
               author = "Sim{\~o}es, Gabriela Zoli",
                title = "Sensoriamento remoto por VANT e orbital no estudo da 
                         cana-de-a{\c{c}}{\'u}car: volumetria e zonas de manejo",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2021",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2021-08-10",
             keywords = "agricultura de precis{\~a}o, VANTs, zonas de manejo, sensores 
                         orbitais, precision agriculture, UAVs, management zones, orbital 
             abstract = "O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o potencial de sensores 
                         imageadores a bordo de um ve{\'{\i}}culo a{\'e}reo n{\~a}o 
                         tripulado (VANT) e de sistemas sensores orbitais para o 
                         monitoramento de vari{\'a}veis biof{\'{\i}}sicas e 
                         bioqu{\'{\i}}micas da cana-de-a{\c{c}}{\'u}car na regi{\~a}o 
                         de Ribeir{\~a}o Preto (SP). Para tanto, foram feitas estimativas 
                         de altura dos doss{\'e}is e da produtividade dos talh{\~o}es, 
                         avaliando a sua rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o com os {\'{\i}}ndices de 
                         vegeta{\c{c}}{\~a}o (NDVI e EVI) em diferentes 
                         resolu{\c{c}}{\~o}es espaciais (3 m, 10 m e 30 m) e 
                         temperatura/emissividade do dossel. Para estimar a altura do 
                         dossel, foram adquiridas imagens RGB de VANT ao longo do 
                         per{\'{\i}}odo de crescimento da cana-de-a{\c{c}}{\'u}car na 
                         safra de 2019/2020, as quais foram utilizadas para criar modelos 
                         de superf{\'{\i}}cie e terreno por meio da t{\'e}cnica SfM. A 
                         altura estimada foi obtida pela subtra{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre o MDS 
                         e MDT e, a partir dela, calculou-se a taxa de crescimento da cana 
                         nesse per{\'{\i}}odo. A produtividade e a produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         total foram estimadas pelo m{\'e}todo da volumetria, para o qual 
                         foi usada a altura estimada no {\'u}ltimo per{\'{\i}}odo 
                         imageado. O c{\'a}lculo dos {\'{\i}}ndices foi efetuados com 
                         imagens dos sat{\'e}lites PlanetScope, Sentinel-2 e Landsat 8, 
                         adquiridas o mais pr{\'o}ximo poss{\'{\i}}vel da data do 
                         imageamento com o VANT. Para a an{\'a}lise de 
                         correla{\c{c}}{\~a}o espacial, o coeficiente de Pearson foi 
                         calculado entre as alturas estimadas, os {\'{\I}}ndices de 
                         Vegeta{\c{c}}{\~a}o, e temperatura e emissividade, sendo um 
                         ponto selecionado para avaliar se h{\'a} correla{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         temporal entre a altura e os IVs. Os dados de temperatura e 
                         emissividade foram obtidosdo sensor ASTER. Por fim, foram 
                         constru{\'{\i}}dos mapas de zonas de manejo pelo m{\'e}todo de 
                         McQuitty e k-means, usando, informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es da taxa de 
                         crescimento e IVs. Os modelos de altura retrataram as fases de 
                         crescimento da cana, permitindo a identifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 
                         falhas no plantio e regi{\~o}es com menor crescimento, no 
                         entanto, o uso de GCP ou RTK poderiam minimizar os erros e 
                         melhorar a qualidade dos modelos. A altura estimada n{\~a}o 
                         apresentou correla{\c{c}}{\~a}o espacial com os IVs. Nem a 
                         temperatura ou a emissividade apresentaram correla{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         com a altura, todavia dados com maior resolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         espacial poderiam trazer melhores resultados. Quanto {\`a}s Zonas 
                         de Manejo, todos os sensores orbitais tiveram bons resultados. 
                         Tanto o m{\'e}todo, quantos as vari{\'a}veis de entrada 
                         influenciaram nos resultados, sendo recomendada o uso de duas ZMs, 
                         tendo como vari{\'a}veis o NDVI e a taxa de crescimento e o 
                         m{\'e}todo de k-means, que possibilitou criar zonas mais 
                         homog{\^e}neas, sendo a valida{\c{c}}{\~a}o com dados de campo 
                         fundamental para uma avalia{\c{c}}{\~a}o mais precisa dos 
                         resultados. Concluimos que o desenvolvimento de metodologias, 
                         integrando o uso de dados obtidos por VANTs e sensores orbitais, 
                         permitem identificar caracter{\'{\i}}sticas nas {\'a}reas 
                         agr{\'{\i}}colas que podem ser aplicadas no gerenciamento de 
                         culturas. ABSTRACT: This work aimed to investigate the potential 
                         of imaging sensors on board unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and 
                         orbital sustems to monitor biophysical and biochemical variables 
                         of sugarcane in SE Brazil. For this purpose, estimates of the 
                         height of the canopies and the yield were made, evaluating their 
                         relationship with vegetation indices (NDVI and EVI) in different 
                         spatial resolutions (3 m, 10 m and 30 m) and 
                         temperature/emissivity of the canopy. To estimate canopy height, 
                         RGB images of UAV were acquired during the sugarcane growth period 
                         in the 2019/2020 harvest, which were used to create surface and 
                         ground models using the SfM technique. The estimated height was 
                         obtained by subtraction between the DSM and DTM. The estimated 
                         height in each period allowed to calculate the growth rate of the 
                         sugarcane in this period. Yield and the total production were 
                         estimated by the volumetric method, which used the height 
                         estimated in the last imaged period. In order to calculate the 
                         indices, images from the PlanetScope, Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 
                         satellites were used, acquired as close as possible to the date of 
                         the UAV flight. For spatial correlation analysis, Pearson's 
                         coefficient was calculated between the estimated heights, the VIs 
                         and temperature and emissivity. A point was selected in order to 
                         evaluate the existence of a temporal correlation between height 
                         and VIs. Temperature and emissivity data were obtained from the 
                         temperature and emissivity products of the ASTER sensor. Finally, 
                         maps of management zones were constructed using the McQuitty and 
                         k-means method, using information on growth rate and vegetation 
                         indices. The height models portrayed the growth phases of 
                         sugarcane, allowing the identification of failures in the 
                         plantation and regions with lower growth, however, the use of GCP 
                         or RTK could minimize errors and improve the quality of the 
                         models. The estimated height did not present a spatial correlation 
                         with the Vis. Neither temperature nor emissivity showed 
                         correlation with height, however data with higher spatial 
                         resolution could improve the results. As for the Management Zones, 
                         all spatial resolutions showed good results. Both methods, as well 
                         as the input variables influenced the results, recommending the 
                         use of two MZs, considering as variables the NDVI and growth rate 
                         and the k-means method, which created more homogeneous zones. 
                         However, the validation with field data is of fundamental 
                         importance for a more accurate evaluation of the results. 
                         Therefore, we conclude that it is possible to develop 
                         methodologies, integrating the use of data from UAVs and orbital 
                         sensors data, which are capable of identifying characteristics of 
                         agricultural areas that can be applied to crop management.",
            committee = "Almeida, Cl{\'a}udia Maria de (presidente) and Kux, Hermann 
                         Johann Heinrich (orientador) and Breunig, F{\'a}bio Marcelo 
                         (orientador) and Sanches, Ieda Del'Arco and Pereira, Luiz 
         englishtitle = "Remote sensing by UAV and orbital in the study of sugarcane: 
                         volumetry and management zones",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "68",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34T/458LTA2",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34T/458LTA2",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "11 jun. 2024"
