
               author = "Tejada Pinell, Graciela",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Mapas de carbono da Amaz{\^o}nia dos dados globais IPCC TIER 1 
                         para uma abordagem regional tier 2 da comunica{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         nacional do brasil {\`a} conven{\c{c}}{\~a}o-quadro das 
                         na{\c{c}}{\~o}es unidas sobre mudan{\c{c}}a do clima / Amazon 
                         forest carbon maps, from global IPCC TIER 1 to a regional national 
                         communication of brazil to the unfccc tier 2 approach",
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2014",
                pages = "526--532",
         organization = "Semin{\'a}rio de Atualiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o em Sensoriamento Remoto 
                         e Sistemas de Informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es Geogr{\'a}ficas Aplicados 
                         {\`a} Engenharia Florestal, 11. (SenGeF).",
            publisher = "IEP",
              address = "Curitiba",
             keywords = "Carbon maps, Amazon forest, IPCC tiers, Biomass.",
             abstract = "Brazil has the major area of tropical forest and carbon stocks of 
                         the Amazon. There are plenty biomass distribution analysis with 
                         great difference between them, that make impossible to determine 
                         which is closer to the reality. IPCC (2006) recommends a biomass 
                         stratification at different levels of complexities (tiers), tier 1 
                         requires IPCC default assumptions, methods and data; tier 2 
                         requires detailed country specific strata, methods, assumptions 
                         and data. Thus, the aim of the study was to compare the carbon map 
                         of the Brazilian Amazon at IPCC tier 1 with the tier 2 carbon map 
                         used in Brazil`s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC and 
                         suggest the improvements that can be made. We started analyzing 
                         the forest biomass stratification and the emission factors (carbon 
                         estimates) to get tier 1 and tier 2 maps. As the biomass 
                         distribution of tier 2 MCT (2010) results in quadrants because of 
                         the RADAM Volumes extrapolation, an alternative tier 2 carbon map 
                         was elaborated using the mean biomass of the RADAM plots of each 
                         forest stratum. Tier 1 map simplified a more complex reality 
                         comparing to MCT (2010) tier 2 map with more detail and number of 
                         stratums. The alternative tier 2 carbon map had better carbon 
                         stocks distribution, even though future studies and an uncertainty 
                         analyses are needed to compare, validate and improve the MCT 
                         (2010) tier 2 approach and thus get a consistent carbon map for 
                         the Brazilian Amazon.",
  conference-location = "Curitiba",
      conference-year = "2014",
                 issn = "2178-8634",
                label = "lattes: 4560868650221429 1 Tejada:2014:AmFoCa",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "graciela mapas.pdf",
                  url = "http://www.11sengef.com.br/arquivos/documentos/anaisonline/SENGEF2014.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "04 jun. 2024"
