
               author = "Guimar{\~a}es, Bruno dos Santos",
                title = "Conex{\~o}es da variabilidade do vapor d’{\'a}gua derivado dos 
                         sat{\'e}lites GOES e METEOSAT e a circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         troposf{\'e}rica na Am{\'e}rica do Sul",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2016",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2016-05-30",
             keywords = "variabilidade diurna, vapor d’{\'a}gua, teleconex{\~a}o, diurnal 
                         variability, water vapor, teleconnection.",
             abstract = "Este trabalho analisa as conex{\~o}es da circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         atmosf{\'e}rica de grande escala e a variabilidade do vapor 
                         d'{\'a}gua (WV) na alta e m{\'e}dia troposfera sobre a 
                         Am{\'e}rica do Sul (AS) durante o ver{\~a}o austral, 
                         per{\'{\i}}odo de 2003 a 2015. Para isso, utilizou-se os 
                         seguintes dados: imagens dos sat{\'e}lites meteorol{\'o}gicos 
                         GOES e METEOSAT no canal WV e componentes vertical e horizontal do 
                         vento derivado das reanalises do ERA-Interim do European Centre 
                         for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). A metodologia 
                         utilizada envolveu duas etapas. Primeiro, avaliou-se o 
                         comportamento m{\'e}dio do WV sobre a AS e oceanos adjacentes, 
                         relacionando as caracter{\'{\i}}sticas encontradas com a 
                         circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o nos n{\'{\i}}veis altos, m{\'e}dios e 
                         baixos. Na segunda etapa, relacionou-se a grande seca que ocorreu 
                         em 2014 sobre a regi{\~a}o Sudeste do Brasil {\`a} eventos de 
                         V{\'o}rtices Cicl{\^o}nicos de Altos N{\'{\i}}veis (VCANs), 
                         por meio de um estudo de caso. A distribui{\c{c}}{\~a}o espacial 
                         do WV sobre a AS {\'e} modulada pelas c{\'e}lulas de Hadley e 
                         Walker. Observa-se tamb{\'e}m que a distribui{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         espacial do WV se alterou ao longo dos meses de ver{\~a}o, sendo 
                         o deslocamento meridional da ZCIT e ZCAS o principal motivo para 
                         essas mudan{\c{c}}as. No ciclo diurno, a variabilidade do WV se 
                         mostrou relacionada principalmente com a atividade convectiva 
                         sobre a regi{\~a}o tropical da AS, com m{\'a}ximo entre {\`a}s 
                         21:00 UTC e 00:00 UTC e m{\'{\i}}nimo {\`a}s 15:00 UTC. Na 
                         segunda parte deste estudo, verificou-se que as anomalias de WV 
                         sobre a regi{\~a}o Sudeste do Brasil em 2014 est{\~a}o 
                         associadas a anomalias cicl{\^o}nicas em altos n{\'{\i}}veis 
                         provocadas pela presen{\c{c}}a e persist{\^e}ncia an{\^o}malas 
                         de VCANs sobre essa regi{\~a}o. Numa an{\'a}lise mais ampla, 
                         constatou-se que a anomalia seca sobre a AS est{\'a} ligada com 
                         um padr{\~a}o global de anomalias latitudinais de 
                         circula{\c{c}}{\~o}es cicl{\^o}nicas e anticicl{\^o}nicas 
                         alternadas entre si sobre os oceanos Atl{\^a}ntico Norte e Sul. 
                         Associada a essas anomalias, destaca-se a corrente de jato sobre o 
                         AN mais intensa e deslocada para noroeste. Em busca de compreender 
                         o papel da anomalia da corrente de jato nesse novo padr{\~a}o e, 
                         consequentemente, a influ{\^e}ncia sobre a regi{\~a}o Sudeste do 
                         Brasil, correla{\c{c}}{\~o}es simult{\^a}neas e adiantadas 
                         foram feitas. A mudan{\c{c}}a do comportamento da corrente de 
                         jato exerce mais influ{\^e}ncia na circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o 
                         Oceano Atl{\^a}ntico Norte. Uma s{\'e}rie de testes foi 
                         realizada e os resultados sugerem que as anomalias cicl{\^o}nicas 
                         observadas sobre a AS est{\~a}o correlacionadas com o padr{\~a}o 
                         Pacific North American (PNA). ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the 
                         connections of the large scale atmospheric circulation and the 
                         variability of water vapor (WV) in the upper and middle 
                         troposphere over South America (SA) during the austral summer of 
                         2003 to 2015. The following data set were used: the water vapor 
                         satellite images from GOES and METEOSAT satellite and vertical and 
                         horizontal components of the wind derived from ERA-Interim 
                         reanalysis of the European Center for Medium Range Weather 
                         Forecasts (ECMWF). The methodology has involved two steps. First, 
                         it was evaluated the average behavior of the WV on SA and adjacent 
                         oceans, relating the features found with the atmospheric 
                         circulation in high, medium and low levels. In the second stage, 
                         the major drought in the southeastern Brazil in 2014 was related 
                         to Upper Levels Cyclonic Vortex (ULCV) events, through a case 
                         study. The spatial distribution of the WV over AS is modulated by 
                         the Hadley and Walker cells. Over the summer months, is observed 
                         that the spatial distribution of WV has changed, being the 
                         southern displacement of the ITCZ and SACZ the main reason for 
                         these changes. In the diurnal cycle, the variability of the WV it 
                         was related to the convective activity over the tropical region of 
                         AS, with maximum between 21:00 UTC and 00:00 UTC and minimum at 
                         15:00 UTC. In the second stage of this study, it was verified that 
                         the WV anomalies on Brazil's Southeast region in 2014 are 
                         associated with cyclonic anomalies at upper levels caused by the 
                         presence and persistence of anomalous ULCVs about this region. In 
                         a broader analysis, it is found that the drought anomaly on the AS 
                         is connected with a global pattern of latitudinal anomalies of 
                         cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation alternated each other, over 
                         the North and South Atlantic. Associated with these anomalies, 
                         emphasis to the jet stream over the NA more intense and displaced 
                         to northwest. Seeking to understand the role of the jet stream 
                         anomaly in this new pattern and consequently, the influence on the 
                         Southeast region of Brazil, simultaneous and early correlations 
                         were made. The change in the jet stream behavior exert more 
                         influence on the circulation of the North Atlantic. A series of 
                         tests was realized and results suggest that the cyclonic anomalies 
                         observed over SA are correlated with the Pacific North American 
                         (PNA) pattern.",
            committee = "Calheiros, Alan James Peixoto (presidente) and Ferreira, Nelson 
                         Jesuz (orientador) and Pereira filho, Augusto Jos{\'e}",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Variability of water vapor connections derived from GOES and 
                         METEOSAT satellites and the tropospheric circulation in South 
             language = "pt",
                pages = "99",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3LJQ4EP",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3LJQ4EP",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "16 jun. 2024"
