
               author = "Lima, Lorena Martina Trindade de",
                title = "An{\'a}lise do ambiente pr{\'e}-convectivo e da previsibilidade 
                         do modelo WRF para casos de tempo severo observados durante o 
                         experimento rel{\^a}mpago em S{\~a}o Borja/RS",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2021",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2021-05-27",
             keywords = "fase pr{\'e}-convectiva, instabilidade, convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o, 
                         WRF, pre-convective phase, instability, convection.",
             abstract = "O Sudeste da Am{\'e}rica do Sul {\'e} conhecido como a 
                         regi{\~a}o de maior ocorr{\^e}ncia de tempestades severas do 
                         globo, isso motivou a realiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o do experimento Remote 
                         sensing of Electrification, Lightning, And Mesoscale/microscale 
                         Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations (RELAMPAGO) em 
                         S{\~a}o Borja/Rio Grande do Sul, com o intuito de coletar 
                         informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es de sat{\'e}lites, radares 
                         meteorol{\'o}gicos, esta{\c{c}}{\~o}es de superf{\'{\i}}cie e 
                         radiossondagens para melhor avaliar as diferentes fases da 
                         evolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o da convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o profunda. 
                         Ent{\~a}o, este estudo tem como objetivos avaliar o comportamento 
                         das condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es Pr{\'e}-convectivas (PC) de cinco 
                         eventos severos que ocorreram durante a campanha do RELAMPAGO e a 
                         previsibilidade do modelo regional WRF (Weather Research and 
                         Forcasting) operacional no Centro de Previs{\~a}o de Tempo e 
                         Estudos Clim{\'a}ticos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (CPTEC-INPE) no progn{\'o}stico das 
                         condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es PC, da precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o e do perfil 
                         vertical de temperatura, vento e umidade. Para analisar o 
                         desempenho do WRF em prever a fase PC e o perfil vertical foram 
                         utilizados, respectivamente, os dados do ERA-5 e os obtidos no 
                         lan{\c{c}}amento de radiossondagens. Enquanto que a 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o simulada pelo WRF foi confrontada com as 
                         esta{\c{c}}{\~o}es de superf{\'{\i}}cies por meio do Root Mean 
                         Square Error (RMSE), BIAS e {\'{\I}}ndice Concord{\^a}ncia de 
                         Willmont. Avaliou-se tamb{\'e}m a refletividade prevista pelo WRF 
                         atrav{\'e}s de compara{\c{c}}{\~o}es com dados do radar 
                         meteorol{\'o}gico calculando o {\'{\i}}ndice 
                         estat{\'{\i}}stico Fractional Skill Score (FSS). Mostrou-se que 
                         os par{\^a}metros PC que melhor apontaram indicativo de 
                         instabilidade na regi{\~a}o de origem dos sistemas foram o 
                         Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), o Convective 
                         Inhibition Energy (CINE) e o Cisalhamento do vento (CVV), podendo 
                         ser previstos com at{\'e} 48h de anteced{\^e}ncia em alguns 
                         casos. Tamb{\'e}m constatou-se que o WRF teve dificuldades em 
                         representar a chuva observada nas esta{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         meteorol{\'o}gicas, indicando a limita{\c{c}}{\~a}o do modelo 
                         em simular essa vari{\'a}vel de maneira localizada, enquanto 
                         isso, o desempenho do WRF foi satisfat{\'o}rio em simular os 
                         campos de refletividade do radar. Ainda, o perfil vertical do 
                         vento foi bem representado pelo modelo, confirmando o seu 
                         potencial em reproduzir o comportamento da circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         atmosf{\'e}rica em diferentes n{\'{\i}}veis verticais. 
                         ABSTRACT: The southeast of South America is known as the region of 
                         most severe storm occurrences in the world, which has motivated 
                         the Remote sensing of Electrification, Lightning, And Mesoscale/ 
                         microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations (RELAMPAGO) 
                         experiment in S{\~a}o Borja/Rio Grande do Sul, with the goal of 
                         collecting information from satellites, meteorological radars, 
                         surface stations and radiosonde to evaluate the different phases 
                         of the evolution of the deep convection. Therefore, this study has 
                         the objectives of evaluating the behavior of the Pre-convective 
                         (PC) conditions of five severe events that occurred during the 
                         RELAMPAGO campaign and the previsibility of the operational 
                         regional model Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) from Weather 
                         Forecast and Climate Studies Center do National Institute for 
                         Space Research (CPTEC-INPE) on the prognostic of the PC 
                         conditions, precipitation and vertical profiles of temperature, 
                         wind and moisture. To analyze the WRF performance in predicting 
                         the PC phase and the vertical profile, data from ERA-5 and those 
                         obtained from radiosonde were used, respectively. While the 
                         precipitation simulated by the WRF was compared to surface 
                         stations data through the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), BIAS and 
                         the Willmont agreement index. The forecasted radar reflectivity 
                         data from WRF were compared against meteorological radar 
                         observation by calculating the Fractional Skill Score (FSS) 
                         statistical index. It was shown that the PC parameters that best 
                         indicate instability in the origin region in the systems were the 
                         Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), the Convective 
                         Inhibition Energy (CINE) and the Wind Shear (CVV), which could be 
                         predicted with 48h in advance in some cases. It was also noted 
                         that the WRF had difficulties in representing the rain observed at 
                         the meteorological stations, indicating the limitation of the 
                         model when simulating this variable in a localized manner. On the 
                         other hand, the WRF performance was adequate when simulating the 
                         reflectivity fields of the radar. Furthermore, the vertical 
                         profile of wind was well represented by the model, confirming its 
                         potential in reproducing the atmospheric circulation behavior in 
                         different vertical levels.",
            committee = "Sapucci, Luiz Fernando (presidente) and Vendrasco, {\'E}der Paulo 
                         (orientador) and Arav{\'e}quia, Jos{\'e} Ant{\^o}nio and Santos 
                         e Silva, Cl{\'a}udio Mois{\'e}s",
         englishtitle = "Analysis of the pre-convective environment and the predictability 
                         of the WRF model for severe weather cases observed during the 
                         relampago experiment in S{\~a}o Borja/RS",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "130",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34T/44TTK4P",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34T/44TTK4P",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "04 jun. 2024"
