Tabela mostrando por coordenações a origem dos registros para o ano de 2022
Última atualização: [[clock format [[clock second]] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]]

Esta tabela foi gerada automaticamente pelo URLibService

[[ # set nameList {CBE CCR CEA CGI COF CPA CPT CRC CST CTE CTO DIR ETE GB LIT OBT SPG TEC} # set nameList {CRCRA-COCRE CRCRN-COCRE CRCRS-COCRE CGCEA CGCPT COCRC COCST COCTE CGETE COLIT CGOBT DIPGR} set nameList {COEAM-CGGO COECO-CGGO COENE-CGGO COESU-CGGO CGCE CGCT CGIP COEPE COGPI DIPGR} set nameAreaTable(COEAM-CGGO) {ZZZ} ;# ZZZ stand for non existing area set nameAreaTable(COECO-CGGO) {ZZZ} set nameAreaTable(COENE-CGGO) {ZZZ} set nameAreaTable(COESU-CGGO) {ZZZ} set nameAreaTable(CGCE) {CEA CMC-ETES CSE-ETES} set nameAreaTable(CGCT) {MET SRE CST} set nameAreaTable(CGIP) {COMP PCP-ETES CMS-ETES} set nameAreaTable(COEPE) {ZZZ} set nameAreaTable(COGPI) {ZZZ} set nameAreaTable(DIPGR) {ZZZ} set totalNumberOfSearches [[expr [[llength $nameList]] * 6 + 4]] set totalInternationalDB 0 set totalSelfArchiving 0 set totalEventINPE 0 set totalPubINPE 0 set totalLattes 0 set totalSID 0 set commonSearchExpressionForInternationalDB {{ref journal or {ref conference and not {conferencen WORCAP 22 or conferencen WETE 13 or conferencen GEOINFO 23 or conferencen spgcst 11 or conferencen EPGMET}}} and y 2022 and {lab scopus or lab isi}} set commonSearchExpressionForSelfArchiving {{ref journal or {ref conference and not {conferencen WORCAP 22 or conferencen WETE 13 or conferencen GEOINFO 23 or conferencen spgcst 11 or conferencen EPGMET}} or ref book} and y 2022 and not secondaryt NTC and not secondaryt PUD and not secondaryt MAN and lab self-archiving-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} set commonSearchExpressionForEventINPE {{conferencen WORCAP 22 or conferencen WETE 13 or conferencen GEOINFO 23 or conferencen spgcst 11 or conferencen EPGMET} and y 2022} # set commonSearchExpressionForPubINPE {{ref Thesis and date 2022 and course *-DIPGR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} or {y 2022 and {secondaryt NTC or secondaryt PUD or secondaryt MAN or ref Report} and firstgr *-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}} # set commonSearchExpressionForTeDINPE {ref Thesis and date 2022 and not date 2022-07*} set commonSearchExpressionForTeDINPE {ref Thesis and year 2022} set commonSearchExpressionForOutraPubINPE {y 2022 and {secondaryt NTC or secondaryt PUD or secondaryt MAN or {ref Report and not secondaryt TAE}}} set commonSearchExpressionForLattes {{ref journal or {ref conference and not {conferencen WORCAP 22 or conferencen WETE 13 or conferencen GEOINFO 23 or conferencen spgcst 11 or conferencen EPGMET}} or ref book} and y 2022 and not secondaryt NTC and not secondaryt PUD and not secondaryt MAN and not secondaryt TAE and lab lattes} set commonSearchExpressionForNotLattes {{ref journal or ref conference or ref book} and not {conferencen WORCAP 22 or conferencen WETE 13 or conferencen GEOINFO 23 or conferencen spgcst 11 or conferencen EPGMET} and y 2022 and not secondaryt NTC and not secondaryt PUD and not secondaryt MAN and not secondaryt TAE and not {lab scopus or lab isi} and not lab self-archiving-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR and not lab lattes} foreach name $nameList { lappend lineList {} lappend lineList { set searchExpression "$commonSearchExpressionForInternationalDB and firstg *$name-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" lappend lineList { set searchExpression "$commonSearchExpressionForSelfArchiving and firstg *$name-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" lappend lineList { set searchExpression "$commonSearchExpressionForEventINPE and firstg *$name-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" lappend lineList { # set searchExpression "$commonSearchExpressionForPubINPE and firstg *$name-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" set searchExpression1 "$commonSearchExpressionForTeDINPE and course *$nameAreaTable($name)-DIPGR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" set searchExpression2 "$commonSearchExpressionForOutraPubINPE and firstg *$name-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" set searchExpression "{$searchExpression1} or {$searchExpression2}" lappend lineList { set searchExpression "$commonSearchExpressionForLattes and firstg *$name-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" lappend lineList { set searchExpression "$commonSearchExpressionForNotLattes and firstg *$name-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR" lappend lineList { lappend lineList { lappend lineList { lappend lineList { lappend lineList { lappend lineList { lappend lineList { lappend lineList } join $lineList \n ]]
Coordenações International DB Auto-arquivamento Eventos INPE Publicações INPE Lattes DIBIB % International DB % Auto-arquivamento % Eventos INPE % Publicações INPE % Lattes %
} lappend lineList $name lappend lineList } lappend lineList [[set x1 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression]]]] lappend lineList } lappend lineList [[set x2 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression]]]] lappend lineList } lappend lineList [[set x3 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression]]]] lappend lineList } lappend lineList [[set x4 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression]]]] lappend lineList } lappend lineList [[set x5 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression]]]] lappend lineList } lappend lineList [[set x6 [[DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression]]]] lappend lineList } set x1 [[ExtractNumber $x1]] set totalInternationalDB [[expr $totalInternationalDB + $x1]] set x2 [[ExtractNumber $x2]] set totalSelfArchiving [[expr $totalSelfArchiving + $x2]] set x3 [[ExtractNumber $x3]] set totalEventINPE [[expr $totalEventINPE + $x3]] set x4 [[ExtractNumber $x4]] set totalPubINPE [[expr $totalPubINPE + $x4]] set x5 [[ExtractNumber $x5]] set totalLattes [[expr $totalLattes + $x5]] set x6 [[ExtractNumber $x6]] set totalSID [[expr $totalSID + $x6]] set total [[expr $x1 + $x2 + $x3 + $x4 + $x5 + $x6]] if {$total == 0} { set x7 - } else { set x7 [[expr $x1 * 100 / $total]]% } lappend lineList $x7 lappend lineList } if {$total == 0} { set x8 - } else { set x8 [[expr $x2 * 100 / $total]]% } lappend lineList $x8 lappend lineList } if {$total == 0} { set x9 - } else { set x9 [[expr $x3 * 100 / $total]]% } lappend lineList $x9 lappend lineList } if {$total == 0} { set x10 - } else { set x10 [[expr $x4 * 100 / $total]]% } lappend lineList $x10 lappend lineList } if {$total == 0} { set x11 - } else { set x11 [[expr $x5 * 100 / $total]]% } lappend lineList $x11 lappend lineList } if {$total == 0} { set x12 - } else { regsub {%} $x7 {} x7 regsub {%} $x8 {} x8 regsub {%} $x9 {} x9 regsub {%} $x10 {} x10 regsub {%} $x11 {} x11 set x12 [[expr 100 - ($x7 + $x8 + $x9 + $x10 + $x11)]]% } lappend lineList $x12 lappend lineList
Subtotais $totalInternationalDB $totalSelfArchiving $totalEventINPE $totalPubINPE $totalLattes $totalSID [[ set x7 [[expr $totalInternationalDB * 100 / ($totalInternationalDB + $totalSelfArchiving + $totalEventINPE + $totalPubINPE + $totalLattes + $totalSID)]]% ]] [[ set x8 [[expr $totalSelfArchiving * 100 / ($totalInternationalDB + $totalSelfArchiving + $totalEventINPE + $totalPubINPE + $totalLattes + $totalSID)]]% ]] [[ set x9 [[expr $totalEventINPE * 100 / ($totalInternationalDB + $totalSelfArchiving + $totalEventINPE + $totalPubINPE + $totalLattes + $totalSID)]]% ]] [[ set x10 [[expr $totalPubINPE * 100 / ($totalInternationalDB + $totalSelfArchiving + $totalEventINPE + $totalPubINPE + $totalLattes + $totalSID)]]% ]] [[ set x11 [[expr $totalLattes * 100 / ($totalInternationalDB + $totalSelfArchiving + $totalEventINPE + $totalPubINPE + $totalLattes + $totalSID)]]% ]] [[ regsub {%} $x7 {} x7 regsub {%} $x8 {} x8 regsub {%} $x9 {} x9 regsub {%} $x10 {} x10 regsub {%} $x11 {} x11 set x12 [[expr 100 - ($x7 + $x8 + $x9 + $x10 + $x11)]]% ]]
Total [[expr $totalInternationalDB + $totalSelfArchiving + $totalEventINPE + $totalPubINPE + $totalLattes + $totalSID]] 100%

Nesta tabela foram contabilizados: [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref Conference and {booktitle, Resumos or booktitle, Abstracts} and y 2022 and gr INPE}]] Resumo(s) em Evento.

Nesta tabela não foram contabilizados: [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref source and not nexte * and repos *2022* and gr INPE}]] ePrint(s), [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref audiovisual and not par * and y 2022 and gr INPE}]] Material(ias) Audiovisual(ais) e [[DisplayNumberOfEntries {ref program and y 2022 and gr INPE}]] Programa(s) de Computador.