
               author = "Vasconcellos, Fernanda Cerqueira and Mattos Gava, Maria 
                         L{\'{\i}}via Lins and Sansigolo, Cl{\'o}vis Angeli",
          affiliation = "{Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Statistical analysis of the relationship between Quasi-Biennial 
                         Oscillation and Southern Annular Mode",
              journal = "Atmosfera",
                 year = "2022",
               volume = "35",
               number = "2",
                pages = "221--235",
             keywords = "Teleconnection patterns, wavelets, wave propagation.",
             abstract = "El Modo Anular del Sur (SAM) es un patr{\'o}n extratropical que 
                         influye en el clima de todo el hemisferio sur. Sin embargo, la 
                         variabilidad de este modo es un {\'a}rea de investigaci{\'o}n 
                         activa. La influencia de los modos de frecuencia m{\'a}s baja en 
                         SAM es un camino hacia un mejor conocimiento sobre este 
                         patr{\'o}n. La relaci{\'o}n entre la Oscilaci{\'o}n 
                         Cuasi-Bienal (QBO) y la contraparte de SAM en el Hemisferio Norte 
                         (Modo Anular del Norte) se ha abordado en trabajos anteriores. 
                         A{\'u}n as{\'{\i}}, pocos estudios se centran en la 
                         asociaci{\'o}n entre QBO y SAM. El objetivo de este trabajo fue 
                         evaluar la posible relaci{\'o}n QBO-SAM mediante an{\'a}lisis 
                         estad{\'{\i}}sticos. Esta asociaci{\'o}n se investig{\'o} 
                         comparando los {\'{\i}}ndices QBO y SAM, este {\'u}ltimo en 
                         diferentes niveles de la trop{\'o}sfera y la estrat{\'o}sfera, 
                         para el per{\'{\i}}odo 1981-2010. El an{\'a}lisis de ondeletas 
                         mostr{\'o} que los {\'{\i}}ndices SAM para la trop{\'o}sfera y 
                         la estrat{\'o}sfera presentaban variabilidad en muchas escalas, 
                         incluida una banda de dos aņos. La t{\'e}cnica de ondeletas 
                         cruzadas (cross-wavelets) entre QBO y SAM identific{\'o} que 
                         dicha relaci{\'o}n tiene una interacci{\'o}n compleja. Hubo una 
                         alta potencia com{\'u}n significativa alrededor de la banda de 
                         dos aņos, con rezagos que variaron durante el per{\'{\i}}odo 
                         analizado, incluido sin rezago. Un an{\'a}lisis adicional sin 
                         rezago confirm{\'o} estudios previos, lo que indica que la fase 
                         SAM negativa (positiva) es m{\'a}s frecuente para QBO del este 
                         (oeste). Sin embargo, esto no fue v{\'a}lido para todos los 
                         meses. Algunos an{\'a}lisis adicionales sugirieron que la 
                         propagaci{\'o}n de ondas ascendentes a la estrat{\'o}sfera para 
                         cada fase de QBO cambia el chorro estratosf{\'e}rico y, en 
                         consecuencia, la fase de SAM. ABSTRACT: The Southern Annular Mode 
                         (SAM) is an extratropical pattern that influences the climate of 
                         all Southern Hemisphere. However, the variability of this mode is 
                         an active area of research. The influence of lower frequency modes 
                         on SAM is a path to better knowledge about this pattern. The 
                         relationship between Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) and SAMs 
                         counterpart in the Northern Hemisphere (Northern Annular Mode) has 
                         been addressed by previous work. Still, few studies focus on the 
                         association between QBO and SAM. The goal of this work was to 
                         evaluate the possible QBO-SAM relationship through statistical 
                         analyses. This association was investigated by comparing QBO and 
                         SAM indices, the latter on different levels of the troposphere and 
                         stratosphere, for the 1981-2010 period. The wavelet analysis 
                         showed that the SAM indices for troposphere and stratosphere 
                         presented variability in many scales, including a two-year band. 
                         Cross-wavelets techniques between QBO and SAM ratified that this 
                         relation has a complex interaction. There was a significant common 
                         high power around the two-year band, with lags varying over the 
                         analyzed period, including no lag. Further analysis without lag 
                         confirmed previous studies, indicating that the negative 
                         (positive) SAM phase is more frequent for easterly (westerly) QBO. 
                         However, this was not valid for all months. Some additional 
                         analysis suggested that the upward wave propagation to the 
                         stratosphere for each QBO phase changes the stratospheric jet and, 
                         consequently, the SAM phase.",
                  doi = "10.20937/ATM.52910",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.20937/ATM.52910",
                 issn = "0187-6236",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "52910-Article Text-156086-1-10-20220214.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "29 jun. 2024"
