
               author = "Odriozola, Siomel Savio",
                title = "Estudo de irregularidades do plasma ionosf{\'e}rico na 
                         regi{\~a}o entre as camadas E e F no setor brasileiro a partir de 
                         medidas de foguete",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2017",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2016-10-20",
             keywords = "ionosfera equatorial, irregularidades do plasma, sonda do Langmuir 
                         a bordo do foguete, densidade eletr{\^o}nica, temperatura 
                         eletr{\^o}nica, equatorial ionosphere, ionospheric plasma 
                         irregularities, Langmuir probe onboard a rocket, electronic 
                         density, electronic temperature.",
             abstract = "O estudo das irregularidades do plasma ionosf{\'e}rico na 
                         regi{\~a}o equatorial, tem contribu{\'{\i}}do para o 
                         entendimento espec{\'{\i}}fico de fen{\^o}menos da ionosfera 
                         nessa regi{\~a}o. Dentre os diferentes instrumentos que fazem 
                         medidas nesta parte da atmosfera, destacam-se aqueles a bordo de 
                         foguetes, pois realizam medi{\c{c}}{\~o}es in situ de 
                         importantes par{\^a}metros ionosf{\'e}ricos. Nesta tese, {\'e} 
                         feito um estudo das irregularidades do plasma da ionosfera 
                         equatorial sobre parte do territ{\'o}rio brasileiro, usando 
                         medidas do lan{\c{c}}amento do foguete a partir de Alc{\^a}ntara 
                         (2,4\$^{o}\$S, 44,4\$^{o}\$W, latitude dip 5,5\$^{o}\$S), 
                         Brasil, em 12 de dezembro do 2012 {\`a}s 19 h (hora local) em 
                         conjunto com medidas feitas com digissondas localizadas em 
                         S{\~a}o Lu{\'{\i}}s (2,6\$^{o}\$S, 44,2\$^{o}\$W, latitude 
                         dip 6\$^{o}\$S) e Fortaleza (3,9\$^{o}\$S, 38,4\$^{o}\$ W, 
                         latitude dip 14,9\$^{o}\$S), e imagens obtidas com o imageador 
                         tipo All-Sky instalado em S{\~a}o Jo{\~a}o do Cariri 
                         (7,4\$^{o}\$S, 36, 5\$^{o}\$ W, latitude dip 22, 
                         9\$^{o}\$S). Como resultados deste trabalho s{\~a}o obtidos os 
                         perfis com a altitude da densidade eletr{\^o}nica entre as 
                         camadas E (90 km) e F (at{\'e} 430 km); s{\~a}o estimados os 
                         perfis com a altura da temperatura eletr{\^o}nica na regi{\~a}o 
                         entre as camadas E e F (100 - 325 km); e {\'e} feita uma 
                         an{\'a}lise espectral das flutua{\c{c}}{\~o}es das medidas de 
                         densidade eletr{\^o}nica a diferentes alturas ao longo da 
                         trajet{\'o}ria do foguete. A principal contribui{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         desta tese {\'e} a detec{\c{c}}{\~a}o e 
                         carateriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de um tipo de irregularidade do plasma 
                         ionosf{\'e}rico pouco estudado e que n{\~a}o havia sido 
                         detectado at{\'e} agora com medi{\c{c}}{\~o}es in situ, e ainda 
                         sem uma denomina{\c{c}}{\~a}o apropriada na literatura 
                         cient{\'{\i}}fica. Estas irregularidades tinham sido detetadas 
                         at{\'e} agora por medidas de radares de espalhamento coerente na 
                         regi{\~a}o E e no vale entre as camadas E e F pr{\'o}ximo ao 
                         equador geomagn{\'e}tico. Elas se manifestaram como 
                         estria{\c{c}}{\~o}es quase peri{\'o}dicas dos ecos obtidos pelo 
                         radar. Al{\'e}m da an{\'a}lise dos dados, para uma melhor 
                         compreens{\~a}o deste fen{\^o}meno, foi feita uma 
                         simula{\c{c}}{\~a}o num{\'e}rica para entender a 
                         influ{\^e}ncia do campo el{\'e}trico de polariza{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         fora da bolha de plasma na gera{\c{c}}{\~a}o destas 
                         irregularidades. As simula{\c{c}}{\~o}es reproduzem 
                         aproximadamente as observa{\c{c}}{\~o}es e o perfil com a altura 
                         da densidade eletr{\^o}nica, sendo uma outra 
                         contribui{\c{c}}{\~a}o, de um ponto de vista te{\'o}rico, desta 
                         tese. ABSTRACT: The study of ionospheric plasma irregularities in 
                         the equatorial region, has contributed to the understanding of 
                         specific ionospheric phenomena in that region. Among the different 
                         instruments that measure this part of the atmosphere, those on 
                         board rockets are highlighted, as those carry out in-situ 
                         measurements of important ionospheric parameters. In this thesis, 
                         a study of plasma irregularities in the equatorial ionosphere over 
                         the Brazilian territory is made, using rocket measurements from 
                         Alc{\^a}ntara (2.4\$^{o}\$S, 44.4\$^{o}\$ W, dip latitude 
                         5.5\$^{o}\$S), Brazil, on December 12, 2012 at 19 h (local time) 
                         together with measurements made by Digisondes located at S{\~a}o 
                         Lu{\'{\i}}s (2.6\$^{o}\$S, 44.2\$^{o}\$W, dip latitude 
                         6\$^{o}\$ S) and Fortaleza (3.9\$^{o}\$S, 38.4\$^{o}\$W, dip 
                         latitude 14.9\$^{o}\$S), and images obtained with an All-Sky 
                         imager installed at S{\~a}o Jo{\~a}o do Cariri (7.4\$^{o}\$S, 
                         36.5\$^{o}\$ W, dip latitude 22.9\$^{o}\$S). As results of 
                         this work, the height profiles of electron density between the E 
                         (90 km) and F (up to 430 km) layers are obtained; the height 
                         profiles of electronic temperature in the region between the E and 
                         F layers (100 - 325 km) are estimated; and spectral analysis of 
                         the measured electron density fluctuations are made at different 
                         heights along the rocket trajectory. The main contribution of this 
                         thesis is the detection and characterization of a type of 
                         ionospheric plasma irregularity little studied and that had not 
                         been detected so far with in-situ measurements, and still without 
                         a proper denomination in the scientific literature. These 
                         irregularities have been detected, so far, by coherent backscatter 
                         radar measurements at E region and the valley between the E and F 
                         layers near the geomagnetic equator. This irregularities are 
                         observed as quasiperiodic striations of the echoes obtained by the 
                         radar. In addition to the data analysis for a better understanding 
                         of this phenomenon, a numerical simulation is carried out to 
                         understand the influence of the polarization electric field 
                         outside the plasma bubble (fringe field) in the generation of 
                         these irregularities. The simulations approximately reproduces the 
                         observations and the height profiles of electron density. This 
                         being another contribution, from a theoretical point of view, of 
                         this thesis.",
            committee = "Alves, Maria Virginia (presidente) and Pimenta, Alexandre Alvares 
                         (orientador) and Muralikrishna, Polinaya (orientador) and Paula, 
                         Eurico Rodrigues de and Borba, Gilvan Luiz and Nogueira, Paulo 
                         Alexandre Bronzato",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Study of ionosphere plasma irregularities in the region between E 
                         and F layers at the Brazilian sector from rocket-borne 
             language = "pt",
                pages = "250",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3MHF9DS",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3MHF9DS",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "15 jun. 2024"
