# -*- tcl -*- # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## This package provides custom plugin management specific to PAGE. It ## is built on top of the generic plugin management framework (See ## ---> pluginmgr). # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require fileutil package require pluginmgr ; # Generic plugin management framework namespace eval ::page::pluginmgr {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API (Public, exported) proc ::page::pluginmgr::reportvia {cmd} { variable reportcmd $cmd return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::log {cmd} { variable reader variable writer variable transforms set iplist {} lappend iplist [$reader interpreter] lappend iplist [$writer interpreter] foreach t $transforms { lappend iplist [$t interpreter] } if {$cmd eq ""} { # No logging. Disable with empty command, # to allow the system to completely remove # them from the bytecode (= No execution # overhead). foreach ip $iplist { $ip eval [list proc page_log_error args {}] $ip eval [list proc page_log_warning args {}] $ip eval [list proc page_log_info args {}] } } else { # Activate logging. Make the commands in # the interpreters aliases to us. foreach ip $iplist { interp alias $ip page_log_error {} ${cmd}::error interp alias $ip page_log_warning {} ${cmd}::warning interp alias $ip page_log_info {} ${cmd}::info } } return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::reader {name} { variable reader $reader load $name return [$reader do page_roptions] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::rconfigure {dict} { variable reader foreach {k v} $dict { $reader do page_rconfigure $k $v } return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::rtimeable {} { variable reader return [$reader do page_rfeature timeable] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::rtime {} { variable reader $reader do page_rtime return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::rgettime {} { variable reader return [$reader do page_rgettime] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::rhelp {} { variable reader return [$reader do page_rhelp] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::rlabel {} { variable reader return [$reader do page_rlabel] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::read {read eof {complete {}}} { variable reader #interp alias $ip page_read {} {*}$read #interp alias $ip page_eof {} {*}$eof set ip [$reader interpreter] eval [linsert $read 0 interp alias $ip page_read {}] eval [linsert $eof 0 interp alias $ip page_eof {}] if {![llength $complete]} { interp alias $ip page_read_done {} ::page::pluginmgr::Nop } else { eval [linsert $complete 0 interp alias $ip page_read_done {}] } return [$reader do page_rrun] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::writer {name} { variable writer $writer load $name return [$writer do page_woptions] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::wconfigure {dict} { variable writer foreach {k v} $dict { $writer do page_wconfigure $k $v } return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::wtimeable {} { variable writer return [$writer do page_wfeature timeable] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::wtime {} { variable writer $writer do page_wtime return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::wgettime {} { variable writer return [$writer do page_wgettime] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::whelp {} { variable writer return [$writer do page_whelp] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::wlabel {} { variable writer return [$writer do page_wlabel] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::write {chan data} { variable writer $writer do page_wrun $chan $data return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::transform {name} { variable transform variable transforms $transform load $name set id [llength $transforms] set opt [$transform do page_toptions] lappend transforms [$transform clone] return [list $id $opt] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::tconfigure {id dict} { variable transforms set t [lindex $transforms $id] foreach {k v} $dict { $t do page_tconfigure $k $v } return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::ttimeable {id} { variable transforms set t [lindex $transforms $id] return [$t do page_tfeature timeable] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::ttime {id} { variable transforms set t [lindex $transforms $id] $t do page_ttime return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::tgettime {id} { variable transforms set t [lindex $transforms $id] return [$t do page_tgettime] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::thelp {id} { variable transforms set t [lindex $transforms $id] return [$t do page_thelp] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::tlabel {id} { variable transforms set t [lindex $transforms $id] return [$t do page_tlabel] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::transform_do {id data} { variable transforms variable reader set t [lindex $transforms $id] return [$t do page_trun $data] } proc ::page::pluginmgr::configuration {name} { variable config if {[file exists $name]} { # Try as plugin first. On failure read it as list of options, # separated by spaces and tabs, and possibly quoted with # quotes and double-quotes. if {[catch {$config load $name}]} { set ch [open $name r] set options [::read $ch] close $ch set def {} while {[string length $options]} { if {[regsub "^\[ \t\n\]+" $options {} options]} { # Skip whitespace continue } if {[regexp -indices {^'(([^']|(''))*)'} \ $options -> word]} { foreach {__ end} $word break lappend def [string map {'' '} [string range $options 1 $end]] set options [string range $options [incr end 2] end] } elseif {[regexp -indices {^"(([^"]|(""))*)"} \ $options -> word]} { foreach {__ end} $word break lappend def [string map {{""} {"}} [string range $options 1 $end]] set options [string range $options [incr end 2] end] } elseif {[regexp -indices "^(\[^ \t\n\]+)" \ $options -> word]} { foreach {__ end} $word break lappend def [string range $options 0 $end] set options [string range $options [incr end] end] } } return $def } } else { $config load $name } set def [$config do page_cdefinition] $config unload return $def } proc ::page::pluginmgr::report {level text {from {}} {to {}}} { variable replevel variable reportcmd uplevel #0 [linsert $reportcmd end $replevel($level) $text $from $to] return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internals ## Data structures ## ## - reader | Instances of pluginmgr configured for input, ## - transform | transformational, and output plugins. The ## - writer | manager for transforms is actually a template ## | from which the actual instances are cloned. ## - reportcmd | Callback for reporting of input error and warnings. ## - replevel | Mapping from chosen level to the right-padded text ## | to use. namespace eval ::page::pluginmgr { variable replevel array set replevel { info {info } warning {warning} error {error } } } proc ::page::pluginmgr::Initialize {} { InitializeReporting InitializeConfig InitializeReader InitializeTransform InitializeWriter return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeReader {} { variable commands variable reader_api variable reader [pluginmgr RD \ -setup ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeReaderIp \ -pattern page::reader::* \ -api $reader_api \ -cmdip {} \ -cmds $commands] # The page_log_* commands are set later, when it is known if # logging is active or not, as their implementation depends on # this. pluginmgr::paths $reader page::reader return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeReaderIp {p ip} { interp eval $ip { # @sak notprovided page::plugin # @sak notprovided page::plugin::reader package provide page::plugin 1.0 package provide page::plugin::reader 1.0 } interp alias $ip puts {} puts interp alias $ip open {} ::page::pluginmgr::AliasOpen $ip interp alias $ip write {} ::page::pluginmgr::WriteFile $ip return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeWriter {} { variable commands variable writer_api variable writer [pluginmgr WR \ -setup ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeWriterIp \ -pattern page::writer::* \ -api $writer_api \ -cmdip {} \ -cmds $commands] # The page_log_* commands are set later, when it is known if # logging is active or not, as their implementation depends on # this. pluginmgr::paths $writer page::writer return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeWriterIp {p ip} { interp eval $ip { # @sak notprovided page::plugin # @sak notprovided page::plugin::writer package provide page::plugin 1.0 package provide page::plugin::writer 1.0 } interp alias $ip puts {} puts interp alias $ip open {} ::page::pluginmgr::AliasOpen $ip interp alias $ip write {} ::page::pluginmgr::WriteFile $ip return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeTransform {} { variable transforms {} variable commands variable transform_api variable transform [pluginmgr TR \ -setup ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeTransformIp \ -pattern page::transform::* \ -api $transform_api \ -cmdip {} \ -cmds $commands] # The page_log_* commands are set later, when it is known if # logging is active or not, as their implementation depends on # this. pluginmgr::paths $transform page::transform return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeTransformIp {p ip} { interp eval $ip { # @sak notprovided page::plugin # @sak notprovided page::plugin::transform package provide page::plugin 1.0 package provide page::plugin::transform 1.0 } interp alias $ip puts {} puts interp alias $ip open {} ::page::pluginmgr::AliasOpen $ip interp alias $ip write {} ::page::pluginmgr::WriteFile $ip return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeConfig {} { variable config [pluginmgr CO \ -pattern page::config::* \ -api {page_cdefinition}] pluginmgr::paths $config page::config return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::InitializeReporting {} { variable reportcmd ::page::pluginmgr::ReportStderr return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::ReportStderr {level text from to} { # from = epsilon | list (line col) # to = epsilon | list (line col) # line = 5 digits, col = 3 digits if { ($text eq "") && ![llength $from] && ![llength $to] } { puts stderr "" return } puts -nonewline stderr $level WriteLocation $from if {![llength $to]} { puts -nonewline stderr { } } else { puts -nonewline stderr {-} } WriteLocation $to puts -nonewline stderr " " puts -nonewline stderr $text puts stderr "" return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::WriteLocation {loc} { if {![llength $loc]} { set text { } } else { set line [lindex $loc 0] set col [lindex $loc 1] set text {} if {![string length $line]} { append text _____ } else { append text [string map {{ } _} [format %5d $line]] } append text @ if {![string length $col]} { append text ___ } else { append text [string map {{ } _} [format %3d $col]] } } puts -nonewline stderr $text return } proc ::page::pluginmgr::AliasOpen {slave file {acc {}} {perm {}}} { if {$acc eq ""} {set acc r} ::safe::Log $slave ============================================= ::safe::Log $slave "open $file $acc $perm" if {[regexp {[wa+]|(WRONLY)|(RDWR)|(APPEND)|(CREAT)|(TRUNC)} $acc]} { # Do not allow write acess. ::safe::Log $slave "permission denied" ::safe::Log $slave 0/============================================ return -code error "permission denied" } if {[catch {set file [::safe::TranslatePath $slave $file]} msg]} { ::safe::Log $slave $msg ::safe::Log $slave "permission denied" ::safe::Log $slave 1/============================================ return -code error "permission denied" } # check that the path is in the access path of that slave if {[catch {::safe::FileInAccessPath $slave $file} msg]} { ::safe::Log $slave $msg ::safe::Log $slave "permission denied" ::safe::Log $slave 2/============================================ return -code error "permission denied" } # do the checks on the filename : if {[catch {::safe::CheckFileName $slave $file} msg]} { ::safe::Log $slave "$file: $msg" ::safe::Log $slave "$msg" ::safe::Log $slave 3/============================================ return -code error $msg } if {[catch {::interp invokehidden $slave open $file $acc} msg]} { ::safe::Log $slave "Caught: $msg" ::safe::Log $slave "script error" ::safe::Log $slave 4/============================================ return -code error "script error" } ::safe::Log $slave =/============================================ return $msg } proc ::page::pluginmgr::Nop {args} {} proc ::page::pluginmgr::WriteFile {slave file text} { if {[file pathtype $file] ne "relative"} { set file [file join [pwd] [file tail $fail]] } file mkdir [file dirname $file] fileutil::writeFile $file $text return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Initialization namespace eval ::page::pluginmgr { # List of functions in the various plugin APIs variable reader_api { page_rhelp page_rlabel page_roptions page_rconfigure page_rrun page_rfeature } variable writer_api { page_whelp page_wlabel page_woptions page_wconfigure page_wrun page_wfeature } variable transform_api { page_thelp page_tlabel page_toptions page_tconfigure page_trun page_tfeature } variable commands { page_info {::page::pluginmgr::report info} page_warning {::page::pluginmgr::report warning} page_error {::page::pluginmgr::report error} } } ::page::pluginmgr::Initialize # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide page::pluginmgr 0.2