
               author = "Ricci, M{\'a}rio Cesar",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "On the Stribeck's Numbers in Radially Loaded Rolling Element 
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2022",
         organization = "Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mec{\^a}nica, 
             keywords = "rolamento, n{\'u}mero de Stribeck, carga radial, rolling element 
                         bearing, Stribeck’s number, radial load.",
             abstract = "Stribeck investigou a distribui{\c{c}}{\~a}o de cargas nos 
                         elementos rolantes de um rolamento de esferas carregado 
                         radialmente e descobriu que a carga m{\'a}xima da esfera poderia 
                         ser obtida multiplicando a carga m{\'e}dia por 4,37, para folga 
                         interna zero. Esse valor passou a ser conhecido como Constante ou 
                         N{\'u}mero de Stribeck e {\'e} utilizado at{\'e} hoje para 
                         dimensionamento de rolamentos. Mais tarde, Palmgren afirmou que, 
                         para rolamentos de rolos com folga interna zero, o N{\'u}mero de 
                         Stribeck {\'e} 4,08. Esse trabalho mostra como foram obtidas as 
                         Constantes de Stribeck e que s{\~a}o aproxima{\c{c}}{\~o}es do 
                         limite da rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre a carga no elemento mais 
                         carregado e a carga m{\'e}dia, quando o n{\'u}mero de elementos 
                         rolantes no mancal tende para o infinito. Tamb{\'e}m {\'e} 
                         mostrado que o erro ao adotar o valor 4,08 para a Constante de 
                         Stribeck, que representa o n{\'u}mero que deve ser multiplicado 
                         pela carga radial externa m{\'e}dia para obter a carga radial 
                         m{\'a}xima do rolo, {\'e} 55,6 vezes maior que ao adotar o valor 
                         4,37 para a Constante de Stribeck, que representa o n{\'u}mero 
                         que deve ser multiplicado pela carga radial externa m{\'e}dia 
                         para obter a carga radial m{\'a}xima da esfera. ABSTRACT: 
                         Stribeck investigated the loads distribution on the rolling 
                         elements of a radially loaded ball bearing and found that the 
                         maximum ball load could be found multiplying the medium load by 
                         4.37, for zero internal clearance. This number came to be known as 
                         Stribecks Constant or Number and its still used today for bearing 
                         sizing. Later, Palmgren stated that the theoretical value of 
                         Stribeck's Constant for roller bearings with zero internal 
                         clearance is 4.08. This work shows how the Stribecks Constants 
                         were found, which are approximations of the limits of the ratios 
                         between the load on the most heavily loaded element and the medium 
                         load, when the number of rolling elements in the bearing tends to 
                         infinity. Its also shown that the error when adopting the value 
                         4.08 for the Stribecks Constant, which represents the number that 
                         must be multiplied by the medium external radial load to obtain 
                         the maximum radial roller load, is 55.6 times greater than when 
                         adopting the value 4.37 for the Stribecks Constant, which 
                         represents the number that must be multiplied by the medium 
                         external radial load to obtain the maximum radial ball load.",
  conference-location = "Santa Maria, RS",
      conference-year = "09-13 maio 2022",
                label = "lattes: 2822371088161104 1 Ricci:2022:StNuRa",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "Template COBEM 2007.pdf",
                  url = "https://abcm.org.br/proceedings/view/CRE2022/0115",
        urlaccessdate = "28 jun. 2024"
