
               author = "Oliveira, Aysses do Carmo",
                title = "Caracteriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de um sistema triplo eclipsante entre 
                         as vari{\'a}veis do levantamento OGLE",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2016",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2016-05-18",
             keywords = "sistemas triplos, sistemas triplos eclipsante, bin{\'a}rias 
                         eclipsantes, caracteriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o, triple systems, triple 
                         eclipsing systems, eclipsing binary, characterization.",
             abstract = "Este trabalho apresenta um estudo detalhado de um candidato a 
                         sistema triplo eclipsante descoberto entre as vari{\'a}veis do 
                         levantamento OGLE (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment). O 
                         sistema eclipsante BUL-SC33 4277 tem caracter{\'{\i}}sticas de 
                         uma bin{\'a}ria separada, com eclipses de 0,3 mag de profundidade 
                         na banda I\$_{c}\$, recorrentes a cada 3,355 dias. Sobrepostos a 
                         essa curva de luz ocorrem eclipses de 0,06 mag de profundidade, 
                         com per{\'{\i}}odo de 0,517 dias. O mesmo comportamento aparece 
                         nos dados do levantamento MACHO. Fotometria e espectroscopia 
                         obtidas no Observat{\'o}rio do Pico dos Dias (OPD/LNA) tanto no 
                         vis{\'{\i}}vel quanto no infravermelho pr{\'o}ximo, imagens no 
                         infravermelho obtidas no telesc{\'o}pio SOAR e um conjunto de 
                         medidas fotom{\'e}tricas na banca K\$_{s}\$ do VVV, 
                         complementam o conjunto de dados utilizado. As 
                         observa{\c{c}}{\~o}es espectrosc{\'o}picas foram utilizadas 
                         para definir o tipo espectral do sistema e restringir sua 
                         temperatura efetiva. A fotometria nas bandas B, V, R\$_{c}\$, 
                         I\$_{c}\$, J, H, e K\$_{s}\$ permitem determinar a 
                         distribui{\c{c}}{\~a}o espectral de energia, que junto com as 
                         medidas fotom{\'e}tricas, estabelece o avermelhamento 
                         interestelar do objeto. As curvas de luz, tanto da bin{\'a}ria 
                         separada quanto da configura{\c{c}}{\~a}o com o objeto de baixa 
                         massa foram modeladas com o c{\'o}digo Wilson-Devinney que 
                         fornece uma estimativa das temperaturas, potenciais, raz{\~a}o de 
                         massas e inclina{\c{c}}{\~a}o orbital. A bin{\'a}ria de 3,355 
                         dias consiste de dois objetos da sequ{\^e}ncia principal cujo 
                         tipo espectral combinado {\'e} F8, com massas e dimens{\~o}es 
                         bem pr{\'o}ximas {\`a}s de uma estrela de 1 M\$\odot\$ . A 
                         inclina{\c{c}}{\~a}o orbital {\'e} 84,53\$^{o}\$. O objeto de 
                         baixa massa possui uma raz{\~a}o de massas de apenas 0,03, o que 
                         implica massa tenha de cerca de 30 M\$_{4}\$. H{\'a} 
                         evid{\^e}ncias de que o per{\'{\i}}odo orbital da bin{\'a}rias 
                         AC possa ser vari{\'a}vel. As caracter{\'{\i}}sticas de 
                         BUL-SC33 4277 tornam-o um sistema ideal para o estudo 
                         din{\^a}mico de sistemas triplos. ABSTRACT: This work presents a 
                         detailed study of a candidate to be a triple stellar system where 
                         all components show eclipses. The system, called BUL-SC33 4277, 
                         was found among the variable or candidates to variable stars from 
                         the OGLE (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment) survey. 
                         BUL-SC33 4277 as characteristics of a wide binary, with eclipses 
                         0.3 mag deep in the l\$_{c}\$ band recurring at a 3.355 d 
                         period. Superimposed to this light curve there are eclipses 0.06 
                         mag deep which recur at a 0.517 d period. Both eclipses are also 
                         seen in the MACHO survey in the B and R bands. Photometric and 
                         spectroscopic data were collected at Observat{\'o}rio do Pico dos 
                         Dias (OPD/LNA) in the visible and infrared. Imaging from the SOAR 
                         telescope in the infrared and data from the VVV in the K\$_{s}\$ 
                         band complement our data. The spectroscopic data aim to define the 
                         spectral type of the system and to constraint the effective 
                         temperature of the components. Photometry in the B, V, 
                         R\$_{c}\$, I\$_{c}\$ a, J, H, e K\$_{s}\$ bands allows us to 
                         explore the spectral energy distribution on a wide range of 
                         wavelengths. Together with characteristics of the spectral lines 
                         present in the spectrum it is useful to estimate the interstellar 
                         reddening in the line-of-sight to this object. The light curves, 
                         both of the wide binary and of the configuration involving a low 
                         mass object were modeled with the Wilson-Devinney code, providing 
                         us with an estimate of the temperatures, gravitational potentials, 
                         mass ratios and inclination. The 3.355 d binary consists of two 
                         objects in the main sequence, with combined spectral type F8 and 
                         masses and radii similar to those of a 1 M\$\odot\$ star. The 
                         orbital inclination is 84.53\$^{o}\$. The low mass object has a 
                         mass ratio of only \$\sim\$0.03, implying a mass of 
                         \$\sim\$30 M\$_{4}\$. There are evidences that the orbital 
                         period of the AC binary is changing with time. The characteristics 
                         of BUL-SC33 4277 make it ideal for future studies of the dynamic 
                         and radiative interactions in triple systems.",
            committee = "Rodrigues, Cl{\'a}udia Vilega (presidente) and Jablonski, 
                         Francisco Jos{\'e} (orientador) and D'Amico, Flavio and Almeida, 
                         Leonardo Andrade de",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Characterization of a triple eclipsing system among the variables 
                         of the OGLE survey",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "105",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3LKU5B2",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3LKU5B2",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "20 set. 2024"
