
               author = "Ferrer, Luciana Maria and Rodrigu{\'e}z, Daniel Andres",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Environmental Indicators of Impact on Environmental Services by 
                         the Sand Extraction in the Para{\'{\i}}ba do Sul River Basin 
                 year = "2018",
         organization = "ESP Regional Conference Latin America",
             keywords = "environmental indicators, sand digging, mine closure, 
                         environmental services.",
             abstract = "The first sand mining companies in the Para{\'{\i}}ba do Sul 
                         River Valley settled in 1949 to meet the demand for expansion and 
                         urban development in the metropolitan region of S{\~a}o Paulo, as 
                         well as local consumption. Sand is a mineral resource of direct 
                         employment in civil construction and abundant in the Sedimentary 
                         Basin of Taubat{\'e}. Once started in Jacare{\'{\i}}, the 
                         extraction areas has been migrating downstream and today they have 
                         reached the municipality of Pindamonhangaba. Nowadays, 
                         approximately 70% of the mines are in the closing phase, 
                         implementing the Recovery Plans for Degraded Areas - PRAD (Decree 
                         97.632 / 1989), except for occasional extensions of some of the 
                         projects. Many miners have adjusted their mines to environmental 
                         legislation in a reactive way since the first environmental 
                         supervisory was implemented 19 years later. This mismatch between 
                         publication of the legislation and installation of the sand 
                         digging had an impact on environmental planning, studies of the 
                         loss of ecosystem services and on the promotion of the sustainable 
                         development of the region, mainly because the difficulties in 
                         assessing the history of the exploitation of sand diggers until 
                         its deactivation, considering the social and economic structures 
                         present in the Para{\'{\i}}ba do Sul River Basin. Regeneration 
                         is a long process, once the affected ecosystems lose biodiversity, 
                         their ecosystem services and a large part of their functions. A 
                         diagnosis analysis of the sand mining of the Para{\'{\i}}ba do 
                         Sul River Basin (Resolution SMA no. 28/99), classifying 
                         environmental and land use variables, integrated to the PRAD's 
                         proposals of the mines, allows to compose an indicator to typify a 
                         standard of closure of the sand mining, proposing integrated 
                         measures among the municipalities in the restoration of ecosystem 
                         services, in the section of the Para{\'{\i}}ba do Sul River 
  conference-location = "Campinas, SP",
      conference-year = "22-26 oct.",
             language = "en",
        urlaccessdate = "04 jun. 2024"
