
               author = "Carmo, Carolina de Sousa do",
                title = "Estudo de irregularidades ionosf{\'e}ricas usando mapas de ROTI 
                         sobre a regi{\~a}o brasileira",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2022",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2022-02-24",
             keywords = "aeronomia equatorial, conte{\'u}do elet{\^o}nico total, clima 
                         espacial, irregularidades de plasma, efeito da atividade solar, 
                         equatorial aeronomy, total electron content, space weather, plasma 
                         irregularities, effect of solar activity.",
             abstract = "A ionosfera sobre o setor sul-americano, tal qual nos demais 
                         setores do globo, apresenta processos eletrodin{\^a}micos 
                         complexos devido {\`a} intera{\c{c}}{\~a}o da atmosfera neutra 
                         com a ionosfera condutora, que produz campos el{\'e}tricos e 
                         correntes el{\'e}tricas, afetando a sua din{\^a}mica. No 
                         entanto, a declina{\c{c}}{\~a}o magn{\'e}tica do equador de 
                         -20° confere a esta regi{\~a}o caracter{\'{\i}}sticas 
                         peculiares, tal como a modifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o da ocorr{\^e}ncia 
                         das bolhas de plasma. Adicionalmente, temos a Anomalia 
                         Magn{\'e}tica da Am{\'e}rica do Sul (AMAS) cuja presen{\c{c}}a 
                         e influ{\^e}ncia nos fen{\^o}menos ionosf{\'e}ricos ainda 
                         {\'e} pouco estudada. Quanto {\`a}s irregularidades, as linhas 
                         de campo geomagn{\'e}tico que acoplam as regi{\~o}es E e F 
                         equatoriais s{\~a}o respons{\'a}veis por diversos 
                         fen{\^o}menos, entre eles a sua gera{\c{c}}{\~a}o, que 
                         geralmente {\'e} associada com as bolhas de plasma. Estas 
                         irregularidades quando ocorrem ap{\'o}s o p{\^o}r do sol, 
                         s{\~a}o bem conhecidas, diferentemente daquelas que ocorrem no 
                         per{\'{\i}}odo pr{\'e}-amanhecer. Portanto, este trabalho de 
                         tese visa a realizar estudos de casos sobre as irregularidades 
                         ionosf{\'e}ricas pr{\'e}-amanhecer. E tamb{\'e}m, fazer um 
                         estudo estat{\'{\i}}stico das ocorr{\^e}ncias das bolhas de 
                         plasma que ocorreram no per{\'{\i}}odo de julho de 2014 a julho 
                         de 2015 (m{\'a}ximo solar) e entre julho de 2019 a julho de 2020 
                         (m{\'{\i}}nimo solar). O objetivo {\'e} detectar e caracterizar 
                         irregularidades ionosf{\'e}ricas no setor Brasileiro. A 
                         metodologia aplicada {\'e} baseada no uso de mapas do 
                         {\'{\i}}ndice da taxa de varia{\c{c}}{\~a}o do TEC (ROTI) com 
                         Multi-Global Sistema de navega{\c{c}}{\~a}o por sat{\'e}lite 
                         (GNSS), englobando dados de Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) 
                         e do Sistema de Navega{\c{c}}{\~a}o Global via Sat{\'e}lite 
                         Russo (GLONASS) e via sat{\'e}lite da Uni{\~a}o Europeia 
                         (Galileo). ABSTRACT: The ionosphere over the South American 
                         sector, as in other sectors of the globe, presents complex 
                         electrodynamic processes due to the interaction of the neutral 
                         atmosphere with the conductive ionosphere, which produces electric 
                         fields and electric currents, affecting its dynamics. However, the 
                         magnetic declination of the equator of -20° gives this region 
                         peculiar characteristics, such as modifying the occurrence of 
                         plasma bubbles. Additionally, the South American Magnetic Anomaly 
                         (AMAS) lies in this region, and its influence on ionospheric 
                         phenomena is still poorly studied. As for irregularities, the 
                         geomagnetic field lines that couple the equatorial E and F regions 
                         are responsible for several phenomena, including their generation, 
                         which are generally associated with plasma bubbles. These 
                         irregularities are well known when they occur after sunset, unlike 
                         those observed in the pre-dawn period. Therefore, this thesis aims 
                         to conduct case studies on pre-dawn ionospheric irregularities. 
                         Furthermore, we made a statistical study of the occurrences of 
                         plasma bubbles that occurred from July 2014 to July 2015 (solar 
                         maximum) and from July 2019 to July 2020 (solar minimum). The 
                         objective is to detect and characterize ionospheric irregularities 
                         in the Brazilian sector. The methodology applied is based on ROTI 
                         maps with Multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), 
                         including data from GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo.",
            committee = "Pimenta, Alexandre Alvares (presidente) and De Nardin, Clezio 
                         Marcos (orientador) and Figueiredo, Cosme Alexandre Oliveira 
                         Barros (orientador) and Takahashi, Hisao and Fagundes, Paulo 
                         Roberto and Nogueira, Paulo Alexandre Bronzato",
         englishtitle = "Study of ionospheric irregularities using ROTI maps on the 
                         brazilian region",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "112",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34T/46ET2BS",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34T/46ET2BS",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "28 jun. 2024"
