
               author = "Deienno, Rogerio",
                title = "Sat{\'e}lites de Saturno e Urano: estabilidade, captura e 
                         poss{\'{\i}}vel evolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o orbital - do LHB aos dias 
                         de hoje",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2014",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2014-03-10",
             keywords = "migra{\c{c}}{\~a}o planet{\'a}ria, sat{\'e}lites 
                         planet{\'a}rios, evolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o orbital, Saturno, Urano, 
                         planetary migration, planetary satellites, orbital evolution, 
                         Saturn, Uranus.",
             abstract = "No Modelo de Nice {\'e} aceito que os sat{\'e}lites regulares 
                         resistiram {\`a} migra{\c{c}}{\~a}o planet{\'a}ria sendo que 
                         os irregulares foram capturados durante a fase de instabilidade do 
                         Sistema Solar. Este problema foi exaustivamente estudado por 
                         n{\'o}s, em particular para o sistema de Urano (sat{\'e}lites 
                         equatoriais). O que se observou {\'e} que, qualitativamente e 
                         estatisticamente isso se verifica, no entanto, a 
                         configura{\c{c}}{\~a}o resultante, p{\'o}s 
                         migra{\c{c}}{\~a}o, apresenta inclina{\c{c}}{\~o}es e 
                         excentricidades, dif{\'{\i}}ceis de serem explicadas se 
                         comparadas com os valores atuais observados nos sat{\'e}lites 
                         regulares. Neste projeto daremos continuidade ao estudo feito em 
                         Urano, mas agora considerando que os sat{\'e}lites poderiam ter 
                         se formado no plano local de Laplace, e n{\~a}o no equador. 
                         Paralelamente, ser{\'a} feita a extens{\~a}o tamb{\'e}m para o 
                         planeta Saturno, visando um estudo comparativo dos sistemas de 
                         Urano e Saturno. Trabalhos recentes sugerem que a obliquidade de 
                         Saturno n{\~a}o seria primordial. Assim, tamb{\'e}m 
                         enfatizaremos o efeito da obliquidade de Saturno na din{\^a}mica 
                         de seus sat{\'e}lites (em especial Titan, Hyperion e Iapetus). 
                         Neste projeto tamb{\'e}m estuda-se alguns processos p{\'o}s 
                         migra{\c{c}}{\~a}o do Modelo de Nice que possibilitariam o 
                         decaimento das inclina{\c{c}}{\~o}es e das excentricidade de 
                         forma a reproduzir os valores reais de hoje (dado que, como dito 
                         acima, no mestrado encontramos configura{\c{c}}{\~o}es p{\'o}s 
                         migra{\c{c}}{\~a}o muito diferentes das atuais). ABSTRACT: In 
                         the Nice model is accepted that the regular satellites resisted to 
                         planetary migration and the irregulars were captured during the 
                         instability phase of the Solar System. Such problem was 
                         exhaustively studied by us, in particular to the system of Uranus 
                         (equatorial satellites). Was observed that, qualitatively and 
                         statistically, it verifies. However, the resulting configuration 
                         after the migration presents inclinations and eccentricities hard 
                         to be explained if compared with the current observed values of 
                         the regular satellites. In this project, we continue the study 
                         done in Uranus, but now, considering that the satellites could be 
                         formed on the local Laplace plane, not the equator. At the same 
                         time, will be also done the extension to planet Saturn, attempting 
                         to a comparative study of the systems of Uranus and Saturn. Recent 
                         works suggest that the obliquity of Saturn is not primordial. So, 
                         we will emphasize the effect of Saturns obliquity on the dynamics 
                         of its satellites as well (specially Titan, Hyperion, and 
                         Iapetus). Still in this project, we study some of the post 
                         migrational process of the Nice model that would make possible the 
                         decai of the orbital inclinations and eccentricities, in a such 
                         way to reproduce the current values.",
            committee = "Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de (presidente) and Prado, Antonio 
                         Fernando Bertachini de Almeida (orientador) and Yokoyama, Tadashi 
                         (orientador) and Nogueira, {\'E}rica Cristina and Gomes, Rodney 
                         da Silva and Winter, Silvia Maria Giuliatti",
         englishtitle = "Satellites of Saturn and Uranus: stability, capture, and possible 
                         orbital evolution - from LHB to current days",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "187",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP5W34M/3FQ7DLL",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP5W34M/3FQ7DLL",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "15 jun. 2024"
