# montecarlo.tcl -- # Utilities for Monte Carlo simulations # # Copyright (c) 2007 by Arjen Markus # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: montecarlo.tcl,v 1.2 2008/01/23 05:35:02 arjenmarkus Exp $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package require Tcl 8.4 package require simulation::random package require math::statistics # ::simulation::montecarlo -- # Create the namespace # namespace eval ::simulation::montecarlo { } # AcceptAll -- # Accept any point # # Arguments: # args Coordinates # y Y-coordinate # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::AcceptAll {args} { return 1 } # integral2D -- # Estimate an integral over a two-dimensional domain, using MC # # Arguments: # domain List of minimum x, maximum x, minimum y and maximum y # func Function to be integrated # args Option-value pairs: # -region proc - accept or reject the chosen point # -samples n - number of samples to use # Result: # Estimated value of the integral # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::integral2D {domain func args} { set option(-region) AcceptAll set option(-samples) 1000 foreach {key value} $args { if { [string index $key 0] != "-" } { return -code error "Incorrect option: $key - should start with a -" } set option($key) $value } set sum 0.0 set count 0 set accepted 0 set maxcount [expr {10*$option(-samples)}] foreach {xmin xmax ymin ymax} $domain {break} set area [expr {($xmax-$xmin)*($ymax-$ymin)}] while { $accepted < $option(-samples) && $count < $maxcount } { set x [expr {$xmin + ($xmax-$xmin)*rand()}] set y [expr {$ymin + ($ymax-$ymin)*rand()}] if { [$option(-region) $x $y] } { set sum [expr {$sum + [$func $x $y]}] incr accepted } incr count } # # The ratio accepted/count gives an estimate of the area # over which we just integrated. # return [expr {$accepted*$sum/$count/$count*$area}] } # integral3D -- # Estimate an integral over a three-dimensional domain, using MC # # Arguments: # domain List of minimum x, maximum x, minimum y and maximum y, # minimum z, maximum z # func Function to be integrated # args Option-value pairs: # -region proc - accept or reject the chosen point # -samples n - number of samples to use # Result: # Estimated value of the integral # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::integral3D {domain func args} { set option(-region) AcceptAll set option(-samples) 1000 foreach {key value} $args { if { [string index $key 0] != "-" } { return -code error "Incorrect option: $key - should start with a -" } set option($key) $value } set sum 0.0 set count 0 set accepted 0 set maxcount [expr {10*$option(-samples)}] foreach {xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax} $domain {break} set area [expr {($xmax-$xmin)*($ymax-$ymin)*($zmax-$zmin)}] while { $accepted < $option(-samples) && $count < $maxcount } { set x [expr {$xmin + ($xmax-$xmin)*rand()}] set y [expr {$ymin + ($ymax-$ymin)*rand()}] set z [expr {$zmin + ($zmax-$zmin)*rand()}] if { [$option(-region) $x $y $z] } { set sum [expr {$sum + [$func $x $y $z]}] incr accepted } incr count } # # The ratio accepted/count gives an estimate of the area # over which we just integrated. # return [expr {$accepted*$sum/$count/$count*$area}] } # singleExperiment -- # Perform a single MC experiment # # Arguments: # args Option-value pairs, predefined options: # -init body - code to initialise the experiment # -loop body - code to be run for each trial # -final body - code to finalise the experiment # -trials n - number of trials # -reportfile f - channel to report file # -verbose yesno - whether to report the details or not # -analysis type - type of analysis to perform # (standard, none or the name of a procedure) # -columns names - list of names of the columns (for printing) # All option-value pairs are available via # the procedure getOption # # Result: # Whatever was set via [setExpResult] # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::singleExperiment {args} { variable exp_option variable exp_result variable trial_result variable trial_first catch {unset exp_option} set exp_option(-init) {} set exp_option(-loop) {} set exp_option(-final) {} set exp_option(-trials) {} set exp_option(-reportfile) stdout set exp_option(-verbose) 0 set exp_option(-analysis) standard set exp_option(-columns) {} set exp_result {} set trial_result {} # # Sanity check for the options, and store them # foreach {key value} $args { if { [string index $key 0] != "-" } { return -code error "Incorrect option: $key - should start with a -" } set exp_option($key) $value } # # Which analysis procedure # switch -- $exp_option(-analysis) { "standard" { set exp_option(-analysis) ::simulation::montecarlo::StandardAnalysis } "none" { set exp_option(-analysis) "" } } # # Now construct the temporary procedure that will do the work # proc DoExperiment {} [string map \ [list INIT $exp_option(-init) LOOP $exp_option(-loop) \ FINAL $exp_option(-final) TRIALS $exp_option(-trials) \ VERBOSE $exp_option(-verbose) \ ANALYSIS $exp_option(-analysis)] \ { INIT for { set trial 0 } { $trial < TRIALS } { incr trial } { LOOP if { VERBOSE } { ::simulation::montecarlo::PrintTrialResult $trial } } FINAL ANALYSIS }] # TODO: analysis of all trial results # # Do the experiment and remove it. The results # DoExperiment rename DoExperiment {} return $exp_result } # transposeData -- # Transpose a matrix of data # # Arguments: # values List of lists of values # # Result: # Transposed list # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::transposeData {values} { set transpose {} set c 0 foreach col [lindex $values 0] { set newrow {} foreach row $values { lappend newrow [lindex $row $c] } lappend transpose $newrow incr c } return $transpose } # setTrialResult -- # Set the result of an individual trial # # Arguments: # values List of values to be stored # # Result: # None # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::setTrialResult {values} { lappend ::simulation::montecarlo::trial_result $values } # PrintTrialResult -- # Print the result of the current trial # # Arguments: # trial Trial number # # Result: # None # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::PrintTrialResult {trial} { set outfile [getOption reportfile] # # Print the column names # if { $trial == 0 } { set columns [getOption columns] set format "%5.5s [string repeat %12.12s [llength $columns]]" puts $outfile [eval format [list $format] [list " "] $columns] } # # Print the results # set result [lindex $::simulation::montecarlo::trial_result end] set format "%5d:[string repeat %12g [llength $result]]" puts $outfile [eval format $format $trial $result] } # setExpResult -- # Set the result for the complete experiment # # Arguments: # values List of values to be stored # # Result: # None # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::setExpResult {values} { set ::simulation::montecarlo::exp_result $values } # getExpResult -- # Return the result of the complete experiment # # Arguments: # None # Result: # Whatever was set via setExpResult # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::getExpResult {} { return $::simulation::montecarlo::exp_result } # getTrialResults -- # Return the list of individual results for all trials # # Arguments: # None # Result: # Whatever was set via setTrialResult # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::getTrialResults {} { return $::simulation::montecarlo::trial_result } # getOption -- # Return the value of an option # # Arguments: # option Name of the option (without -) # Result: # The value or an error message if it does not exist # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::getOption {option} { variable exp_option if { [info exists exp_option(-$option)] } { return $exp_option(-$option) } else { return -code error "No such option: $option" } } # hasOption -- # Check if the option is available # # Arguments: # option Name of the option (without -) # Result: # 1 if it is available, 0 if not # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::hasOption {option} { variable exp_option if { [info exists exp_option(-$option)] } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } # StandardAnalysis -- # Perform standard analysis on the trial data # # Arguments: # None # Result: # None # Side effects: # Prints the results to the result file and stores them as # the experiment results. # proc ::simulation::montecarlo::StandardAnalysis {} { set repfile [getOption reportfile] set names [getOption columns] set values [transposeData [getTrialResults]] set exp_result {} # # First part: basic statistics # set part_one {} puts $repfile "Basic statistical parameters:" set form "%12.12s[string repeat %12g 4]" puts $repfile [format [string repeat "%12.12s" 5] "" Mean Stdev Min Max] foreach row $values name $names { set basicStats [::math::statistics::basic-stats $row] lappend part_one $basicStats puts $repfile [format $form $name \ [lindex $basicStats 0] \ [lindex $basicStats 4] \ [lindex $basicStats 1] \ [lindex $basicStats 2]] } # # Second part: correlation matrix # set form "%12.12s[string repeat %12g [llength $values]]" puts $repfile "Correlation matrix:" puts $repfile [eval format "%12.12s[string repeat %12.12s [llength $values]]" [list ""] $names] set part_two {} foreach row $values rowname $names { set line {} foreach col $values { set corr [::math::statistics::corr $col $row] lappend line $corr } lappend part_two $line puts $repfile [eval format $form $rowname $line] } setExpResult [list $part_one $part_two] } # Announce the package # package provide simulation::montecarlo 0.1 # main -- # Quick test # if { 0 } { proc f {x y} { return $x } puts "Integral over rectangle: [::simulation::montecarlo::integral2D {0 1 0 1} f]" puts [time { set a [::simulation::montecarlo::integral2D {0 1 0 1} f] } 100] # # MC experiments: # Determine the mean and median of a set of points and compare them # ::simulation::montecarlo::singleExperiment -init { package require math::statistics set prng [::simulation::random::prng_Normal 0.0 1.0] } -loop { set numbers {} for { set i 0 } { $i < [getOption samples] } { incr i } { lappend numbers [$prng] } set mean [::math::statistics::mean $numbers] set median [::math::statistics::median $numbers] ;# ? Exists? setTrialResult [list $mean $median] } -final { set result [getTrialResults] set means {} set medians {} foreach r $result { foreach {m M} $r break lappend means $m lappend medians $M } puts [getOption reportfile] "Correlation: [::math::statistics::corr $means $medians]" } -trials 100 -samples 10 -verbose 1 -columns {Mean Median} }