
               author = "Iwama, Allan Yu and Batistella, Mateus and Ferreira, L{\'u}cia da 
                         Costa and Alves, Di{\'o}genes Salas and Ferreira, Leila da 
          affiliation = "{Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP)} and {Empresa Brasileira de 
                         Pesquisa Agropecu{\'a}ria (EMBRAPA)} and {Universidade de 
                         Campinas (UNICAMP)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 
                         (INPE)} and {Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP)}",
                title = "Risk, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: an 
                         interdisciplinary approach",
              journal = "Ambiente e Sociedade",
                 year = "2016",
               volume = "19",
               number = "2",
                pages = "93--116",
             keywords = "Climate change, Interdisciplinarity, Multiscale, Northern coast of 
                         S{\~a}o Paulo, Vulnerability.",
             abstract = "This study addresses risk, vulnerability, and their implications 
                         for the adaptation of communities to the problems they face in the 
                         everyday life and to those derived from climate change. Based on 
                         the literature about risk, vulnerability and adaptation to 
                         disasters and on a case study conducted in the Northern coast of 
                         S{\~a}o Paulo - Brazil, we summarize the converging themes in the 
                         analysis of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, which 
                         are divided in three components: (i) interdisciplinarity for 
                         studies about environment and society, requiring multiscale 
                         analysis, (ii) the integration of land use management instruments, 
                         and (iii) risk governance and communication. Based on the results 
                         of a risk perception survey (914 interviewees), we analyze 
                         vulnerability according to three interconnected axes (physical 
                         risk, social vulnerability and protagonism) by emphasizing the 
                         role played by the population in face of physical risk situations, 
                         as a way to guide integrated and participatory work efforts to 
                         encourage the engagement of the population to cope with and reduce 
                         the risks derived from historical and recurrent problems - such as 
                         poverty, social and spatial segregation - or with those that are 
                         about to come, such as climate changes.",
                  doi = "10.1590/1809-4422ASOC137409V1922016",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1809-4422ASOC137409V1922016",
                 issn = "1414-753X",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "iwama_risk.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "04 jun. 2024"
