!size 5 5 ! size of the paper size 7.6 5.336 set font ss lwidth 0.01 set alabeldist .8 barRed1 = 130 barGreen1 = 130 barBlue1 = 230 include "./color.gle" ! include "barstyles.gle" include "./library.gle" amove 0 0.0 begin graph size 7.6 5.8 center data "accessYearBar.dat" !xtitle "M\^eses" xtitle "Ano" ytitle "N\'umero de acessos" xaxis min 0 max 5.52 xnames 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 xticks off yaxis dticks 10000.0 dsubticks 10000.0 min 0 max 40000.0 x2axis off y2axis off xlabels hei .16 ylabels hei .16 !bar d1,d2 width 0.38 dist 0.42 style colormap1,colormap2 bar d1 width 0.38 style colormap1 end graph begin key justify bc absolute pagewidth()/2 0 hei 0.16 nobox boxcolor clear text "N\'umero total de acessos: 225289" end key