
               author = "Ribeiro, B{\'a}rbara Abigail Ferreira",
                title = "Estudo de reconex{\~a}o magn{\'e}tica na magnetopausa terrestre 
                         utilizando dados do sat{\'e}lite polar",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2013",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2013-02-19",
             keywords = "reconex{\~a}o magn{\'e}tica, magnetopausa, taxa de 
                         reconex{\~a}o, magnetic reconnection, magnetopause, reconnection 
             abstract = "A reconex{\~a}o magn{\'e}tica {\'e} uma das formas mais 
                         importante de convers{\~a}o de energia magn{\'e}tica em calor e 
                         energia cin{\'e}tica das part{\'{\i}}culas para sistemas de 
                         plasma. Tal fen{\^o}meno ocorre por meio do encontro de dois 
                         sistemas de plasma diferentes com campos magn{\'e}ticos em 
                         dire{\c{c}}{\~o}es opostas, deste encontro surge uma 
                         mudan{\c{c}}a da topologia das linhas de campo. Por exemplo, 
                         {\'e} por meio da reconex{\~a}o magn{\'e}tica que o vento solar 
                         e a magnetosfera terrestre trocam massa, energia e momento. Este 
                         trabalho visa analizar alguns par{\^a}metros importantes da 
                         reconex{\~a}o magn{\'e}tica na magnetopausa terrestre, obtidos 
                         por meio de dados do Sat{\'e}lite Polar. Entre os par{\^a}metros 
                         que ser{\~a}o analisados est{\~a}o a dire{\c{c}}{\~a}o da 
                         linha-X, a taxa de reconex{\~a}o, o campo el{\'e}trico na 
                         dire{\c{c}}{\~a}o da linha-X e a velocidade de Alfven para os 
                         eventos de reconex{\~a}o selecionados. ABSTRACT: Magnetic 
                         reconnection is one of the most important energy conversion 
                         processes from magnetic energy into heat and kinetic energy in 
                         plasmas. Such a phenomenon occurs when two different plasma 
                         systems with oppositely directed magnetic fields encounter each 
                         other and change the topology of the magnetic field lines. For 
                         example, the solar wind and the Earth´s magnetosphere can exchange 
                         mass, energy and momentum mainly due to this processo This work 
                         aims to evaluate and analyze some key parameters associated with 
                         magnetic reconnection at the Earth´s magnetopause using data 
                         observed by the Polar satellite, i.e., direction of the modeled 
                         X-line, reconnection rate, electric field parallel to the X-line, 
                         and reconnection outflow (Alfv{\'e}n) velocity for the selected 
                         reconnection events.",
            committee = "Echer, Ezequiel (presidente) and Koga, Daiki (orientador) and 
                         Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez (orientador) and Cardoso, 
                         Fl{\'a}via Reis and Sim{\~o}es Jr., Fernando",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Study on Magnetic Reconnection at Earth's magnetopause using Polar 
             language = "pt",
                pages = "81",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP7W/3DHS92S",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP7W/3DHS92S",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "04 jun. 2024"
