
               author = "Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali and Batista, Inez Staciarini and Carrasco, 
                         Alexander Jos{\'e} and Brum, Christiano Garnett Marques",
                title = "South atlantic magnetic anomaly ionization effects on the 
                         electrodynamics of the equatorial onosphere.",
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2004",
                pages = "35",
         organization = "7th Latin-American Conference on Space Geophysics, COLAGE",
            publisher = "INPE",
             abstract = "Satellite observations of enhanced energetic particle fluxes in 
                         the south Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) region has been 
                         supported from ground based observations of enhanced ionization 
                         induced by particle precipitation in the ionosphere over this 
                         region. Past observations using a variety of instruments such as 
                         vertical sounding ionosondes, riometers and VLF receivers have 
                         provided evidences on the enhanced ionization due to energetic 
                         particle precipitation in the ionosphere over Brazil. The extra 
                         ionization at E layer heights could produce enhanced ionospheric 
                         conductivity within and around the SAMA region. The energetic 
                         particle ionization source that is operative even under “quiet” 
                         conditions can undergo drastic/significant enhancements during 
                         magnetospheric storm disturbances, when the geographic region of 
                         enhanced ionospheric conductivity could extend to magnetic 
                         latitudes closer the equator where the magnetic field line 
                         coupling of the E and F region plays key roles in the 
                         electrodynamics of the equatorial ionosphere. Of particular 
                         interest is the sunset electrodynamics processes responsible for 
                         the equatorial spread F/plasma bubble irregularity generation and 
                         related dynamics (zonal and vertical drifts etc.). SAMA represents 
                         a source of significant longitudinal variability in global 
                         description of the equatorial spread F irregularity phenomenon. 
                         Recent results from digital ionosondes operated at Fortaleza and 
                         Cachoeira Paulista have provided evidence that enhanced ionization 
                         due to particle precipitation associated with magnetic 
                         disturbances, in the SAMA region, can indeed significantly 
                         influence the equatorial electrodynamic processes leading to 
                         plasma irregularity generation and dynamics. Disturbance 
                         magnetospheric electric fields that penetrate to equatorial 
                         latitude during storm events seem to be intensified in the SAMA 
                         region based on ground based and satellite born measurements. This 
                         paper will review our current understanding of role of SAMA on the 
                         equatorial electrodynamics processes from the perspective outlined 
  conference-location = "Atibaia - SP",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
             language = "en",
                  ibi = "sid.inpe.br/marciana/2004/",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/sid.inpe.br/marciana/2004/",
           targetfile = "1.4ST_Abdu.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "15 jun. 2024"
