
               author = "Kunzler, Stefani dos Santos and Boiaski, Nathalie Tissot and 
                         Ferraz, Simone Teleginski and Herdies, Dirceu Lu{\'{\i}}s and 
                         Bresciani, Caroline",
          affiliation = "{Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)} and {Universidade 
                         Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)} and {Universidade Federal de Santa 
                         Maria (UFSM)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 
                         (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Variability of the Inflow at the Intraseasonal Scale and 
                         Relationship with Precipitation from the BAM Model",
                 year = "2022",
         organization = "American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 102.",
            publisher = "AMS",
             abstract = "One of the great concerns of the scientific community in the last 
                         decade concerns climate change and its consequences for humanity. 
                         The Brazilian hydric planning has faced constant challenges to 
                         guarantee supply and energy. In the various regions of the 
                         country, serious water shortages have been observed in recent 
                         years, due to the scarcity of rainfall, which has become more 
                         frequent and intense over the years. Due to its vast territorial 
                         extension and topographic complexity, Brazil has different 
                         precipitation regimes. From north to south we find a great 
                         variability of climates with distinct regional characteristics. 
                         Several meteorological phenomena of different temporal and spatial 
                         scales act over the country, regulating the precipitation regime 
                         of each region. Therefore, the study of changes in 
                         hydro-meteorological data time series is of extreme importance for 
                         the management of water resources. In this context, an analysis of 
                         the variability of the historical series of inflowing water flows 
                         of the main reservoirs in the country is fundamental for the 
                         understanding of the processes involved in drought episodes, in 
                         view of the significant impact that these oscillations can produce 
                         on Brazilian hydric planning. It is known that the variability of 
                         the flow in these reservoirs is closely related to the rainfall 
                         regime of each region, which in turn is influenced by climatic 
                         variability. Among the climatic variability stands out the 
                         Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) or 30-60-day Oscillation, which is 
                         a mode of intraseasonal climate variability that plays a key role 
                         in precipitation over much of South America. In addition, the 
                         phases of the MJO, reflect on other meteorological phenomena, so 
                         that they may intensify or weaken during its action. Based on this 
                         theme, the present work aims to analyze, quantify and predict the 
                         influence of MJO on precipitation and consequent hydro-energy 
                         variability in Brazil, considering the significant impact that 
                         these oscillations can produce on the economy of the country. In 
                         this way, we sought to determine what is the contribution of this 
                         oscillation to the variability of tributary flows, in the period 
                         from 1990 to 2016, data obtained through the National Water Agency 
                         (ANA), in order to contribute substantially to the improvement of 
                         hydroclimatic forecasts. After the identification of the extemos 
                         events of the historical series (positive and negative anomalies 
                         of affluent flow) the following analyses were carried out through 
                         the method of Wavelets, with the objective of identifying the 
                         intensity and the temporal scale of the most expressive phenomena 
                         acting in each reservoir of this study. Then a filter was applied 
                         on the Wavelets in order to highlight the intraseasonal scale 
                         (MJO) and smooth the interannual scale to identify what is the 
                         contribution of this phenomenon for each of the regions studied. 
                         Finally, in possession of these results, a comparison was made 
                         between them and the precipitation simulated by the Brazilian 
                         Global Atmospheric Model (BAM) for the same period, with the 
                         objective of analyzing the precipitation simulations and their 
                         influence on the levels of the country's water reservoirs. In view 
                         of this information, the analysis of BAM simulations will be of 
                         extreme importance in the comparison between simulations of 
                         precipitation and the levels of the reservoirs studied, which can 
                         contribute to the forecast and decision-making regarding the 
                         management of water resources and thus efficiently improve 
                         administration and investments throughout the sector, reducing the 
                         degree of vulnerability currently faced by the country.",
  conference-location = "Houston, Texas",
      conference-year = "23-27 jan. 2022",
             language = "en",
                  ibi = "QABCDSTQQW/468R6QB",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/QABCDSTQQW/468R6QB",
           targetfile = "EGU22-8807-print.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "29 jun. 2024"
