
               author = "Tavares, Priscila da Silva",
                title = "Um estudo observacional da incurs{\~a}o de sistemas frontais no 
                         nordeste brasileiro e sua influ{\^e}ncia na atmosfera do Centro 
                         de Lan{\c{c}}amento de Alc{\^a}ntara (CLA)",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2008",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2008-04-03",
             keywords = "sistemas frontais, Centro de Lan{\c{c}}amento de Alc{\^a}ntara 
                         (CLA), observacional, climatologia, frontal systems, Alcantara 
                         Lauching Center (ALC), observational, climatology.",
             abstract = "Neste trabalho, realizou-se um estudo observacional do padr{\~a}o 
                         sin{\'o}tico configurado, sobre a Am{\'e}rica do Sul (AS) e os 
                         Oceanos Atl{\^a}ntico Sul (OAS) e Pac{\'{\i}}fico Sul (OPS), em 
                         eventos de SFs que atingiram o litoral do Nordeste Brasileiro 
                         (NEB), em latitudes ao norte 17°S, e provocaram intensa 
                         nebulosidade na regi{\~a}o do Centro de Lan{\c{c}}amento de 
                         Alc{\^a}ntara (CLA). Selecionaram-se sete eventos para 
                         an{\'a}lise sin{\'o}tica, os quais abrangeram todas as 
                         esta{\c{c}}{\~o}es do ano. Estes foram analisados desde a sua 
                         incurs{\~a}o no sul do Brasil at{\'e} sua m{\'a}xima 
                         incurs{\~a}o no pa{\'{\i}}s, buscando identificar os 
                         poss{\'{\i}}veis mecanismos sin{\'o}ticos que favoreceram os 
                         seus deslocamentos. Em seguida, investigou-se a influ{\^e}ncia do 
                         SF, na atmosfera do CLA, atrav{\'e}s da an{\'a}lise dos 
                         par{\^a}metros meteorol{\'o}gicos de superf{\'{\i}}cie. Da 
                         an{\'a}lise sin{\'o}tica, verificou-se a ocorr{\^e}ncia de 
                         ciclog{\^e}nese {\`a} superf{\'{\i}}cie, geralmente ocorrida 
                         na costa leste do Rio Grande do Sul. Sobre os OPS e OAS, 
                         observaram-se valores de PNM na regi{\~a}o da Alta Subtropical do 
                         Pac{\'{\i}}fico Sul (ASPS) mais intenso que na regi{\~a}o da 
                         Alta Subtropical do Atl{\^a}ntico Sul (ASAS) e seus deslocamentos 
                         para leste. Na maioria dos eventos, a ASPS adentrou o sul da AS, 
                         pr{\'o}ximo de 40°S, favorecendo anticiclog{\^e}nese, geralmente 
                         sobre a parte norte/central da Argentina. O anticiclone formado 
                         sobre o continente se intensificou e continuou a deslocar para 
                         leste, favorecendo o avan{\c{c}}o do SF. Em m{\'e}dios e altos 
                         n{\'{\i}}veis, ocorreu a amplifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o do cavado 
                         frontal associado ao sistema em superf{\'{\i}}cie, o qual se 
                         acentuou meridionalmente e se estendeu desde as latitudes 
                         m{\'e}dias (55°S) at{\'e} os tr{\'o}picos, propiciando em 
                         alguns eventos a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o de um v{\'o}rtice 
                         cicl{\^o}nico (subtropical). Em altos n{\'{\i}}veis, o Jato 
                         Subtropical (JS) apresentou-se fraco e constatou-se nos eventos de 
                         ver{\~a}o e primavera austral, a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o do 
                         V{\'o}rtice Cicl{\^o}nico em Altos N{\'{\i}}veis (VCAN), que 
                         atuam nas proximidades do NEB, apenas nos dias finais do evento. 
                         Com a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o destes VCANs, os SFs permaneceram 
                         semi-estacion{\'a}rios no NEB contribuindo para a 
                         forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o da Zona de Converg{\^e}ncia do 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico Sul (ZCAS). Al{\'e}m de ter sido observado 
                         tamb{\'e}m, no dia da incurs{\~a}o destes eventos no sul do 
                         Brasil, fraca intensidade dos SFs os quais posteriormente se 
                         intensificaram nas proximidades dos estados de Minas Gerais/MG e 
                         Rio de Janeiro/RJ, pela intera{\c{c}}{\~a}o com restos de outro 
                         SF presente sobre a regi{\~a}o. Na atmosfera do CLA, notou-se que 
                         a press{\~a}o atmosf{\'e}rica e a umidade relativa caem, com a 
                         incurs{\~a}o do SF no NEB e depois aumentam, com deslocamento 
                         dele na regi{\~a}o. A temperatura do ar apresenta um aumento com 
                         a chegada, depois decresce com a perman{\^e}ncia e volta a 
                         aumentar ap{\'o}s a passagem do SF. A velocidade do vento aumenta 
                         com a incurs{\~a}o, e depois diminui com o deslocamento do SF. Na 
                         maioria dos eventos ocorreram precipita{\c{c}}{\~o}es em 
                         Alc{\^a}ntara. ABSTRACT: In this work, an observational synoptic 
                         configuration pattern study was performed over the South America 
                         (SA) and in the South Atlantic (SAO) and South Pacific Oceans 
                         (SPO), in events of Frontal Systems (FSs) that reached the 
                         Brazilian northeast coast and created an intense cloudiness in the 
                         region of the Alc{\^a}ntara Launching Center (ALC). Seven cases 
                         were selected, during all seasons of the year. They were analyzed 
                         since its incursion on south of Brazil until its maximum incursion 
                         in the country seeking to identify the possible synoptic 
                         mechanisms that favored its motion. After that, the FS influence 
                         was investigated, in the ALC atmosphere, through the 
                         meteorological surface parameters analysis. It was noted an 
                         incidence of cyclogenesis in the surface, commonly noticed in the 
                         Rio Grande do Suls east coast. About the SAO and SPO, it was 
                         noticed values of sea level pressure (SLP) in the region South 
                         Pacific Subtropical High (SPSH) more intense than in the South 
                         Atlantic Subtropical High (SASH) and its movements to east. In 
                         most events, the SPSH enter the south of the SA, around 40°S, 
                         favouring anticyclogenesis, usually located in the north/central 
                         of Argentina. The anticyclone formed on the continent has expanded 
                         and continued the movement to east, contributing to the 
                         advancement of FS. In middle and high levels, happened the 
                         amplification of the frontal rough associated to surface systems, 
                         which it was intensified meridionaly and extended from middle 
                         latitudes (55°S) until the tropics, and some of them providing the 
                         formation of a cyclonic vortex (subtropical). In high levels, the 
                         Subtropical Jet (SJ) presented week and was noticed in events of 
                         summer and austral spring, the formation of Upper Troposphere 
                         Cyclonic Vortex (UTCV), that act close to Northeast Brazil (NEB), 
                         only in the later days of the event. With this VCANs formation, 
                         the SFs stayed stationary in the NEB contributing to the formation 
                         of South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ). Besides it has been 
                         also observed in the day of this incursions of this events in the 
                         south of Brazil, weak intensity of SFs was lately intensified in 
                         the boundaries of the States Minas Gerais/MG and Rio de 
                         Janeiro/RJ, because of the interaction with lefts of another SF 
                         present in the region. In the CLA atmosphere, we can notice that 
                         the atmosphere pressure and relative humidity falls, with the 
                         incursion of the NEBs FS and after they raises, with its movement 
                         through the region. The air temperature presented a little 
                         increase from the NEBs incursion, decrease with permanence and 
                         increasing returns after FSs passage. The wind velocity increases 
                         lightly with the incursion, and then decreases with the FS's 
                         movement. In the most of events of precipitations happened in 
            committee = "Fisch, Gilberto Fernando (presidente) and Moscati, Marley 
                         Cavalcante de Lima (orientadora) and Marques, Rosa de F{\'a}tima 
                         Cruz (orientadora) and Gan, Manoel Alonso and Santos, Isimar de 
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Observacional study of the incursion on frontal systems on 
                         northeast Brazil and its influence in the atmosphere of the 
                         Alcantara Launching Center (CLA)",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "152",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGPBW/3366SSS",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGPBW/3366SSS",
        urlaccessdate = "30 jun. 2024"
