
               author = "Afonso, Jo{\~a}o Maria de Sousa",
                title = "Ciclo diurno e caracteriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o espacial da 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o na regi{\~a}o tropical da Am{\'e}rica 
                         do Sul",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2021",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2020-12-21",
             keywords = "ciclo diurno, precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o, sistemas convectivos, 
                         estimativas por sat{\'e}lite, daily cycle, precipitation, 
                         convective systems, satellite estimates.",
             abstract = "O objetivo deste estudo {\'e} analisar e compreender a 
                         morfologia, climatologia e variabilidade espa{\c{c}}o-temporal da 
                         convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o nos tr{\'o}picos da Am{\'e}rica do Sul 
                         (AS), atrav{\'e}s de imagens de sat{\'e}lites no canal 
                         infravermelho (IR) e, caracterizar o ciclo diurno da 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o (CDP) usando dados de 
                         esta{\c{c}}{\~o}es meteorol{\'o}gicas e estimativas de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o por sat{\'e}lite (EPS) de alta 
                         resolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o do Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation 
                         (GSMaP), do CPC Morphing Technique (CMORPH) e do Integrated 
                         Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG), associando o CDP aos 
                         padr{\~o}es convectivos. Informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es hor{\'a}rias de 
                         pluvi{\^o}metros de diferentes redes nacionais e regionais foram 
                         usadas como refer{\^e}ncia ap{\'o}s testes de controle de 
                         qualidade, visando a valida{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos diferentes produtos 
                         de EPS. Todos os conjuntos de dados foram interpolados em uma 
                         grade de 0,1 x 0,1 a cada 3 h para compara{\c{c}}{\~a}o. Sete 
                         regi{\~o}es com diferentes caracter{\'{\i}}sticas de CDP 
                         (amplitude e fase) foram selecionadas para o estudo. Foi observado 
                         que: (i) nas regi{\~o}es onde o aquecimento t{\'e}rmico produz 
                         nuvens convectivas profundas, o CDP (amplitude e fase) {\'e} 
                         igualmente representado, satisfatoriamente, por todos os 
                         algoritmos ao contr{\'a}rio das regi{\~o}es onde atua a 
                         convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o rasa; (ii) o conjunto GSMaP (GSMaP-Gauge (G) 
                         e GSMaP-Motion Vector Kalman (MVK)), em termos gerais, supera o 
                         restante dos algoritmos com menor vi{\'e}s e menor 
                         dispers{\~a}o, onde a vers{\~a}o ajustada por pluvi{\^o}metro 
                         melhora as estimativas somente por sat{\'e}lite do mesmo 
                         algoritmo, sugerindo que a an{\'a}lise di{\'a}ria dos dados 
                         pluvi{\^o}metricos {\'e} {\'u}til para reduzir o vi{\'e}s em 
                         uma escala sub-di{\'a}ria; (iii) o conjunto IMERG (IMERG-Late (L) 
                         e IMERG-Final (F)) superestima as chuvas em quase todos os 
                         hor{\'a}rios e em todas as regi{\~o}es, enquanto que a 
                         vers{\~a}o somente baseada em dados de sat{\'e}lite fornece 
                         melhores resultados que a vers{\~a}o final e (iv) o CMORPH tem o 
                         melhor desempenho para um regime de transi{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre a 
                         brisa terrestre-mar{\'{\i}}tima e o regime da Amaz{\^o}nia 
                         continental. Dados do Geostationary Operational Environmental 
                         Satellite (GOES) no canal IR, a cada 3 horas, foram utilizados 
                         para a identifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos padr{\~o}es 
                         morfol{\'o}gicos da convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o profunda de ver{\~a}o 
                         sobre os tr{\'o}picos da AS, utilizando a t{\'e}cnica Forecast 
                         and Tracking the Evolution of Active Cloud Clusters (ForTraCC). 
                         Foram quantificados, no m{\'a}ximo, 155.688 sistemas convectivos 
                         (SCs) durante o per{\'{\i}}odo de ver{\~a}o de 2004 a 2015, com 
                         maior n{\'u}mero de ocorr{\^e}ncia em 2011 (16.920 SCs). Os SCs 
                         de escalas Meso- e Meso- predominaram; em termos de excentricidade 
                         (exc) os com exc 0,7 e 0,5 exc < 0.7, respectivamente, explicada 
                         pela presen{\c{c}}a de Complexos Convectivos de Mesoescala 
                         (CCMs). O n{\'u}mero menor de ocorr{\^e}ncia dos SCs de Grande 
                         escala com as limita{\c{c}}{\~o}es espaciais e temporais das 
                         fontes de calor e energia da regi{\~a}o. O ciclo diurno (CD) dos 
                         SCs mostrou que o aquecimento da superf{\'{\i}}cie no ver{\~a}o 
                         {\'e} o principal modulador. Sobre as diferentes localidades da 
                         regi{\~a}o de estudo observou-se que a maior ocorr{\^e}ncia de 
                         SCs de diferentes tamanhos foi na Amaz{\^o}nia Brasileira (9.955 
                         SCs) e a menor, no nordeste do Brasil (2.848 SCs). Os CDPs do 
                         CMORPH mostraram os mesmos padr{\~o}es dos CDs de SCs em todas as 
                         localidades, com chuvas intensas associadas aos SCs de Macro 
                         escala. Foi observado que a Alta da Bol{\'{\i}}via (AB), 
                         V{\'o}rtices Cicl{\^o}nicos em Altos N{\'{\i}}veis (VCAN) 
                         presentes no Nordeste do Brasil e a Zona de Converg{\^e}ncia do 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico Sul (ZCAS) influenciam a morfologia dos SCs. 
                         ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to analyze the 
                         morphology, climatology and time-space variability of the 
                         convection in tropical South America (SA), using infrared (IR) 
                         satellite imagery. It also includes the characterization of the 
                         precipitation diurnal cycle (PDC) using conventional 
                         meteorological data and satellite precipitation that estimates 
                         (SPE) high resolution Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation 
                         (GSMaP), CPC Morphing Technique (CMORPH) and Integrated 
                         Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG), by associating the PDC 
                         to the convective standards. An hourly pluviometric data from 
                         different national and regional networks were used as a reference 
                         after tested for quality, aiming for the validation of the 
                         different SPE products. All datasets were interpolated to 0.1 x 
                         0.1 grid at 3 hour interval. Seven regions with different PDC 
                         characteristics (phase and amplitude) were selected for the study. 
                         It was observed that: (i) in regions where there are deep 
                         convection clouds, the PDC (phase and amplitude) is equally well 
                         represented by all algorithms, which was not the case for the 
                         shallow convection clouds; (ii) generally the set GSMaP 
                         (GSMaP-Gauge (G) and GSMaP-Motion Vector Kalman (MVK)) is superior 
                         to the remaining algorithms, with smaller bias and dispersion, 
                         although the pluviometric data adjusted version does improve the 
                         same satellite estimates, thus suggesting that the daily rain data 
                         is useful to decrease the bias on time scales less than one day. 
                         (iii) the IMERG (IMERG-Late (L) and IMERG-Final (F)) overestimates 
                         the precipitation in almost all times and regions while, the 
                         version based only on satellite data yields results than those of 
                         the final version and (iv) CMORPH has the best performance for a 
                         transition regime between the sea-land breeze and the continental 
                         Amazonia. IR Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 
                         (GOES) data, at every 3 hours were used to identify the 
                         morphological patterns of the deep convection during summer over 
                         the tropical region of SA in conjunction with the Forecast and 
                         Tracking the Evolution of Active Cloud Clusters (ForTraCC). At 
                         most, 155688 convective systems (CSs) were quantified during the 
                         summers from 2004 to 2015, with the largest number of occurrence 
                         in 2011 (16920 CSs). The meso- and meso- CSs were dominant; in 
                         terms of the eccentricity were indicated as (exc) exc 0,7 and 0,5 
                         exc < 0.7, respectively, accounting for the presence of Mesoscale 
                         Convective Complexes (MCC). The smallest number of large scale 
                         occurrences of the CSs with the time-space limitation of the heat 
                         sources of the region. The diurnal cycle (DC) of the CSs showed 
                         that surface heating during summer is the main modulator. 
                         Regarding the different localities of the study region, it was 
                         noticed that most SC of different scales occurred in Amazonia 
                         (9955 CSs) and the smallest number of events in Northeastern 
                         Brazil (2848 CSs). Furthermore, PDC provided by the CMORPH 
                         algorithm showed the same patterns of the DC of the CS in all 
                         localities with intense rainfall associated with macroscale CS. In 
                         conclusion, it was observed that Bolivian High (BH), Upper 
                         Tropospheric Cyclonic Vortice (UTCV) present in Northeast Brazil 
                         and South American Convergence Zone (SACZ) influence the 
                         morphological parameter of CSs.",
            committee = "Ferreira, Nelson Jesuz (presidente) and Gan, Manoel Alonso 
                         (orientador) and Vila, Daniel Alejandro (orientador) and Negri, 
                         Renato Galante and Rebolta, Michelle Sim{\~o}es and Oliveira, 
                         R{\^o}mulo Augusto Juc{\'a}",
         englishtitle = "Diurnal cycle and spatial characterization of precipitation in the 
                         tropical region of South America",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "151",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34R/444H7RH",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34R/444H7RH",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "06 jun. 2024"
