
               author = "Santini, Marcelo Freitas and Souza, Ronald Buss de and Wainer, 
                         Ilana and Muelbert, M{\^o}nica M.",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Universidade de 
                         S{\~a}o Paulo (USP)} and {Universidade Federl do Rio Grande 
                title = "Temporal analysis of water masses and sea ice formation rate west 
                         of the Antarctic Peninsula in 2008 estimated from southern 
                         elephant seals' SRDL-CTD data",
              journal = "Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies In Oceanography",
                 year = "2018",
               volume = "149",
                pages = "58--69",
             keywords = "massas de agua, Oceano Austral, taxa de forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 
                         gelo marinho, water masses, sea ice formation rate, SRDL-CTD, 
                         Antarctic peninsula.",
             abstract = "As an alternative method to collect oceanographic data in the 
                         polar oceans, especially during winter when traditional methods 
                         are very difficult to be used, sea mammals can be tagged with 
                         Satellite Relay Data Loggers with CTD capabilities (SRDLCTD). 
                         Using data from nine southern elephant seals (SES; Mirounga 
                         leonina) tagged during a field campaign of the MEOPBR project (the 
                         Brazilian Counterpart to the Marine Mammal Exploration of the 
                         Oceans Pole to Pole), this work presents a temporal analysis of 
                         the water masses and the sea ice formation rate at the western 
                         part of the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) during 2008. We found that 
                         the seasonal and local processes controlling the surface and 
                         intermediate layers of the ocean produced differences in the water 
                         mass composition and the sea ice formation rates in our study 
                         region. Sea ice formation rates ranged from less than 1 cm/day in 
                         deep sea waters off the northern part of the AP to 14 cm/day at 
                         the vicinity of ice shelves such as the Abbot and Wilkins ice 
                         shelves, further south in the AP. Maximum sea ice formation rates, 
                         as expected, occurred during autumn to winter. After the 
                         successive collapse events of the Wilkins Ice Shelf (WIS) in 2008, 
                         the sea ice formation rate endured significant reductions even 
                         when sea ice concentrations were high in the region. These 
                         reductions, observed by SES in the vicinity of WIS can be 
                         associated with freshwater input derived from shelf collapses. The 
                         presence of the Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) over the continental 
                         shelf west of the AP affected the sea ice formation rate by both 
                         contributing to the observed low sea ice coverage and to the 
                         acceleration of the ice shelf melting. Another process that 
                         demonstrated influence on the formation of sea ice was the 
                         advection of more saline waters in the oceanic layer considered 
                         here for the application of salt balance equation. This advection 
                         resulted in unrealistic sea ice formation rates in regions where 
                         there was no sea ice cover. The data and results presented here 
                         can be used to feed and to validate climate oceanatmosphere 
                         coupled models. The data can be combined with other (more 
                         traditional) meteorological and oceanographic data in order to 
                         provide a better understanding of both oceanic and oceanatmosphere 
                         coupled processes yet not very well known in our study region.",
                  doi = "10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.02.013",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.02.013",
                 issn = "0967-0645",
                label = "lattes: 0537824080913130 2 SantiniSouzWainMuel:2018:TeAnWa",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "santini_temporal.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "16 jun. 2024"
