
               author = "Baklanov, Alexander and Chew, Boon Ning and Frassoni, Ariane and 
                         Gan, Christopher and Goldammer, Johann and Keywood, Melita and 
                         Mangeon, St{\'e}phane and Manseau, Patrick M. and Pavlovic, 
          affiliation = "{World Meteorological Organization (WMO)} and {Meteorological 
                         Service Singapore (MSS)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (INPE)} and {Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS)} and 
                         {} and {Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)} and {Commonwealth 
                         Science and Industry Research Organisation} and {Environment and 
                         Climate Change Canada} and {Environment and Climate Change 
                title = "The WMO Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and 
                         Assessment System (VFSP-WAS): Concept, Current Capabilities, 
                         Research and Development Challenges and the Way Ahead",
              journal = "Biodiversidade Brasileira",
                 year = "2021",
               volume = "11",
               number = "2",
                pages = "179--201",
             keywords = "Fire and smoke pollution modeling, numerical weather prediction, 
                         atmospheric pollution observation, early warning system, Modelagem 
                         da polui{\c{c}}{\~a}o por fuma{\c{c}}a e fogo, previs{\~a}o 
                         meteorol{\'o}gica num{\'e}rica, , observa{\c{c}}{\~a}o da 
                         polui{\c{c}}{\~a}o atmosf{\'e}rica, sistemas de alerta 
             abstract = "Vegetation fires including the application of fire in land use, 
                         land-use change and uncontrolled wildfire affect the functioning 
                         of the Earth System and impose significant threats to public 
                         health and security. This paper presents the concept of a 
                         Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and 
                         Assessment System (VFSP-WAS). It describes the scientific 
                         rationale for the system and provides guidance for addressing the 
                         issues of vegetation fire and smoke pollution, including key 
                         research challenges. The paper proposes the establishment of 
                         VFSP-WAS regional centers and describes potential examples of this 
                         VFSP-WAS concept from two regions in (Southeast Asia and North 
                         America) where regional centers will partner with Regional Fire 
                         Monitoring/Fire Management Resource Centers. RESUMO: O fogo na 
                         vegeta{\c{c}}{\~a}o, incluindo a aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o do fogo 
                         no uso da terra e na mudan{\c{c}}a de uso da terra, assim como os 
                         inc{\^e}ndios florestais, afetam o funcionamento do sistema 
                         terrestre e imp{\~o}em amea{\c{c}}as significativas {\`a} 
                         sa{\'u}de e seguran{\c{c}}a p{\'u}blicas. Este documento 
                         apresenta o conceito de um Sistema de Avalia{\c{c}}{\~a}o e 
                         Alerta de Polui{\c{c}}{\~a}o causada por Fuma{\c{c}}a 
                         decorrente do Fogo na Vegeta{\c{c}}{\~a}o (VFSP-WAS, na sigla em 
                         ingl{\^e}s). Apresenta-se o fundamento cient{\'{\i}}fico do 
                         sistema e diretrizes para abordar as quest{\~o}es de fogo na 
                         vegeta{\c{c}}{\~a}o e polui{\c{c}}{\~a}o por fuma{\c{c}}a, 
                         indicando-se os principais desafios para a pesquisa. O artigo 
                         prop{\~o}e o estabelecimento de centros regionais VFSP-WAS e 
                         mostra exemplos potenciais do conceito VFSP-WAS em duas 
                         regi{\~o}es (sudeste da {\'A}sia e Am{\'e}rica do Norte), onde 
                         centros regionais VFSP-WAS trabalham em parceria com Centros 
                         Regionais de Monitoramento de Fogo/Manejo de fogo.",
                  doi = "10.37002/biobrasil.v11i2.1738",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.37002/biobrasil.v11i2.1738",
                 issn = "2236-2886",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "1738-Texto do Artigo-9489-1-10-20210506.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "11 jun. 2024"
