
               author = "Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque and Shimizu, Marilia 
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Climate Fields over South America and Variability of SACZ and PSA 
                         in HadGEM2-ES CMIP5",
              journal = "American Journal of Climate Change",
                 year = "2012",
               volume = "1",
               number = "3",
                pages = "132--144",
                month = "Set.",
             keywords = "South America Precipitation, HadGEM2-ES, Model Simulation, Model 
                         Projections, SACZ, PSA.",
             abstract = "Historical simulations (present climate) and projections under 
                         RCP8.5 scenario (future climate) by HadGEM2-ES of temperature and 
                         precipitation are analyzed during the four seasons in South 
                         America. Projections of precipitation are discussed in terms of 
                         atmospheric circulation. The South Atlantic Convergence Zone 
                         (SACZ) and the Pacific South America (PSA) patterns are analyzed 
                         in simulations of present climate and in future climate 
                         projections. The model shows small systematic errors over South 
                         America, larger close to the northern South American coast in DJF 
                         and MAM. The seasonal variability of precipitation, temperature 
                         and wind fields is very well reproduced, mainly the summer/winter 
                         differences. The SACZ and the Intertropical Convergence Zone 
                         (ITCZ) are well simulated. The good model performance to reproduce 
                         the precipitation, temperature and wind fields, in the present 
                         climate, gives confidence in the projection results subject to the 
                         future scenarios. Changes from the present time to the future 
                         indicate increased precipitation over southern and southeastern 
                         Brazil and areas nearby and the tropical western South American 
                         coast. Reduced precipitation is projected over eastern Amazonia, 
                         northern South America and southern Chile. The changes are related 
                         to changes in the low level wind flow over the tropical North 
                         Atlantic, which reduces the advection of moisture to the continent 
                         and also to the increased low level flow over central South 
                         America southwards, which increases the humidity in the southern 
                         regions. The upper level flow changes are also consistent with the 
                         precipitation changes. There is a weakening of the Bolivian High 
                         and a strengthening of the subtropical jet over the continent. The 
                         SACZ dipole pattern is well simulated and in the future 
                         projections the southern center anomalies are more intense than in 
                         the present time. The PSA1 and PSA2 patterns are well represented 
                         in the present climate, but in the future projection only one 
                         dominant mode is identified as the typical teleconnection over the 
                         Pacific and South America.",
                  doi = "10.4236/ajcc.2012.13011",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ajcc.2012.13011",
                 issn = "2167-9495 and 2167-9509",
                label = "lattes: 6731029375224939 1 Cavalcanti:2012:ClFiOv",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "AJCC20120300003_76381802.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "29 jun. 2024"
