)]} { foreach part $props(parts) { append text [mutl::gathertext $part] } } elseif {![string compare $props(content) text/plain]} { set text [mime::getbody $token] } return $text } proc mutl::getheader {token key} { if {[catch { mime::getheader $token $key } result]} { set result "" } return $result }