
               author = "Figueiredo Neto, M{\'a}rio Lemes de and Vasconcelos, Luiz Eduardo 
                         Guarino de and Santos, Diego Gomes and Freitas, Cintia Pereira and 
                         Silva, D{\^e}nis Pereira e and Prado, Helder Luiz Vendramini de 
                         Paula and Santos, Ladylaine Carolina dos and Souza, Diego Rodrigo 
                         Moitinho de and Siqueira, Patr{\'{\i}}cia Buzzatto and Machado, 
                         Luiz Augusto Toledo",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 
                         (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and 
                         {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Software for visualization and analysis of environmental data and 
                         satellite images - SIGMACAST/GEONETCAST",
            booktitle = "P{\^o}steres",
                 year = "2015",
         organization = "Simp{\'o}sio Internacional de Climatologia, 6. (SIC)",
             keywords = "Satellite Images, GEONETCast, Broadcasting.",
             abstract = "The purpose of this paper is to present the development of 
                         SIGMACast to manipulate data and images integrated with the 
                         GEONETCast-Americas System. The integration SIGMACast / GEONETCast 
                         is part of a multi-institutional project for reception and 
                         transmission of environmental data of providers (e.g. European 
                         Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites 
                         EUMETSAT, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA, 
                         China Meteorological Administration - CMA). The GEONETCast is a 
                         global system of dissemination of environmental informations, low 
                         cost, which transmits data from meteorological and environmental 
                         satellites, in-situ data, products and services of Global Earth 
                         Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Transmission occurs through 
                         commercial communication satellites using its broadcasting 
                         capacity, providing information in nearly real time. The standard 
                         used in transmission is the Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite 
                         (DVB-S). The GEONETCast Americas network is the western component 
                         of GEONETCast, which aims to allow better dissemination, 
                         application and exploitation of environmental data and products 
                         for various areas of social benefits established by the Group on 
                         Earth Observations (GEO), including agriculture, energy, health, 
                         climate, weather, mitigation of the effects of disasters, 
                         biodiversity, water resources and ecosystems. The system has a 
                         lower cost than buying a conventional station to satellite data 
                         reception. It also allows the dissemination of information 
                         throughout the satellite constellation and associated 
                         environmental products. Due the satellite communication, the 
                         reception of data is independent of the internet, which makes it 
                         especially useful in providing access to environmental data in 
                         areas where coverage of the Internet is limited or non-existent. 
                         Institutions that have GEONETCast receiving stations, can receive 
                         various environmental data and satellite images from different 
                         providers, thus forming a large repository. The SIGMACast is a web 
                         application for organize and manipulate the repository and it 
                         allow viewing and analysis of remote sensing products from the 
                         atmosphere. The application makes use of Geographic Information 
                         System (GIS) technologies and it allows analysis and publication 
                         of spatial data, vector and dynamic applications maps. The 
                         SIGMACast still has several features, including manipulation of 
                         raster and vector files, calculation of distance between points, 
                         possibility of crop in a specific region with several layers, 
                         possibility of handling various file formats (e.g. bufr, netcdf, 
                         hdf). The application was developed using technologies like Java, 
                         MongoDB database with geo-referencing resources, Apache Tomcat as 
                         the application server, GeoServer as map server, and OpenLayers 
                         for handling layers. Another possibility is the access products 
                         via Web Map Service (WMS) or Web Services. This application 
                         becomes an important nowcasting tool, available for institutions 
                         and for the entire community of researchers and environmental data 
                         and satellite images users, and particularly in monitoring, 
                         detecting and preventing climate events. RESUMO: O objetivo desse 
                         trabalho {\'e} apresentar o desenvolvimento do SIGMACast para 
                         manipular dados e imagens de forma integrada ao Sistema 
                         GEONETCast-Americas. A integra{\c{c}}{\~a}o SIGMACast/GEONETCast 
                         faz parte de um projeto multi-institucional para 
                         recep{\c{c}}{\~a}o e transmiss{\~a}o de dados ambientais de 
                         diversos provedores (e.g. European Organization for the 
                         Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites EUMETSAT, US National 
                         Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA, China Meteorological 
                         Administration - CMA). O GEONETCast {\'e} um sistema global de 
                         dissemina{\c{c}}{\~a}o de informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es ambientais, de 
                         baixo custo, que transmite dados de sat{\'e}lites 
                         meteorol{\'o}gicos e ambientais, dados in situ, produtos e 
                         servi{\c{c}}os do Global Earth Observation System of Systems 
                         (GEOSS). A transmiss{\~a}o {\'e} feita atrav{\'e}s de 
                         sat{\'e}lites de comunica{\c{c}}{\~a}o comerciais utilizando 
                         suas capacidades de radiodifus{\~a}o em banda larga para 
                         multiusu{\'a}rios, provendo informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es em tempo 
                         quase real. O padr{\~a}o usado na transmiss{\~a}o {\'e} o 
                         Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite (DVB-S). A rede GEONETCast 
                         Americas {\'e} a componente ocidental do GEONETCast, cujo 
                         objetivo {\'e} permitir uma melhor dissemina{\c{c}}{\~a}o, 
                         aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o e explora{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados ambientais 
                         e produtos para diversas {\'a}reas de benef{\'{\i}}cios sociais 
                         definidas pelo Group on Earth Observations (GEO), incluindo 
                         agricultura, energia, sa{\'u}de, clima, tempo, 
                         ameniza{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos efeitos de desastres, biodiversidade, 
                         recursos h{\'{\i}}dricos e ecossistemas. O sistema apresenta um 
                         custo inferior ao da compra de uma esta{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         convencional de recep{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados de sat{\'e}lite. 
                         Al{\'e}m disso, permite a dissemina{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 
                         informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es de toda a constela{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 
                         sat{\'e}lites e produtos ambientais associados. Por utilizar 
                         comunica{\c{c}}{\~a}o via sat{\'e}lite, a recep{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         dos dados independe da internet, o que o torna especialmente 
                         {\'u}til em prover acesso a dados ambientais em locais onde a 
                         cobertura da internet {\'e} nula ou limitada. As 
                         institui{\c{c}}{\~o}es que possuem esta{\c{c}}{\~o}es de 
                         recep{\c{c}}{\~a}o GEONETCast recebem diversos dados ambientais 
                         e imagens de sat{\'e}lites de diferentes provedores, formando 
                         assim um grande reposit{\'o}rio. O SIGMACast {\'e} uma 
                         aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o web que tem os objetivos de organizar e 
                         manipular esse reposit{\'o}rio e permitir a 
                         visualiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o e a an{\'a}lise de produtos de 
                         sensoriamento remoto da atmosfera. A aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o faz uso 
                         de tecnologias de Geographic Information System (GIS) e permite 
                         an{\'a}lise e publica{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados espaciais, 
                         vetoriais e mapas de aplica{\c{c}}{\~o}es din{\^a}micas. O 
                         SIGMACast ainda possui diversos recursos, incluindo 
                         manipula{\c{c}}{\~a}o de arquivos raster e vetoriais, 
                         c{\'a}lculo de dist{\^a}ncia entre pontos, possibilidade de 
                         recorte (crop) em uma regi{\~a}o espec{\'{\i}}fica com diversas 
                         camadas, possibilidade de manipula{\c{c}}{\~a}o de diversos 
                         formatos de arquivos (e.g. bufr, netcdf, hdf). A 
                         aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o foi desenvolvida utilizando tecnologias como 
                         Java, banco de dados MongoDB com recursos de georreferenciamento, 
                         Apache Tomcat como servidor de aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o, GeoServer 
                         como servidor de mapas e OpenLayers para manipula{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         de camadas. Outra possibilidade {\'e} o acesso aos produtos via 
                         Web Map Service (WMS). Essa aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o se torna uma 
                         importante ferramenta de nowcasting, dispon{\'{\i}}vel para 
                         institui{\c{c}}{\~o}es e toda a comunidade de pesquisadores e 
                         usu{\'a}rios de dados ambientais e imagens de sat{\'e}lites, e, 
                         principalmente, no monitoramento, detec{\c{c}}{\~a}o e 
                         preven{\c{c}}{\~a}o de eventos climatol{\'o}gicos.",
  conference-location = "Natal, RN",
      conference-year = "13-16 out.",
                label = "lattes: 1437264376997143 2 FigueiredoNetoVSFSPSSSM:2015:SoViAn",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "1_neto.pdf",
                  url = "http://sic2015.regg.co/anais",
        urlaccessdate = "04 jun. 2024"
