
               author = "Santos, Cleber Assis dos and Serr{\~a}o, Edivaldo Afonso de 
                         Oliveira and Gon{\c{c}}alves, Layrson de Jesus Menezes and 
                         Araujo, Ivinny Barros de and Lima, Aline Maria Meiguins de",
          affiliation = "{Universidade Federal do Par{\'a} (UFPA)} and {Universidade 
                         Federal do Par{\'a} (UFPA)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (INPE)} and {Universidade Federal do Par{\'a} (UFPA)} 
                         and {Universidade Federal do Par{\'a} (UFPA)}",
                title = "Comportamento hidroclimatol{\'o}gico da bacia hidrogr{\'a}fica 
                         do rio Iriri",
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2015",
         organization = "Congresso Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 19.",
             keywords = "climatologia, distribui{\c{c}}{\~a}o da 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o, fluviom{\'e}trica, Climatology, 
                         rainfall distribution, fluviometric.",
             abstract = "O objetivo deste trabalho foi expor o comportamento 
                         hidroclimatol{\'o}gico de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         pluviom{\'e}trica, cota e vaz{\~a}o fluviom{\'e}trica na bacia 
                         hidrogr{\'a}fica do rio Iriri. Para a elabora{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         deste trabalho utilizou-se as m{\'e}dias mensais dos dados 
                         fluviom{\'e}tricos de cota (cm) e vaz{\~a}o (m3 /s) do acervo 
                         hidroclimatol{\'o}gico da Ag{\^e}ncia Nacional de {\'A}guas 
                         (s{\'e}rie hist{\'o}rica de 1976 a 2006) e dados 
                         pluviom{\'e}tricos provenientes do GPCC (Global Precipitation 
                         Climatology Center), disponibilizados pelo NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 
                         Project at the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division (s{\'e}rie 
                         hist{\'o}rica de 1981 a 2010). No tratamento estat{\'{\i}}stico 
                         e elabora{\c{c}}{\~a}o de gr{\'a}ficos da curva de 
                         perman{\^e}ncia, curva chave e m{\'e}dias simples, foram 
                         utilizados os softwares Hidro 1.2 da Ag{\^e}ncia Nacional de 
                         {\'A}guas e o Microsoft Excel 2013. O Software ArcMap 10.0 foi 
                         utilizando para a interpola{\c{c}}{\~a}o da 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o pelo m{\'e}todo de Krigagem. A 
                         regi{\~a}o sul da bacia hidrogr{\'a}fica {\'e} onde ocorre o 
                         m{\'a}ximo acumulado de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o durante o ano, 
                         onde ap{\'o}s o m{\'a}ximo de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o, h{\'a} 
                         uma defasagem de tr{\^e}s meses para que a cota e vaz{\~a}o 
                         m{\'a}xima ocorram. A regionaliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o das curvas de 
                         perman{\^e}ncia de cota e vaz{\~a}o, ajudaram a informar o 
                         comportamento dos respectivos valores durante o per{\'{\i}}odo 
                         analisado (1976 a 2006), onde Q95 apresentou o valor de 133 m3/s e 
                         C95 apresentou o valor de 308 cm. O valor encontrado na curva 
                         chave mostrou {\'o}timo coeficiente de determina{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         (Rē=0,997). Conhecer o comportamento hidroclimatol{\'o}gico de 
                         uma bacia hidrogr{\'a}fica {\'e} de suma import{\^a}ncia para 
                         poder subsidiar a tomada de decis{\~o}es futuras principalmente 
                         no que se refere ao uso m{\'u}ltiplo das {\'a}guas. ABSTRACT: 
                         The objective of this work was to expose the hydro-climatological 
                         behavior of rainfall, quota and fluviometric flow in the river 
                         Iriri watershed. To prepare this work, were used the monthly 
                         averages fluviometric data of quota (cm) and flow (m3/s), from 
                         hydro-climatological collection of National Water Agency (time 
                         series of 1976 at 2006), and rainfall data from the GPCC (Global 
                         Precipitation Climatology Centre), provided by NCEP/NCAR 
                         Reanalysis Project at the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division 
                         (time series of 1981 at 2010). In the statistical processing and 
                         graphing of the curve of permanency, key curve and simple 
                         averages, were used the softwares Hydro 1.2 from the National 
                         Water Agency and Microsoft Excel 2013. The software ArcMap 10.0 
                         was used for interpolation of precipitation by kriging method. The 
                         southern part of the watershed is where occur the maximum 
                         accumulated of rainfall during the year, where after the maximum 
                         rainfall, there is a lag of three months for the quota and maximum 
                         flow occur. The regionalization of the permanency curves of quota 
                         and flow, helped to inform the behavior of their values during the 
                         period analyzed (1976 to 2006), where Q95 showed value of 133 m3 
                         /s and C95 showed value of 308 cm. The value found in the key 
                         curve showed great determination coefficient (Rē = 0,997). Meet 
                         the hydro-climatological behavior of a watershed is very 
                         important, in order to support the making future decisions, mainly 
                         with regard to the multiple uses of water.",
  conference-location = "Lavras, MG",
      conference-year = "23-28 ago.",
                label = "lattes: 0500272377835584 3 SantosSerGonAraLim:2015:CoHiBa",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "AnaisCBAgro2015A.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "16 jun. 2024"
