03/02/24 00:04 03/02/24 00:04 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "authorList": no such variable while executing "llength $authorList" invoked from within "subst { Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayN..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

[set tecnologistas { {GERALD JEAN FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANy FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANx FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEAN FRANCIS BANON} }; set x {}] TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i } } set i ] de [llength $authorList]

[set authorList { {GERALD JEAN FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANy FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANx FRANCIS BANON} }; set x {}] BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 foreach au $authorList { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i } } set i ] de [llength $authorList]

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:04 CreateTclPage: just 3 out of 1 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:06 03/02/24 00:06 CreateTclPage (first substitution): invalid command name "TECNOLOGISTAS:" while executing "TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and seco..." invoked from within "subst { Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayN..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

[set tecnologistas { {GERALD JEAN FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANy FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANx FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEAN FRANCIS BANON} }; set x {}] TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[set authorList { {GERALD JEAN FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANy FRANCIS BANON} {GERALD JEANx FRANCIS BANON} }; set x {}] BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 foreach au $authorList { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i } } set i ] de [llength $authorList]

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:09 03/02/24 00:10 03/02/24 00:11 03/02/24 00:13 03/02/24 00:14 03/02/24 00:17 03/02/24 00:19 CreateTclPage: just 3 out of 7 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:21 CreateTclPage: just 3 out of 7 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:22 CreateTclPage: just 3 out of 7 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:25 CreateTclPage: just 4 out of 7 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:29 CreateTclPage: just 4 out of 7 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:50 CreateTclPage: just 4 out of 7 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 00:52 03/02/24 01:07 03/02/24 01:14 03/02/24 01:18 03/02/24 01:30 03/02/24 15:14 03/02/24 15:24 03/02/24 15:25 03/02/24 15:25 03/02/24 15:27 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 15 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 916 out of 914 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 16:16 CreateTclPage: just 918 out of 880 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 16:21 CreateTclPage: just 918 out of 880 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 17:44 CreateTclPage: just 918 out of 880 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 17:59 CreateTclPage: just 918 out of 10 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/02/24 18:03 03/02/24 18:05 CreateTclPage: just 918 out of 10 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 04/02/24 01:52 CreateTclPage: all the 10 searches have been made. 04/02/24 01:55 CreateTclPage: all the 254 searches have been made. 04/02/24 02:05 CreateTclPage: all the 880 searches have been made. 05/02/24 01:40 CreateTclPage: all the 880 searches have been made. 05/02/24 02:42 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 15 out of 16. CreateTclPage: just 879 out of 880 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 05/02/24 08:16 CreateTclPage: all the 880 searches have been made. 05/02/24 13:51 05/02/24 13:54 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 202#!#0123#@# or year, 2019} and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype,..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 202#!#0123#@# or year, 2019} and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and..." invoked from within "subst { Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayN..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Calculando o número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 202#!#0123#@# or year, 2019} and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 202#!#0123#@# or year, 2019} and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 05/02/24 14:05 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, Ricardo Soares Leite and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, Roberto Lobo Viana and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, Sérgio Lopes Dousseau and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 877 out of 880 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 05/02/24 14:50 CreateTclPage: all the 880 searches have been made. 06/02/24 09:42 CreateTclPage: all the 880 searches have been made. 06/02/24 10:18 CreateTclPage: all the 880 searches have been made. 06/02/24 11:24 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, ANTONIO CARLOS DE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA JUNIOR and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, FABIANO LUIS DE SOUSA and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, MARCELO PAIVA RAMOS and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, MARCELO PETRY RODRIGUES and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was <{year, 2019 or year, 2020 or year, 2021 or year, 2022 or year, 2023} and firstauthor, Caio Chicarino da Silva Gomes and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}>. Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 875 out of 880 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 06/02/24 13:28 CreateTclPage: all the 880 searches have been made. 27/03/24 14:53 CreateTclPage: all the 855 searches have been made. 10/04/24 10:13 10/04/24 10:14 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or refer..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/04/24 10:18 10/04/24 10:20 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or refer..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/04/24 10:52 10/04/24 10:56 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or refer..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/04/24 11:04 10/04/24 11:06 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or refer..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/04/24 11:11 10/04/24 11:19 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au} and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or refere..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au} and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or ref..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au} and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "{year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au} and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 11/04/24 01:23 11/04/24 01:26 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or refer..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 11/04/24 02:00 11/04/24 02:12 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or refer..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 11/04/24 02:16 11/04/24 02:36 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or reference..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 11/04/24 03:00 11/04/24 03:01 CreateTclPage (first substitution): empty expression in expression "" (parsing expression "") invoked from within "if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referenc..." ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or refer..." invoked from within "subst { Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando D..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries

Cálculo do número de primeiros autores que escreveram um artigo ou um livro ou um capítulo de livro em 2023 usando DisplayNumberOfEntries
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { if [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 12/04/24 01:13 CreateTclPage: just 0 out of 855 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 12/04/24 01:19 CreateTclPage: all the 0 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:23 CreateTclPage: all the 0 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:23 CreateTclPage: all the 0 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:24 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 14 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 213 out of 214 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 12/04/24 01:37 CreateTclPage: all the 214 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:42 CreateTclPage: all the 0 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:43 CreateTclPage: all the 0 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:46 CreateTclPage: all the 0 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:46 CreateTclPage: all the 0 searches have been made. 12/04/24 01:51 CreateTclPage: all the 855 searches have been made. 12/04/24 21:01 CreateTclPage: all the 855 searches have been made. 09/09/24 15:34 09/09/24 15:36 09/09/24 15:38 09/09/24 15:40 09/09/24 15:41 09/09/24 15:45 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 3% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetyp..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secon..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 09/09/24 15:45 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 6% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetyp..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secon..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 09/09/24 15:45 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 6% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetyp..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secon..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 09/09/24 15:45 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 14% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetyp..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secon..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2023
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2023 and firstauthor, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i $i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistas]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 09/09/24 15:47 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 15 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 15 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 631 out of 635 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 09/09/24 16:39 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: all the 635 searches have been made. 09/09/24 17:15 CreateTclPage: all the 635 searches have been made. 11/09/24 11:37 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 13 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 633 out of 635 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 11/09/24 13:01 CreateTclPage: all the 626 searches have been made. 11/09/24 13:01 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 13 out of 17. CreateTclPage: all the 616 searches have been made. 11/09/24 13:24 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: all the 616 searches have been made. 11/09/24 14:31 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 11 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 614 out of 616 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 11/09/24 22:13 CreateTclPage: all the 616 searches have been made. 16/09/24 17:17 16/09/24 17:17 CreateTclPage (first substitution): wrong # args: should be "regsub ?-option ...? exp string subSpec ?varName?" while executing "regsub -all { }" invoked from within "if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" }" invoked from within "if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } }" ("foreach" body line 4) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 17:19 16/09/24 17:19 CreateTclPage (first substitution): not enough arguments for all format specifiers invoked from within "format %3i" invoked from within "if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i] {\ }] $au" }" invoked from within "if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i] {\ }] $au" } ..." ("foreach" body line 4) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { } [format %3i] {\ }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 17:22 16/09/24 17:23 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 0% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 17:25 16/09/24 17:33 16/09/24 17:41 16/09/24 17:43 16/09/24 17:51 16/09/24 17:53 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can not find channel named "stdout" while executing "puts [SetFont $output]" invoked from within "if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join $searchResultLi..." invoked from within "if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join..." invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)]..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query {} Search {} $entryEvaluationFunctions2 [expr $maximumNumberOfEntries - 1] brief 1 {^$} 0 ..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 17:59 16/09/24 18:01 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can not find channel named "stdout" while executing "puts [SetFont $output]" invoked from within "if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join $searchResultLi..." invoked from within "if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join..." invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)]..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query {} Search {} $entryEvaluationFunctions2 [expr $maximumNumberOfEntries - 1] brief 1 {^$} 0 ..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 18:08 16/09/24 18:14 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can not find channel named "stdout" while executing "puts [SetFont $output]" invoked from within "if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join $searchResultLi..." invoked from within "if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join..." invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)]..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query {} Search {} $entryEvaluationFunctions2 [expr $maximumNumberOfEntries - 1] brief 1 {^$} 0 ..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 18:16 16/09/24 19:14 16/09/24 19:15 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can not find channel named "stdout" while executing "puts [SetFont $output]" invoked from within "if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join $searchResultLi..." invoked from within "if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join..." invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)]..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query {} Search {} $entryEvaluationFunctions2 [expr $maximumNumberOfEntries - 1] brief 1 {^$} 0 ..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 19:22 16/09/24 19:41 16/09/24 19:49 16/09/24 19:54 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 5% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 19:58 16/09/24 19:59 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 1% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 20:06 16/09/24 21:12 16/09/24 21:20 16/09/24 21:31 16/09/24 21:32 16/09/24 21:39 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can not find channel named "stdout" while executing "puts [SetFont $output]" invoked from within "if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join $searchResultLi..." invoked from within "if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join..." invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)]..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query {} Search {} $entryEvaluationFunctions2 [expr $maximumNumberOfEntries - 1] brief 1 {^$} 0 ..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 21:41 16/09/24 21:42 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can not find channel named "stdout" while executing "puts [SetFont $output]" invoked from within "if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join $searchResultLi..." invoked from within "if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join..." invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)]..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query {} Search {} $entryEvaluationFunctions2 [expr $maximumNumberOfEntries - 1] brief 1 {^$} 0 ..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/24 22:06 16/09/24 22:08 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: Store2 2% sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2024/ @progress.txt OfbuXA errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: connection refused while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress $thisRepository @progress.txt $writeUserCodedPassword] 0" invoked from within "if [info exists totalNumberOfSearches] { set progress [expr $numberOfSearches * 100 / $totalNumberOfSearches]% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [l..." invoked from within "if [string equal $numberOfSites $numberOfSatisfiedQueries] { # complete search set searchResultArray($itemName) $output # if [info exists numberO..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 17/09/24 15:08 17/09/24 15:12 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can not find channel named "stdout" while executing "puts [SetFont $output]" invoked from within "if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join $searchResultLi..." invoked from within "if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] { set output [subst [set bodyForError]] puts [SetFont $output] } else { # Recent puts [join..." invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)]..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query {} Search {} $entryEvaluationFunctions2 [expr $maximumNumberOfEntries - 1] brief 1 {^$} 0 ..." invoked from within "if [info exists searchResultArray($itemName)] { # Load $dirName/searchResult/$fileName output set output $searchResultArray($itemName) # set log "..." (procedure "DisplayNumber" line 32) invoked from within "DisplayNumber $searchExpression2 $accent $case $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink DisplayNumberOfEntries" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries" line 14) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries $searchExpression no no 1 {} 0" (procedure "DisplayNumberOfEntries2" line 5) invoked from within "DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Jo..." ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "$au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 17/09/24 16:44 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 614 out of 616 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 17/09/24 17:10 CreateTclPage: all the 616 searches have been made. 17/09/24 17:11 17/09/24 17:11 CreateTclPage (first substitution): wrong # args: should be "regsub ?-option ...? exp string subSpec ?varName?" while executing "regsub -all { }" invoked from within "if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" }" invoked from within "if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } }" ("foreach" body line 4) invoked from within "foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryt..." invoked from within "subst { Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024

Relação dos Tecnologistas e Bolsistas do INPE que foram autores de artigos, livros ou capítulos de livros no ano de 2024
Última atualização: [clock format [clock second] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]

TECNOLOGISTAS: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $tecnologistas { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $tecnologistas]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasipub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasipub]

[join $nameList

BOLSISTAS IGPUB: [ set i 0 set nameList {} foreach au $bolsistasigpub { # break set nOfE [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 "year, 2024 and author, $au and {{referencetype, Book, and secondaryty L*} or referencetype, Book Section or referencetype, Journal Article}"] if ![string equal {} $nOfE] { if $nOfE { incr i lappend nameList "[regsub -all { }] $au" } } } set i ] de [llength $bolsistasigpub]

[join $nameList

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 17/09/24 17:13 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 17. CreateTclPage: just 615 out of 616 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 17/09/24 19:33 CreateTclPage: all the 616 searches have been made. 20/01/25 15:38 20/01/25 15:56 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 14 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 14 out of 18. CreateTclPage: just 615 out of 620 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 21/01/25 07:59 CreateTclPage: all the 619 searches have been made. 21/01/25 08:05 CreateTclPage: all the 547 searches have been made. 10/02/25 14:51 CreateTclPage: all the 759 searches have been made. 10/02/25 15:25 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. CreateTclPage: all the 756 searches have been made. 10/02/25 16:00 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 11 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 16 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 17 out of 18. CreateTclPage: just 757 out of 758 queries have been satisfied while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/02/25 17:48 CreateTclPage: all the 758 searches have been made. 10/02/25 17:48 Trace from DisplayNumber: the search expression was . Trace from DisplayNumber: the number of satisfied queries was 14 out of 18. CreateTclPage: all the 758 searches have been made.