
               author = "Andrioli, Vania F{\'a}tima and Xu, Jiyao and Batista, Paulo Prado 
                         and Pimenta, Alexandre Alvares and Martins, Maria Paulete Pereira 
                         and Resende, Laysa Cristina Ara{\'u}jo and Savio, Siomel and 
                         Targon, Cristiane Godoy and Yang, Guotao and Jiao, Jing and Wang, 
                         Chi and Liu, Zhengkuan",
          affiliation = "{Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)} and {Chinese Academy of Science 
                         (CAS)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and 
                         {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 
                         (INPE)} and {Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)} and {Chinese 
                         Academy of Sciences (CAS)} and {Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)} 
                         and {Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)}",
                title = "C-structures in mesospheric NA and K layers and their relations 
                         with dynamical and convective instabilities",
                 year = "2022",
         organization = "COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 44.",
             abstract = "In the present work, we deeply analyzed the C-Structures Sporadic 
                         layers in the mesospheric metal layers, first using the data of a 
                         narrow band Sodium Density and Temperature LIDAR and second a 
                         high-resolution simultaneous Sodium and Potassium LIDAR, both 
                         operated at S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos, Brazil (23°S,46°W). We 
                         also used ionosonde for Es layer investigation and wind 
                         measurements from an all-sky interferometric meteor wind radar, 
                         both located at Cachoeira Paulista, a nearby location. From the 
                         first set of measurements, 82 nights of data from 2007 to 2008 
                         were analyzed and 3 C-type events were found. Convective and 
                         dynamic instabilities were investigated. All the events showed 
                         lower temperatures inside of C- Structures when compared to the 
                         borders. Besides, the squared Brunt-V{\"a}iss{\"a}l{\"a} 
                         frequency N² was not negative in the region of C-Structures, but 
                         their values were close to zero, which indicates a threshold to 
                         convective instability. All three cases showed strong wind shear 
                         in the altitude and time where C-Structures appeared. In 2 out 3 
                         cases dynamical instability was present ( Ri < 0.25). Ionospheric 
                         Es layers were also analyzed. The advection of a Sodium Cloud to 
                         the Na lidar station and a wind distortion seems to be the 
                         reasonable mechanism that can explain all the 3 C-Structures 
                         observed. We compared these results with the 9 simultaneous C-type 
                         events identified in Na and K layers with the Dual-beam Na-K LIDAR 
                         from 2017-2019, totalizing 185 nights. Since the characteristics 
                         of C-Structure in K and Na layers are very similar, the above 
                         mechanism can be used to explain C-type in Na and K layers.",
  conference-location = "Athens, Greece",
      conference-year = "16-24 July 2022",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "C1.1-0034-22-oral.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "06 jun. 2024"
