
               author = "Costa, Saulo Barros",
                title = "Extreme precipitation events on the east coast of Brazil’s 
                         Northeast: observational, numerical, and diagnostic analysis",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2023",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2022-11-10",
             keywords = "WRF configurations, weather analyses, natural disasters, 
                         configura{\c{c}}{\~o}es do WRF, an{\'a}lise de tempo, desastres 
             abstract = "The Northeast of Brazil (NEB) is the region with the highest 
                         number of municipal decrees of emergency declarations caused by 
                         weather events in the period from 2013 to 2022 and with the 
                         highest rate of natural disasters per risk area. In the NEB, the 
                         city of Recife and its metropolitan region are the biggest 
                         localities with populations in risk areas. Focusing on this 
                         region, three years of natural disaster alert issuance data, from 
                         2017 to 2019, were used to analyze and characterize severe 
                         rainfall events in the eastern state of Pernambuco. The disaster 
                         records could be grouped into 24 extreme severe weather systems 
                         that were analyzed in detail with satellite, weather model, radar, 
                         and rain gauge data. Among the natural disaster events analyzed, 
                         four events of extreme precipitation were chosen for simulations 
                         with the WRF model in high resolution (2.5 km) and diagnostics 
                         analyses. First, a set of configurations of the model was tested, 
                         including 11 microphysics (MPH) schemes, 9 planetary boundary 
                         layer (PBL) schemes, 6 cumulus (CUM), and 5 surface (SFC) schemes. 
                         Then, through diagnostic analysis, the conditional instability, 
                         the moisture supply at low levels, and the support of the medium 
                         and high levels in storm formation were verified. The 
                         observational analysis indicated that the warnings were 
                         concentrated during the rainy season and in a narrow coastal belt. 
                         The main systems responsible for the heavy precipitation were the 
                         ITCZ and high pressure on the surface that blocked the trade winds 
                         and favored convection. Small-sized multicell were the types of 
                         radar reflectivity cores lasting longer than 24 hours that caused 
                         the heaviest rainfall in the region. The models configurations 
                         were verified by 298 rain gauges with hourly registrations through 
                         statistical metrics such as bias, MSE, standard deviation, and 
                         Pearsons correlation, and demonstrated that the MPH schemes of 
                         Thompson Aerosol-Aware and NSSL + CCN, ACM2, MYJ for the PBL, 
                         KFCuP for CUM, and RUC for SFC were considered the best. All the 
                         cases were better with CUM parametrizations turned on. In all 
                         cases, diagnostics analyses highlighted the strong moisture flux 
                         convergence at the low levels, the presence of wind shear on the 
                         middle layer, weak cyclonic vorticity advection at high levels, 
                         and CAPE values around 1500 J/kg, in addition to an inverse 
                         relationship between wind shear action and CAPE values. This work 
                         is part of the national strategy for monitoring, diagnosing, and 
                         modeling information that can minimize or even prevent damage 
                         caused by severe precipitation events. RESUMO: O Nordeste do 
                         Brasil (NEB) {\'e} a regi{\~a}o com maior n{\'u}mero de 
                         decretos municipais de emerg{\^e}ncia causados por eventos 
                         meteorol{\'o}gicos no per{\'{\i}}odo de 2013 a 2022 e com a 
                         maior taxa de desastres naturais por {\'a}rea de risco. No NEB, a 
                         cidade de Recife e sua regi{\~a}o metropolitana s{\~a}o as 
                         maiores localidades com popula{\c{c}}{\~a}o em {\'a}reas de 
                         risco. Com foco sobre essa regi{\~a}o, tr{\^e}s anos de dados de 
                         envio de alertas de desastres naturais, de 2017 a 2019, foram 
                         usados para analisar e caracterizar eventos de chuva severa no 
                         leste do estado de Pernambuco. Os registros de desastres puderam 
                         ser agrupados em 24 casos de sistemas de tempo severo que foram 
                         analisados em detalhes com dados de sat{\'e}lite, de modelo, de 
                         radar e de pluvi{\^o}metros. Entre os eventos de desastres 
                         naturais analisados, quatro ventos de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         extrema foram escolhidos para simula{\c{c}}{\~o}es com o modelo 
                         WRF com alta resolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o (2,5 km) e an{\'a}lises 
                         diagn{\'o}sticas. Primeiro, um conjunto de 
                         configura{\c{c}}{\~o}es do modelo foram testadas, incluindo 11 
                         esquemas de microf{\'{\i}}sica (MPH), 9 esquemas de camada 
                         limite planet{\'a}ria (PBL), 6 esquemas de cumulus (CUM) e 5 
                         esquemas de superf{\'{\i}}cie (SFC). Em seguida, atrav{\'e}s 
                         das an{\'a}lises diagn{\'o}sticas, a instabilidade condicional, 
                         o fornecimento de umidade em baixos n{\'{\i}}veis e o suporte de 
                         m{\'e}dio e altos n{\'{\i}}veis na forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o das 
                         tempestades foram verificados. As an{\'a}lises observacionais 
                         indicaram que os alertas se concentraram durante a 
                         esta{\c{c}}{\~a}o chuvosa e na estreita faixa litor{\^a}nea. Os 
                         principais sistemas respons{\'a}veis pelas fortes 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~o}es foram a ZCIT e uma alta press{\~a}o na 
                         superf{\'{\i}}cie respons{\'a}vel pelo bloqueio dos ventos 
                         al{\'{\i}}sios e favorecer a convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o. 
                         Multic{\'e}lulas de tamanho pequeno foram os tipos de 
                         n{\'u}cleos de refletividade de radar com dura{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         superior a 24 horas que mais causaram chuvas fortes na 
                         regi{\~a}o. As configura{\c{c}}{\~o}es do modelo foram 
                         verificadas atrav{\'e}s de 298 pluvi{\^o}metros com registros 
                         hor{\'a}rios de chuva atrav{\'e}s de m{\'e}tricas 
                         estat{\'{\i}}sticas como o vi{\'e}s, MSE, desvio padr{\~a}o e 
                         a correla{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Pearson e demonstraram que os esquemas 
                         de MPH de Thompson Aerosol-Aware e NSSL + CCN, de PBL ACM2 e MYJ, 
                         KFCuP para CUM e RUC para SFC foram considerados os melhores. 
                         Todos os casos foram melhores com a parametriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 
                         CUM ligada. Em todos os casos, as an{\'a}lises diagn{\'o}sticas 
                         destacaram a forte converg{\^e}ncia do fluxo de umidade em baixos 
                         n{\'{\i}}veis, a presen{\c{c}}a de cisalhamento do vento na 
                         m{\'e}dia camada, fraca advec{\c{c}}{\~a}o de vorticidade 
                         cicl{\^o}nica em altos n{\'{\i}}veis e valores de CAPE em torno 
                         de 1500 J/kg, al{\'e}m de uma rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o inversa entre o 
                         cisalhamento do vento e os valores de CAPE. Esse trabalho se 
                         insere dentro da estrat{\'e}gia nacional de monitoramento, 
                         diagn{\'o}stico e modelagem de informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es que podem 
                         minimizar ou at{\'e} mesmo prevenir danos causados por eventos de 
                         chuva severa.",
            committee = "Herdies, Dirceu Luis (presidente/orientador) and Gon{\c{c}}alves, 
                         Luis Gustavo Gon{\c{c}}alves de and Rivero, Silvio Nilo Figueroa 
                         and Dias, Pedro Leite da Silva and Barros, Helber Gomes and Souza, 
                         Diego Oliveira de",
         englishtitle = "Eventos de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o extrema na costa leste do 
                         Nordeste do Brasil: an{\'a}lise observacional, num{\'e}rica e 
             language = "en",
                pages = "99",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34T/47T8KPS",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34T/47T8KPS",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "15 jun. 2024"
