
               author = "Aguiar, Daniel Alves de and Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 
                         and Adami, Marcos and Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir",
          affiliation = "undefined and undefined and undefined and undefined",
                title = "Imagens de sensoriamento remoto no monitoramento da colheita da 
                         cana-de-a{\c{c}}{\'u}car / Remote sensing images for monitoring 
                         the sugarcane harvest",
              journal = "Engenharia Agr{\'{\i}}cola",
                 year = "2009",
               volume = "29",
               number = "3",
                pages = "440--451",
             keywords = "queima da cana, modelo linear de mistura espectral, cana crua, 
                         sugarcane burning, linear spectral mixture model, raw sugarcane.",
             abstract = "A pr{\'a}tica agr{\'{\i}}cola da queima da palha da 
                         cana-de-a{\c{c}}{\'u}car tem por finalidade facilitar a colheita 
                         manual. No Estado de S{\~a}o Paulo, essa pr{\'a}tica est{\'a} 
                         submetida a uma rigorosa legisla{\c{c}}{\~a}o ambiental devido 
                         ao impacto negativo para o meio ambiente. Est{\'a} previsto que a 
                         queima da cana deve ser gradativamente eliminada at{\'e} 2017. O 
                         presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a {\'a}rea de cana 
                         colhida com e sem queima em todo o Estado de S{\~a}o Paulo. Para 
                         tal, foram utilizadas as imagens dispon{\'{\i}}veis do sensor TM 
                         a bordo do sat{\'e}lite Landsat-5. As imagens foram adquiridas de 
                         abril a dezembro de 2006, que corresponde ao per{\'{\i}}odo de 
                         colheita da cana. Essas imagens foram analisadas por meio de 
                         t{\'e}cnicas de processamento digital e interpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         visual. A {\'a}rea de cana colhida sem queima foi avaliada em 
                         1.085.730 ha e corresponde a 34,7% do total da {\'a}rea 
                         mecaniz{\'a}vel colhida. Isso atende {\`a} 
                         legisla{\c{c}}{\~a}o ambiental que, para o ano de 2006, previa 
                         que 30% da {\'a}rea de cana fosse colhida sem queima. A 
                         sequ{\^e}ncia temporal de imagens adquiridas entre abril e 
                         dezembro permite identificar as {\'a}reas de cana colhidas sem 
                         queima e, portanto, distingui-las das {\'a}reas de cana colhidas 
                         com queima. ABSTRACT: The agricultural practice of burning the 
                         sugarcane straw has the intention of facilitating the manual 
                         harvest. In S{\~a}o Paulo state this practice is subjected to a 
                         rigorous environmental legislation, due to the negative impact for 
                         the environment. It is anticipated that sugarcane burning should 
                         gradually be eliminated until 2017. The present work has the 
                         objective of evaluating the sugarcane area harvested with and 
                         without burning in the entire state of S{\~a}o Paulo. For that 
                         purpose, available images from TM sensor, on board of Landsat-5 
                         satellite, were used. Images were acquired from April to December 
                         2006, which corresponds to the sugarcane harvest period. These 
                         images were analyzed by using digital processing and visual 
                         interpretation techniques. The sugarcane area harvested without 
                         burning was estimated as 1,085,730 ha and corresponds to 34.7% of 
                         the total mechanized harvested area. This is according to the 
                         expectation of 30% established by the environmental legislation 
                         for the year of 2006. The temporal image sequence acquired between 
                         April and December allows us to identify the sugarcane areas 
                         harvested without burning and, therefore, distinguish them from 
                         the sugarcane areas harvested with burning.",
                  doi = "10.1590/S0100-69162009000300011",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0100-69162009000300011",
                 issn = "0100-6916",
                label = "lattes: 7484071887086439 3 AguiarRudoAdamShim:2009:ImSeRe",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "a11v29n3.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "01 jun. 2024"
