# uuid.tcl - Copyright (C) 2004 Pat Thoyts # # UUIDs are 128 bit values that attempt to be unique in time and space. # # Reference: # http://www.opengroup.org/dce/info/draft-leach-uuids-guids-01.txt # # uuid: scheme: # http://www.globecom.net/ietf/draft/draft-kindel-uuid-uri-00.html # # Usage: uuid::uuid generate # uuid::uuid equal $idA $idB namespace eval uuid { variable version 1.0.1 variable accel array set accel {critcl 0} namespace export uuid variable uid if {![info exists uid]} { set uid 1 } if {[package vcompare [package provide Tcl] 8.4] < 0} { package require struct::list interp alias {} ::uuid::lset {} ::struct::list::lset } proc K {a b} {set a} } # Generates a binary UUID as per the draft spec. We generate a pseudo-random # type uuid (type 4). See section 3.4 # proc ::uuid::generate_tcl {} { package require md5 2 variable uid set tok [md5::MD5Init] md5::MD5Update $tok [clock seconds]; # timestamp md5::MD5Update $tok [clock clicks]; # system incrementing counter md5::MD5Update $tok [incr uid]; # package incrementing counter md5::MD5Update $tok [info hostname]; # spatial unique id (poor) md5::MD5Update $tok [pid]; # additional entropy md5::MD5Update $tok [array get ::tcl_platform] # More spatial information -- better than hostname. # bug 1150714: opening a server socket may raise a warning messagebox # with WinXP firewall, using ipconfig will return all IP addresses # including ipv6 ones if available. ipconfig is OK on win98+ if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} { catch {exec ipconfig} config md5::MD5Update $tok $config } else { catch { set s [socket -server void -myaddr [info hostname] 0] K [fconfigure $s -sockname] [close $s] } r md5::MD5Update $tok $r } if {[package provide Tk] != {}} { md5::MD5Update $tok [winfo pointerxy .] md5::MD5Update $tok [winfo id .] } set r [md5::MD5Final $tok] binary scan $r c* r # 3.4: set uuid versioning fields lset r 8 [expr {([lindex $r 8] & 0x7F) | 0x40}] lset r 6 [expr {([lindex $r 6] & 0x0F) | 0x40}] return [binary format c* $r] } if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] && [package provide critcl] != {}} { namespace eval uuid { critcl::ccode { #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define STRICT #include #include typedef long (__stdcall *LPFNUUIDCREATE)(UUID *); typedef const unsigned char cu_char; } critcl::cproc generate_c {Tcl_Interp* interp} ok { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int r = TCL_OK; UUID uuid = {0}; HMODULE hLib; LPFNUUIDCREATE lpfnUuidCreate = NULL; hLib = LoadLibrary(_T("rpcrt4.dll")); if (hLib) lpfnUuidCreate = (LPFNUUIDCREATE) GetProcAddress(hLib, "UuidCreate"); if (lpfnUuidCreate) { Tcl_Obj *obj; lpfnUuidCreate(&uuid); obj = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((cu_char *)&uuid, sizeof(uuid)); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, obj); } else { Tcl_SetResult(interp, "error: failed to create a guid", TCL_STATIC); r = TCL_ERROR; } return r; } } } # Convert a binary uuid into its string representation. # proc ::uuid::tostring {uuid} { binary scan $uuid H* s foreach {a b} {0 7 8 11 12 15 16 19 20 end} { append r [string range $s $a $b] - } return [string tolower [string trimright $r -]] } # Convert a string representation of a uuid into its binary format. # proc ::uuid::fromstring {uuid} { return [binary format H* [string map {- {}} $uuid]] } # Compare two uuids for equality. # proc ::uuid::equal {left right} { set l [fromstring $left] set r [fromstring $right] return [string equal $l $r] } # Call our generate uuid implementation proc ::uuid::generate {} { variable accel if {$accel(critcl)} { return [generate_c] } else { return [generate_tcl] } } # uuid generate -> string rep of a new uuid # uuid equal uuid1 uuid2 # proc uuid::uuid {cmd args} { switch -exact -- $cmd { generate { if {[llength $args] != 0} { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"uuid generate\"" } return [tostring [generate]] } equal { if {[llength $args] != 2} { return -code error "wrong \# args:\ should be \"uuid equal uuid1 uuid2\"" } return [eval [linsert $args 0 equal]] } default { return -code error "bad option \"$cmd\":\ must be generate or equal" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LoadAccelerator -- # # This package can make use of a number of compiled extensions to # accelerate the digest computation. This procedure manages the # use of these extensions within the package. During normal usage # this should not be called, but the test package manipulates the # list of enabled accelerators. # proc ::uuid::LoadAccelerator {name} { variable accel set r 0 switch -exact -- $name { critcl { if {![catch {package require tcllibc}]} { set r [expr {[info command ::uuid::generate_c] != {}}] } } default { return -code error "invalid accelerator package:\ must be one of [join [array names accel] {, }]" } } set accel($name) $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Try and load a compiled extension to help. namespace eval ::uuid { foreach e {critcl} { if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} { break } } } package provide uuid $::uuid::version # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: