
               author = "Formiga, Jorge Kennety S. and Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini 
                         de Almeida",
          affiliation = "FATEC and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Studying sequences of resonant orbits to perform successive close 
                         approaches with the Moon",
              journal = "Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and 
                 year = "2015",
               volume = "37",
               number = "4",
                pages = "1391--1404",
                month = "July",
             keywords = "Astrodin{\^a}mica, Swing-By, Manobras Orbitais.",
             abstract = "This research shows a study of the dynamical behavior of a 
                         spacecraft that performs a series of close approaches with the 
                         Moon. This maneuver is also known in the literature as 
                         Gravity-Assisted Maneuver. It is a technique to reduce the fuel 
                         expenditure in interplanetary missions by replacing maneuvers 
                         based on engines by passages near a massive body. The spacecraft 
                         moves under the gravitational attraction of the two bodies that 
                         dominate the system, the Earth and the Moon in the present study, 
                         and has a negligible mass. The main assumption to study this 
                         problem is that the motions are planar everywhere. In particular, 
                         we are looking for geometries that allow multiple close approaches 
                         without any major correction maneuvers. It means that the only 
                         maneuvers allowed are the negligible ones made to force the 
                         spacecraft to pass by the Moon with a specified distance from its 
                         surface. So, resonant orbits are required to obtain the series of 
                         close approaches. Analytical equations are derived to obtain the 
                         values of the parameters required to get this sequence of close 
                         approaches. The main motivation for this study is the existence of 
                         several studies for missions that has the goal of studying the 
                         space around the EarthMoon system using multiple close approaches 
                         to make the spacecraft to cover a larger portion of the space 
                         without any major maneuver. After obtaining the trajectories, the 
                         criterion of Tisserand is used to validate the trajectories found. 
                         Then, a verification of the accuracy of the patched-conics method 
                         for the EarthMoon system is made.",
                  doi = "10.1007/s40430-014-0254-8",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40430-014-0254-8",
                 issn = "1678-5878",
                label = "lattes: 7340081273816424 2 FormigaPrad:2014:StSeRe",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "formiga_studying.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "04 jun. 2024"
